The Relationship Hangover

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I woke up the next day in my bed. The only difference was this bed was soft. I was at my flat. How'd I get here? I rubbed my forehead. I had a huge headache. I looked for my phone. I couldn't find it anywhere. I got up and walked down stairs. The charger was plugged into the outlet in the kitchen. My phone was hooked up. The screen was cracked and the case was scratched. I heard a low cry. It soon got louder. I walked back up stairs into Lux's room. There she was in her little white crib crying. I looked around the room. In the Brown rocking chair was Lou. She was sleeping. I picked up Lux and held her. "Sh. Sh. Sh. Its ok baby I'm here. Sh." I cooed rocking her in my arms. She was soon back asleep and I put her back into the crib. I walked into the bathroom down the hall and looked in the mirror. I looked like crap. My hair was all knotted and tangled my face was puffy and my arms were scratched up. "Oh good your awake." Lou said standing in the door way. I jumped. "Yeah." I said in a low whisper. "I promised Niall and Lottie I would stay with you last night. That and I have to take you to the photo shoot thats in 30 minutes. Get dress." She said rubbing her eyes. She looked tired.

I walked into my room which was the master bedroom. The walls were black and white. I looked above my bed at the picture of me and Louis. It was taken on his birthday last year. Everything that happen last night came flooding back. The fight, the homeless guy, the paparazzi and Niall coming to save me. The tears came and once they came they wouldn't stop. I wiped them away. I walked over to the closet and got out a striped tank and red shorts. I went to the bathroom to change.

I walked done stairs to get me phone and saw Lou standing next to the door with Lux in her car seat. "I'll be in the car." She said. I grabbed my phone and saw I have six new messages. One from Cameron, my ex who now lives in California with his cousin. Two from Jenna, Cam's cousin. Two from Niall and one from Jessica. I read them over.

"Hey r u ok babe?" Cam

"I saw what happen are you ok?" & "Char I'm here for you I hope you know that." Jenna

"Sorry for just ditching you like that." & "I love you Char. I hope you know that. I have lawyers working on a lawsuit for you. Nialler xx." Niall

"Charlotte we've haven't talked in about a week I know but what happen was horrible and wrong and I want you to know I'm here for you." Jessica

I locked my phone and slipped it into my back left pocket. I walked outside to Lou's care and got in the passenger side. "Thanks." I said. She smiled and looked at me. "I'm here for you." she replied. The ride to the photo shoot was peaceful and calm. We didn't talk. I rolled my window down and felt the morning air hit my face. The birds chirpped and the sun shone brightly. Lets hope everything goes well. Half way there I got my phone out and tweeted "HARRY YOUR ASS BETTER BE AT THE PHOTO SHOOT I'M BEING DRAGGED TO!!" But of course I got no reply. We pulled up to the studio. I got Lux from the back and Lou got her stuff from the trunk. As I walked through the door I got pounded with hugs from Lottie,Niall and Jessica. "Whoa! Careful I have a child in my arms." I said. Jessica and Lottie let go but Niall wouldn't budge. "I love you Char I feel as thigh its my fault this happen." He said before moving. Louis walked in the door and we made eye contact. He was staring at me and his eyes where filled with hate and guilt. I looked away and went to sit next to Jessica.

while Zayn was getting his single shots done the studio door opened. In walked the one and only Harry Styles. Every stared. We were all thinking the same thing. Where the hell have your been Mr. Styles


I felt horrible about leaving her like that last night. But she kinda deserved it, I mean she goes behind my back with my best friend. "Louis over here." Joe Delone, the photographer, called me over. Charlotte was standing next to him with Lux on her hip. She rolled her eyes as I walked over there. "Yeah?" I asked. "I want you and Charlotte to take some pictures together since you two are engaged." As soon as he said that Charlotte was about to scream. I looked at her and just stared. "What?" he asked confused. "Nothing we said. "Good so go get changed Charlotte and we'll call you when we're ready." he said. "Fine by me." she replied sweetly. She looked at me and her eyes were filled with sadness, betrayal and confusion. I didn't like seeing her that way. I turned and walked in the other direction.


I walked over to Lou and sat in the chair in front of her. "Sorry babes." she said, probably seeing the look in my eyes. "Its ok." I said. I looked down at Lux who was sitting on my lap playing with my keys. My phone rang and Jessica brought it over to me. "Its Jenna." she said handing it to me. "Thanks." I replied. "Hello." I answered. "Oh thank god your ok!! Why the hell haven't you been answering me?! I was scared!" she yelled. I flinched. "Sorry!" I yelled back. Lux looked at me and giggled. I smiled. "Char, could you please stop moving." Lou asked politely. "Ya sure. sorry." I said placing my hand over the speaker. "Earth to Charlotte!!! When are you going to visit?" Jen whined. "Soon." I said. "Hey me and Cam are gonna text ya later." She said. I was just about to reply but she hung up. "Charlotte we need you to get changed." Joe yelled. he wasn't too bad looking he had a little scruffy beard and kinda smelt a little bit like vodka. It didn't phase me too much. I got up to go change with Lux still in my arms. I sat her down on the couch next the the "dressing room" I grabbed the clothes hanging on the door and walked in. When I came out everyone was staring at me. I didn't even know what I did. "There's a guy named Michael on the phone for you." Lottie said. I ran and quickly grabbed the phone. "Hello!?" I asked frantic. "Where's that motherf-" " Everything's ok." I said cutting him off. "He left you on the street after and didn't even apologize if I have to I will go over there and kick his ass. Char your not one to be forceful. I just want to help you and if it causes me to beat the shit out of someone I will." He said. That was topical Michael. He was always trying to protect me and Jen even if he was in San Diego and I was in Mullingar. "Ok fine I'll text Cam and Jen later. I already talked to her." I replied. I heard him let out a sigh. "I just- you know- its hard when you and Cam don't go out anymore and I want to protect you and keep you safe but can't do anything." He sounded frustrated. "GOD! I just don't want anything to happen to you! I try so hard to- to- to just fucking be a- a good guy and all I'm doing is breaking the band apart and ruining lives." What he just said struck me in the heart. "You don't ruin lives. Remember when you stayed with Jen for a whole month after the whole thing with you know who." He was quite on the other line. "She's not fully recovered. I hear her crying at night. It was on her birthday too, so that doesn't make it any better." "I know. Just remember if there's somethings wrong I'll call." I said. "Promise?" He asked. "Pink purple promise." I said smiling. "Ok that make makes me feel better." "Hey I gotta go. I was dragged to a photo shoot and I have got get my shots done." I said. "Ok talk to ya later Char Cherry." "Bye" I hung up. every stared and Louis gave me a look that said "your off the hook for that one phone call." he knew what it was about. But the others didn't.

The photo shoot was so awkward between me and Louis. I couldn't help but let a tear fall while the Joe wasn't looking. "Ok so while the shots I took were fine I want more. I your love to radiate." I tensed up a bit. "Its fine I think we can manage it." Louis said. I relaxed after he said that. "Ok s give me happy lovey dovey couple." Joe said as he started clicking away. Every time a flash when off I thought of last night. I smiled and hugged Louis laughing and giggling. "Very good." Joes said. As soon as he took the last shot I let out a sigh of relief. "That was great!" Joe exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and walked over to sit with Jessica. "Everything will me fine. He just needs time." She assured me. Lets hope its not too long. I thought. I went back to the dressing room and changed. When I got back out Louis was on my phone. He looked up and saw me. "Sorry I was just checking my Twitter." He kinda half smiled. I pulled him out side. "Lou," I started. "Just listen for a second." He said cutting me off. I nodded. "We are not breaking this off. what we are doing is just a little break." he said. it wasn't forced just calm. "Ok I just want you to know that I love you." I said.

Instead of going home with Lou I when bad to the hotel with Louis. I stayed there the whole day knowing the next day I have to pic up Fizzy from the airport. That night Louis slept in the other bed. I woke up early the next morning and took a long shower. I walked out the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I bumped into Louis almost knocking my self over but he caught me. I walked over to "my" bed and got some shorts and one of Louis' shirts. I grabbed a bra and some panies. I heard the shower then on. I started changing when the room door opened. He came up behind me and clipped my bra together. "Thanks I said. His hand gently touched my shoulder and it instantly sent chills down my spine. I had an hour before I had to go get Fizzy and I really want to go meet done fans. I walked out side and got hit with tons of questions. But they were all from fans. "Charlotte may I have your autograph?" Someone asked. I smiled and said yes. "Thank you so much!" they exclaimed. I laughe at how much they love me. Soon it was 12 o'clock and I had to go. "I'm sorry ill be back later promise." I said calling a taxi.

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