Love You Too?

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I walked into the lobby and clicked the elevator button. The ding scared the crap out of me. I walked in. I was in the elevator alone and very happy. What has Louis planned. I got off at the fifth floor and walked to the second door on the left. Room 5B. I knocked. The opened slowly. "Lou?" I called. I pushed open the door. It opened to a bed full of pink rose petals. I gasped covering my mouth with my hands. Louis arrows out from the bathroom in a black tux. "Charlotte, we met last year on your birthday. July 23rd. Which is also the bands anniversary. You showed me what love really meant. You made my family happy. My sisters look up to you as a big sister or even a second mom. Everyone loves you and even the haters hate on you because they can't be you. You've made me happy! I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend." He said. By this time the tears were flooding from my eyes. "I love you Lou! I always have and always will. If only you knew how much you mean to me and how much I hated myself for keeping that secret from you. I know you'll never leave me. I don't care how long it'll take for you to propose! I don't want to rush you into anything." I said my voice cracking every time I said a feeling I've had. "You don't get it. I don't care about Niall and Lottie if she's happy I'm happy. I care about where this relationship is going and right now its going straight to hell. I've tried playing it cool. I look like a fool. I'll take a bullet for you. I want us to stay together forever until the end of time." He ran and grabbed me into one of his Tommo hugs. I cried into his chest and stood in his arms.

Louis picked me up and layed ne on the bed gently. I smelt the rose petals as they tangled in my hair. He layed down next to me and held me there. "I found god on the corner of First and Almestad," He started singing you found me by The Fray. He played in my hair as he continued to sing. "You found me..." sang ending the song. I chuckled silently to myself knowing I'll be with him forever. "I am not a robot." I say commenting lyrics to Marina and The Diamonds' I Am Not A Robot. "I am human." He replied. "I'm going am going to miss this. You know? Just laying together talking or singing to each other for no reason. Just because we love each other." I said. "So we're weird your saying?" He questioned. "Yes." I reply laughing. "Today why don't we go to the amusement park?" he questioned. "I'd like that. if only I mas something to wear." I said. I honestly had nothing but what I wore yesterday. "That's why you're missing some clothes." He winked. "LOUIS! Your the one that room that!" I yelled playfully hitting him. "No.. " he said looking around the room. "What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "7:30." he said as if he said that on a daily bases. "Should we get ready?" I questioned. "Ya. ill order room service." he said lightly kissing me before begging up. "Forgetting something?" I asked. "Nope!" He said grabbing the hotels menu.

I got up and walked over to his suitcase. I unzipped it and went through it trying to done my clothes. All I found was his phone charger. some of his where and pants some suppenders and a note. It was from Louis to The girl in the red suppeders. I unfolded the notes ad read it

Dear the girl with the red suppenders,

I don't know if I'll see you again. I think I've fallen for you, hard. the way your curly dirty blonde hair falls perfectly with out you trying or you gorgeous blue eyes that make me feel like I'm lost in a clear look of gorgeousness. I don't even know who you are. you sign said I love and support your Niall. You've been on The X Factor. I just know we'll be perfect together. If only I said something when you smiled. I love and I don't even know you. I hope one day you read this.


Louis William Tomlinson xxx.

I put the note back. He loved me before he knew me. He loved me. I smiled to myself. I continue to look through his stuff until I found the Apple Bottom shorts,Red Suppenders, blue stripped tank a pair of undies and a bra. I even found my blue striped Toms. I walked into the bathroom to get changed just as Louis came to behind me and whispered "the food will be here soon babe love you." His voice want chills up me spine. He laughed as if he accomplished something. I got changed and walked bout as soon as the food got here. "Thank you." You told the Bellhop. He ordered Bacon, Eggs, Waffles and chocolate milk. he knows me too well. "Hey." I said sitting on the couch. "No! Jimmy protested! Your sitting on the bed with me for our monthly breakfast in bed." he yelled pulling me back towards the bed. He pulled open the blinds letting light fill the room. "I almost forgot about those." I said sitting down on the bed. "I didn't." he brought the good towards me and placed in the middle between us. We ate cleaned up and walked out the door.

We arrived at the amusement park around one because Louis had to take me shopping. We talked around and played some games for a while. The sun was starting to set. He pulled me to the Ferris Wheel. Re knew I hated hieghts. He whispered in my ear "I'll be with you the whole time. promise." I trusted him. I let him guide me towards the line.

I was scared. I won't even lie. I hated when he did this.

we got on and we started to ride up. as we rescue the top I scooted closer to him as he put his RAM around me. Then the ride just stopped. "OH MY GOD THE RIDE STOPED! THE RIDE STOPPED! LOUIS!" I started to have a mental breakdown. Oh my god I am going to die. "Look he said." I looked ul at the sky. the sun was setting then I heard a fate whistle. I looks up and then heard a big boom. My senses came to me an I realize they were fireworks. They read. "Dear Read Suppenders Girl," another band with another message. "Ever Since I Saw You I Fell In Love." they messages came shorter and faster.

"So With That Said."

"Will You"

"Marry me?"

I looked at Louis and he had a navy blue velvet box. And it held the most gorgeous ring ever. it have a huge saphire in the middle. "Charlotte. I've known you for only about a year. But we've fell in look at just one look. I have never felt this was about anyone before. if I had to turn back time the only thing I'd do different is had gotten the balls to say hi. You've changed the way I see things and the way I've thought. without you I would be the man I am today. You, Charlotte, Jenna, Williams, is who I want my future wife nd mother of my kids to be. Will you marry me?" I was speechless. That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said and done for me. "SAY YES!" I heard some one shout. I looked down to see Niall, Lottie, Zayn, Danae, Harry,Angelica, Josh and Jessica looking up with a crowd of people behind them. I saw my mom and dad. Maura, Greg me cousin and Louis famiy. Everyone I've known and love was there. I looked back at Louis who was smiling like an idiot. "Louis, William, Tomlinson. You have a way with doing thing but, this is something else. All I have to say is if we weren't meant to be together. we wouldn't be here now. I want a lot of things. But I can only have one husband. And I want him to be you." I said kissing him. the crowd cheered and fireworks started going off like crazy. I felt a jerk and we were going back down. I stepped off and Louis placed the ring on my finger. I got tons of hugs. And then I saw Lottie and Niall smiling like idiots.

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