reality or dream?

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The crowd cheered. I to see Charlotte, Angelica, Danae, Jessica and Lottie. "Id like to thank a very special person." Niall said. "Id like to thank my girlfriend Lottie is is in the from row tonight." He winked. what the hell? I jerked up. "Is there something wrong babe?" Charlotte asked sleeply. "No. Have you notice anything going on between Little and Niall?" I asked looking at her. I flipped the light on. I checked the time. 5:55. "Lou. Niall and Lottie are dating." She said. " Charlotte. Are you lying to me?" I asked. this mist have been a joke. "No. they've been dating for a little over a year. The only ones that know is me, Josh and Jessica. Babe I love you but I swear I wouldn't tell until the time was right." tears started to form. "Cherbear. I love you no matter what. But, tell me. Is she happy?" I asked wiping tears away. "More than you'll ever know. " She said laughing.

I looked at her. "Were you sleeping on my chest?" she blushed. "Yeah." I looked where her arm was. I raised an eyebrow. "Oh! Sorry" she said starting to mover arm. "No. I love it when you hug me while you alsep." I said pulling her down. she started to draw hearts on my chest. I laughed. "Louis?" She asked. "Yeah?" "Do you think we'll ever get married?" She asked. The question caught me off guard. "Are you doubting our relationship?" I looked down at her. She was crying. "No. its just we've been dating longer than Zayn and Danae. Im happy for them but, lately it seems like me and you have been distant. We've haven't been on a honest to God date in months." she looked up at me. "You wanna take a break?" I asked. "I don't know. I'm just gonna go." she said getting up. "Char, come on. You've known me forever. Id never want to hurt to." I got off the bed. "Louis just let me go. We'll talk later." She grabbed her clothes and walked out the door. I ran after her. "CHARLOTTE!" I yelled when she ran out the lobby door. "Sir you can't be out here shirtless I'm gonna ask you to please return to your room." The receptionist said.

Tonight I learned a lot of things.

1) My best friend was dating my little sister

2) My girlfriend thinks our relationship is distant.

3) I may never get over these resent events.


I had to leave but where'd I go? I wasn't going back to Nialls. My flat was miles away. the closet place I could go to was Zayns. I walked up the street. I heard a noise behind me. "Hello? Is anyone there? Please don't hurt me I just want to know." I called out. "Charlotte?" the voice called back. The person stepped into a streetlight. "Danae? What are you doing out here?" I asked. "Walking. Thinking." she replied putting her head down. "What's wrong?" I asked immediately.

"I don't know!" She yelled. "Calm down I'm sure he had a reason." I said putting my have on her shoulder. "When you and Zayn.. yano. did you do it because you love him or because you wanted to get back at Louis?" She looked up at me. I hated to see her like that her eyes were puffy from crying. her nose was runny. "I didn't really know. I had mixed emotions." I said. He laughed. "Here I am with my best friend crying on the side of the street at five am in the morning. I look pathetic. I'm engaged! he quit smoking for me, he--" "WAIT! HE QUIT SMOKING FOR YOU??" I exclaimed. "Yeah! we walked along the pier and he threw a whole pack into the ocean." She said wiping some tears away. "Just talk to him." I said trying to console her. "Ok I will. Now its your turn. Why the hell are you out here?" She asked. I looked down ashamed that if I told her id be looked down on. I knew she'd never look down on me but, It made me ashamed to know that I and taking a break. "Char? What's wrong what did Louis hurt you!?" she jumped up. "NO! In fact this time its my fault. I told him that I felt we were distant." I wiped a tear away. "He found out about you know..?" she questioned. "Yeah."my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I answered. "Youbdont have to but if you come back I.have a surprise for you." it was Louis. I should have known. I got up and walked away. "That's right get him back." she called.


its been almost a day since Louis and Lottie left. I was with Josh just hanging when my phone vibrated. a text message from Lottie.

"Tell Josh I'm going back early. ask if he can come pick me up tomorrow."

she just went. her and Niall could finally be together. "Josh!!" I shouted. "What?!" he Said jumping. "Lottie wants to come home. I think Louis found out." I frowned. we were doing so good. for about a year we've kept this secret then boom! Someone told Louis. "Babe we tried. That's all would ever do." he kissed my forehead. I love how sweet he his to think it was only a year ago when we met.

I was walking over to get inline for the meet ad greet. when I bumped into him. it was a dream come true! My life was now complete. "Hey." he said brightly smiling. "H-H-Hi" I whispered. "I'm Josh." he expanded his left hand. "Jessica." I said shaking it. His hand was so soft and warm. "I don't usually say this but wanna go and get some food?" he asked shyly. He rubbed his neck nervously. "I'd like that." I said. He intertwined his fingers with mine. ever since then we've been together.

I gotten to know everyone. I got dealt close to everyone's girlfriends. Lottie I guess just cam with. when I found out she was dating Niall I Told Josh. who told Charlotte ad we swore to keep it between us. they were the cutest couple ever. but now that she's leaving and it it has been a day I have a feeling she's going to break up with him. "Josh I love you." I said. He came and sat next to me. "Jessica ill always love you. Even if Niall and Lottie break up ill love forever and ever." kissed him knowing he'd be bye my side no matter what.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now