Let The Truth Be Told

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Little did Lottie know what Niall had did a month before. If she knew would it change her opinion?


"NO! Fizzy you dont get it. I want to marry her I have the ring and every thing." Niall said. Why was he so upset. "NIALL! She's my sister. She misses you. I swear if I hear her say she misses you one more time I'm going to throw one of Char's fits!" I yelled. I love Niall but sometimes he can get a bit... stressful. "Fizzy, Im doing this against Louis' rules. I'm dating his sister. Only three people know. I want to marry her no matter what." he said again calmly. "I know.you said that thousands of times. I'm only worried that Louis' going to find out and kill us." I said again. I heard a knock at the door. "Fizzy?" Lottie said poking her head in. "what?" I asked. "He chose me to go with him!" She yelled. My mouth hung open.

"Lottie?!" Niall yelled through the phone. "NIALLER?!" she shouted excitedly. She launched for phone. "No!" I moved my phone away. "I LOVE YOU!" She yelled again. I hung up before he could. "Fizzy?!" she yelled at me. I don't want her to start again. "Don't. Start" I growled storming out my room. "Hey!Hey!" My mom yelled when I stomped down the stiars. "Lottie's getting mad because I hung up on Niall!!" I yelled. "FAMILY MEETING NOW!" She yelled. Lottie, Daisy and Phoebe ran down the stiars and into the living room. " We all know about Niall and Lottie," She started. Everyone nodded. "Well, I talked to Niall... and he wants us to visit then while their in America." Mom finished. Lottie's eyes got big. "YESSS!!" she yelled jumping up and down. "But," Mom continued. "'But,'" what?" Lottie asked suspicious. "Only one can go. He wants Fizzy to go." she finished. "oh. ok." Lottie said disappointed. Tears started to form in her eyes. "Lottie I swear I had no idea!" I said getting ready to defend myself. "Its ok. Really I can understand why he wouldn't want me there." she said wiping tears away. "Listen to me. No matter what happens, he'll always love you and we'll always behind you." I pulled her into a hug.


I ran back to my room not wanted to listen to the whole Niall Lottie thing. I don't mind it but really? Its not that big of a deal. I looked at the time. 6:50pm. I called Louis. "Hey!" he said groggly. "Did I call at a bad time?" I asked. He chuckled. "no just woke me up from a nap." he yawned. "So how's Niall?" I asked. "He's been happier a little down but he's good." he said. Thank God. "why?" Louis asked. "Just wondering. I didn't feel like calling him then calling you." I said. "how's mom?" he asked. "good. hey you and Charlotte still dating?" I questioned. "yeah. why?" I rolled.my eyes. "Because you never talk about her." I said. "Do you have to know about every person in my love life?" he asked. "No just wondering. I gotta go." I said. I hung up.

"knock knock!" Phoebe said in a singy song voice. "Hey twin!" I said. "I miss Charlotte." she whined. "Really?" I asked shocked. "Yeah it was so much peacefuler here." she said sitting on my bed. "you know peacefuler isn't a word right?" she rolled her eyes. "Charlotte would had taught ne that." I looked at her. "she's the one that said she could drown a fish." we burst out laughing. "Louis did too." she added. we laughed even harder thinking about them trying to drown a fish. We took a breather.


I started cutting the carrots whenvmy phone ranged. "Hello?" I said not bothering to check the caller id. "Jay?" it was Charlotte she was crying. "What's wrong babe?" I asked setting the knife down. "its Louis." She said. sniffed. "What's wrong?" I went into complete panic mode. what's wrong with my baby? Is he gonna be ok? All these questions plus more raced through my head. "Yes." she said. "What's wrong then." I let out a quite sigh of relief. "I think we broke up." She said. I heard a car motor in the background. "Why?" What did he do? He'd never break up with her without a reason. "He said that he couldn't take much pressure I'm going to have to call it quits. I over heard him say that to Niall." "Babe, are you sure he wasn't talking about something else? I mean this is Louis we're talking about." I said. "No... I just don't know." she said. there was a knock in the back ground. "I gotta go. And Jay?" did asked. "yeah." I replied. "thank you for being there." she said. "no Problem your like another child." I said. "bye" she said.

I threw the chopped carrots into the pan. Then there was another call. Was I really that popular? I chuckled to myself at my own joke. "Hello." I answered turning towards the refrigerator. "MUMMY!" Harry yelled. I jumped almost dropping the milk. "HARRY! don't you ever scare me like that again!" I yelled. "Sorry but Char told me,Angelica,Danae,Zayn,El and Danielle about Lottie and Niall. And he wants to propose." Me said suddenly serious. "I know he wants to.He's making Fizzy go with him on tour for a while so she can help with the ring." He chuckled. "I saw the ring. its gorgeous." I smiled knowing my kids are growing up and becoming great people. I put the milk back after pouring some into mash potatoes. "It good to hear. He wants to have a big wedding." I replied I mixed everything together. I sat down taking a break. "Have you talked to Jessica?" he asked. "No." I answered. "Oh well Nevermind I gotta get back to rehearsals." he hung up. I put my phone down and walked up stairs. "Pheobe?" I called walking into her room. "yeah mum." she looked up. "you know you could be nice and tell Liam to talk to Danielle for me." I Sid sweetly. "sure. but you have to make me a sundae." she said smiling. "after dinner." I kissed her forehead before walking out.

I washed the dishes and put them away. it was 10:50. I dragged myself up the stairs and to my room. I put on my PJ's and got into bed. I was pooped out. I fell asleep thinking about my kids and how I raised them.

I woke up to the smell of food cooking. I got up and ran down stairs. please tell me my kids aren't cooking. "Hi Mum." Lottie sniffed putting a whole stack of bacon, toast, eggs, pancakes and waffles on the table. "Have you been crying?" I asked. her eyes were red and puffy. "a little." she said sitting down. "what's wrong?" I asked. putting my hand on her shoulder. "Do you think Niall wants to break with with me. Mum he won't even call me. For the past few weeks I haven't even gotten a text unless it said I wuff you. Going to bed txt ya soon." She looked at me. She looked so sad. I pulled a chair up and sat down. "Lottie," I started. "If Niall was trying to avoid you he wouldn't care.enough to text you goodnight. Ya wouldn't even bother talking to your sisters. If I didn't know him better id say he's probably planning something big. He loves you. He will always love you." I finish hugging her. "I love him.mum. I do." she said going into hysteria. "sh.sh.sh. I know baby." I cooed. "Its so hard keeping this from Lou. Niall's his best friend. im Louis sister and me and Niall being.together is like telling Lou he can't wear suspenders its just not right." she cried even harder. "Don't say that! You and Niall are perfect. Louis will just have to deal with it." I hugged her tighter. "Now go get dress. ill get your sisters up." I said missing her cheek. She got up and walked up the stairs.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now