A Point No One Knew

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Jenna's POV

I was stuck at home with my bitch of a mother when my phone went off. I wasn't going to check it, but it went off again, and again, and again. Two of them were DM's from Amber, and the rest were texts from Megan. I didn't bother checking them because I knew that most likely Megan would be talking about some band and Amber about me and my boyfriendless life. She didn't mean to, it was actually my fault cause I brought it up a lot. I hated being alone. Everyone seemed happy but me. It sucked ass. I guess I'm just not attractive enough. Idk. Plus, every guy I like is other them me.

"Jenna!" The Bitch yelled.

"What!" I yelled back.

"Where were you for the past week"

Obviously not with you.

"With a friend." Which was true. I was with Vic. He's my sweet innocent little Vic.

"Oh? Is this friend a guy? Or just a boy toy?"

"He's actually a good friend, who I am not dating, and I-"

"Yeah yeah, you're not in love with him but want his body."

"That's not at all true!"

"I don't have time for this. If you're going to be like your good for nothing cousin then you might as well live with him."

"I'm nothing like him!"

"Yeah sure your not! You're basically just like him."

"You're such a bitch! Obviously you don't know what the difference is between being just friends and having one night stands. Obviously you understand what happens with a one night stand cause all you got out of it was a daughter you never wanted!" I yelled grabbing my phone and running out the house.

I was miles away from Vic, and Cameron was off in Great fucking Britain, again, and Char was still at home having a heart attack over nothing, yeah so what she's pregnant. I wasn't going to bother Vic and call him. He's still in school. I'm not, I dropped out like two moths ago, there was no reason to stay. I walked for what seemed like hours. I checked my phone. 10:26. Well, at this point I was right, i had been walking for hours. I decided it was finally time to call Vic.

"Hello?" He answered sleepily, after the first ring.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"What's up?" He asked yawning.

"Did I wake you?"

"No. Just about to start some AP stuff."

"It's late, you should be sleeping, I'll just ask someone else." I said, getting ready to hang up.

"No! Wait." He sorta yelled.


"What's wrong, why'd you call me?"

"It's nothing just needed a place to stay from a while."

"I'll come get you."

"I'm not home." I said.

"Then where are you?" He asked suddenly worried.

I looked around. Where exactly was I? "By the In-N-Out, three miles away from The Bi-"

"Don't move stay right there."

"Ok." I said.

"And Jen?"


"Once you're at my house you wont be leaving."

"Ok." I smiled and hung up.

I sat down at one of the outside tables. It seemed like forever before he came. He pulled up in his red Jeep Wrangler and jumped out. As soon as he seen me he picked me up and spun me around. I felt so much better in his arms, I felt better than ever. He kept whispering "You're safe," over and over. He just couldn't stop. I ad my face buried in his neck taking in his sweet smells. He smelt like an oceans breeze and sweat. To be honest, the sweat wasn't that bad. He stopped spinning me and let me down. I felt my feet touch ground and I looked up. "Thanks for coming." I said. He started at me not saying a word. "Sorry for dragging you away from your home work." I said. No answer.

"Why didn't you call me before?" He asked.

"What do you mean?

"Before you walked off, before you walked here."

"I didn't have time, I stormed out."

"Bullshit. You musta walked for hours just to get here." He yelled.

I flinched and took a step back.

"Why Jenna! What's been going on that i can't possibly know about? huh! You told me about Charlotte being pregnant and pissed off at the world, you tell me how much of a dick Cameron is, you tell me everything, but why couldn't you tell me you needed help?" He yelled stepping forward.

Each time he stepped forward I stepped back, I kept doing this until I hit the wall of the building. He got closer to me to where i could see his eyes watering, as if he was about to cry. Vic's face inched closer and closer to mine, our lips barley touching. "I'm sorry," I whispered. "I am too." He replied lightly kissing me.He put his right hand on the small of my back and his left him against the wall. "Can i please stay with you?" I asked. He nodded and smiled.

"Sorry." He murmured as he backed away from me.

We headed back toward the Jeep in silence. As I got in I felt something under my feet, something rolly. As I glanced down I saw his long-board. "Want me to move it?" He asked. I shook my head and sat down closing the door. As he jogged around from i noticed his muscles flexing. He was just perfect, maybe not as perfect as some, but perfect enough for me. As he got in he kissed my cheek. "What's that for?" I asked giggling.

"Just for being amazing and dealing with me." He said.

I figured it would be best to answer Megan's text now, since i have nothing better to do. As I un-locked my phone, Vic's rang.

"Hello?" He answered.

There was a pause.

"No, I was picking up Jenna."

And another. 

"Ok, bye." He said before handing up. "That's dad, he just wanted to make sure i wasn't long-boarding."

I nodded.

As I clicked the message icon, I got another text, from Megan.

Where are you?


I have news.

Leaving me with your Charlotte wasn't nice


Are you ok?


I swear if your with vic i will kick your ass later.

Obviously she wasn't happy. I shook it off. She'll get over it. My eyes started to get heavy.

"Sleep baby." Vic said rubbing my thigh.

I nodded off to sleep. When i woke up next I was in Vic's bed, while he fell asleep on his AP Physics text book, homework half way done. I got up and lightly shook his shoulders. He slowly awake from his dreamland and looked at me smiling. "Hey," I said, voice raspy.

"Hey," He replied, the same way.

"Get to bed, I'll finish your homework."

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah," I kissed his cheek.

"Night." He said, slipping off his shirt and shorts and getting into bed.

I sat down at his desk and got to work. Next thing I knew I was sleeping right next to Vic. I knew he was the one, Even if Cameron don't. Vic is just perfect in every way and I really just want to have a relationship like Louis' and Charlotte's, with all the drama and he said she said. That's all I want, and I can't even have that.

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