I Missed You

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Today all of the girls and I were going house hunting. We have to go because we can not live in Charlottes little flat. "Hey babe!" Liam said poking his head in my bedroom. "Hey!" I said looking up from my book. "When ya want me to drop you off?" he asked walking in. "Um, I don't know." I laughed. He sat at the edge of my bed. "Do you think you can around 1:30?" I asked. "Babe? Its 1 o'clock now." he said pointing to my alarm clock. "DAMMIT!" I yelled. I ran to grab my purse that was hanging on my closet door. "Relax we'll get there in time promise." liambsaid hugging me.

"Thanks." I said getting out of the car. "Forgetting something?" he asked. I rolled my eyes Nd turned around. I kissed him and ran off to building where Danae, Lottie, and Eleanor was standing. "Where's Char?" I asked. She didn't not ditch us. "She's in Dublin visiting some friends." a voice said. I turned around. "Brenda?" I asked shocked. "Yeah! like the new appearance?" she asked spinning around. I had to admit I lived her black mini skirt. "Why are you here?" I asked bitterly. "Char asked me to fill in for her." she said walking up the steps. "Like we'd believe that!" Eleanor shot back. "She did." Lottie said speaking up. we turned towards her. "I knew she wasn't coming and she asked Brenda to fill in but, I didn't want to say anything." She hung her head in shame. "Its not your fault." Danae Said. When I get my hands on Charlotte she's dead!


I felt bad about ditching the girls for Dublin but I have to see my other friends too. "Turn down this street." I said pointing. Lou was doing me since Louis got stuck watching Daisy and Pheobe. "You know you could have just done this tomorrow." She said. "I know but I promised today." I said again. I sighed again. Louis probably just said that to get out of driving me. He loves me he does but we don't need anymore false claims. "That house!" I said pointing to a small light blue house. She pulled up to the curb. "Thanks Lou!" I said hugging her before grabbing my bag and jumping out of the car. "Have fun!" she called. I waved as she pulled away.

I ran up the pathway and around the house to the back door. Knowing Annalise she kept all spare keys either under the mat or un the frog. I checked the frog and there wasn't a key so I checked the mat and there was two keys under there. I smiled. Picking up th key I unlocked the back door and stepped into the kitchen. Walking into the living room her cat, Nando, rubbed against my legs. "Hey there pretty boy." I said bending down to pet him. "NANDO!" I heard Annalise call. Walked in. "CHARLOTTE!" She yelled. "Hey" I answered casually. "I didn't know you were gonna be here so early." she said. "Babe its 1:40." I replied hugging her. "You know me." she said. "Guess who's here!" some called walking through the kitchen door. A guy stepped into the living room. He was buff and had deep blue eyes. I paused for a second trying to figure out who I was staring at. Then it hit me. "JESSIE!" I yelled. I hugged him tightly. he wrapped hrs arms around my waist. "Why the hell have you called?!" I yelled playfully hitting him. "Your the one who didn't keep in touch little miss Tomlinson." He said. we laughed. Jessie was the neighbor hood bully. He used to torture us. But, he took my chicken finger one day and I broke his arm. Seriously, I tackled him. After that he never touched my food and we became good friends. In fact when I was five he kissed me.

Soon Annalise's house was full of our friends. Jess was there. Jess was a good friend. When me and Niall were four I had lost a tooth. Niall just sat down and ate what ever be could find. Jess on the other hand, looked for weeks until we found it in Niall's lunch box. There was also a time when I broke my arm and Jess told everyone that she pushed me off a wall. Which was only partly true. But, she's never Dublin anymore because she has a huge business in San Diego. Who was I most surprised to see there was Dani. She's Jess's older sister. She was only three years older. Dani was the sweetest older sister anyone could have. When I was eight I had my very first "break up". Niall and I got into a huge fight over who got the last cookie, and at this time everyone said we were the cutest kids ever, well I told him I'm breaking up with him for taking the cookie and eating it. Dani sat with me the whole night when I cried. I was seven so really I was just upset over the cookie. But, Dani for married a year ago and moved to New York. So really we never dot to see the Greene Sisters. "Lets go out to eat!" Dani yelled while I was in the middle of talking. "Really?! I don't think Char wants to do that on her first day here." Jess said. "Actually, I'd love to go out to eat." I said. "I guess its settle we are going out to eat!" Jessie said throwing his arm around my shoulder.

We piled into Annalise's red BMW. I got out my phone and texted Louis. "Going out to eat love you babe xx." it said. I sent it. Nothing but a few seconds later he texts back. It was a picture. I opened the file. the picture was so sassy. I then tweeted saying look what Louis Sent me. I got tons of re-tweets. I laughed at some of the replies.


When we got back to the house it was about 10 o'clock. I knew Lou was probably sleeping. Louis would be mad at me. Danielle was mad at me. I decided to text Lou and take a chance with waking her up. "When can you pick me up." I asked. a few minutes later she texted back saying "not until the afternoon." I sighed. "What's wrong?" Jess asked. "I have to stay here over night. I mean I love it here but I just want to be with my Louis." I said. "Oh! well Dani and I have to leave tomorrow. Otherwise I'd let you stay with us." she said hugging me. I loved how sweet they are to me even though I haven't been visiting as much as I should. Its ok." I said. "You can stay here. But you'll have to wake up with me I have to get to work early." Annalise said walking out from the guest bedroom. "Thanks" I said. I have got to find a away to repay them.

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