Um, Basically... I Love You, So Much, That, Well, SURPRISE

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I was in the kitchen humming away, to The Fray's You Found Me, when I herd the sound of light foot steps coming down the hallway.

"Hi." Charlotte quietly said leaning on the door frame.

"Hey." I said smiling.

"What happened last night?"

My smile got bigger. "We had a little fun."

"What do you mean by that?" She asked innocently.


Her eyes got big.

"What?" I asked.

She walked towards me slowly. Once she got close to me she looked me right in the eyes

"Please tell me, you used a condom." She asked worried.

"Yeah of course."

"Oh thank God." She said hugging me tightly.

"Love you." I said kissinng the top her head.

"I Love you too, can we talk tho?" She said.

"Yeah sure. But I just made food."

"We can talk and eat."

"Ok." I grabbed the tray of food and walked with her back to me room.

I sat the tray on top of my computer, which is on my night stand. I sat on the bed and wrapped my arms around Charlotte's waist and pulled her close so she'd be standinf between my legs.. She rested her forehead against mine. I stared at her blue eyes. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked. She didn't aswer. Instead, she stood there and looked me in the eyes. What's going on with her? This worried me, she's never quiet well unless she's mad at me and at the moment i didnt say anythin that could make her mad did I?


I stared at his blue eyes. I didn't know what to say, I wanted to talk about us and what's happening, but I don't want to sound clingy. So, I stared. "So, Um, Basically... I love you." I said slowly. He didn't reply at first, then his lips started to slowly form into a smile.

"I love you too." He chuckling silently.

It sent a shiver dow my spine. God why was he so perfect.

"Good because I love you too much already" I said smiling while a tear fell. I laughed a little.

"Babe, tell me, whats wrong." He whispered, lightly brushing his lips against mine.

"I love you." I chocked out again.

"Tell me." He whispered quieter. His voice started to get a little raspy.

I shook my head. I couldn't tell him, especially not when I have no idea whats going on.

"Please?" His voice cracked some.

I let out a deep sigh and rested my hand on the back of his neck. "I don't know what to do." My voice was shaky.

"Don't know what?"

"What to do about us. We've been fighting a lot lately and last night was last night, I cant really say anything, mostly because I don't remember anything"

"You love me though right?"

"Of course."

"Then we can over come this."

He had so much hope in us even though I don't. I nodded and he wiped some tears away. He pulled me into a tight hug making me lift my feet off the ground. I bent my knees so it would be easier for him to hold me.

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now