My Fate is Something I Can't Escape

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Megan’s POV

After the concert I sat at the end of the stage.

“Wendy run away with me, I know I sound crazy, don’t you see what you do you me? I wanna be your lost boy ,your last chance, a better reality.”

I turned around to see Jack wearing his signature smile.

“Lost boy.” I said.

“Wendy.” He replied.

“You should probably know the names Megan.”

“Not no more. Now its Wendy.”

“What if I disagree.”

“Trust me you won’t.” He sat next to me.

“So ‘Megan.’” He out air quotes around my name.

“So ‘Jack.’” I said mocking him.

“Tell me about yourself.”

Jack. Barakat. Wants me to tell him about me? Dreams do come true. Then again he could just want to get to know a fan better.

“Well, I was born in October, I’m seventeen. I go to Poway High , I’m a senior, I’m in honor classes, wait why am I telling you about school?”

“No its fine go on.” He urged.

“Ok, well, I have two younger sisters, Avie and Annabelle, who are twins. Three best friends, Jenna, who came here with her boyfriend, Anna, and Delphinine. Idk um, about a year ago, during the summer, I fell in love with the band an have been dedicated ever since.” I said shrugging.

“What about when you wear a child?” He asked.

“Well, at first around age two, my mother got pregnant with my younger sister, Avily, who we call Avie, and Annabelle. Around the time I was ten I broke my arm, at age-”

“How did you break your arm?” He asked cutting me off.

“I fell off the bed.” I mumbled.

“Awe poor Wendy, betcha needed pixie dust back then.” He laughed.

“Not funny.” I said.


“At age 14, Avie, who would have been 12, and I had broken my mother’s favorite vase, thus grounding us for a whole month. At age 15, I met Jenna and Vic. And then the rest is history.”

“You mean history in the making.”

“I know what I mean!”

“You sure about that?” He asked.

Damn right I’m sure. “Yeah. I’m sure.”

"Wendy," Jack said.

"Lost boy," I replied.

It reminded me of The Fault in Our Stars it was like it our okay to their always.

"Here." He handed me a piece of paper that had numbers sprawled across it.

I have him a confused look. Everything that's been happen tonight has been based off of fanfics. How could I be sure if he like me for me he could just be leading me on, but he isn't like that. He isn't the kind to lead a girl on like that. It was silent between us and everything was cleared out except the floor. It had tons of little things there like money and wrappers and all kinds of junk.

"It's my number. If you need anything just text me." He said quietly. Almost to quietly.

"Why?" What else was I supposed to say 'oh my god Jack this is such a surprise' ? No.

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