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Niall and I was sitting his bed just talking. Nothing particular just random stuff in the world. we laughed about the funny things, the stupid things, the simple things. everything! I loved the way you laugh." He said playing with my hair. I smiled and blushed. "Awe, your blushing! Its so cute." he said kissing my cheek. I laughed an later back. "I like just alerting here with you and just talking, not worried if Lou will find out or even if the pops with catch us." I said looking at his ceiling. "I know what ya mean." he said. Laying next to me. His phone vibrated. I reached for it and unlocked it. "Your nosey, you know that!" he smiled grabbing for his phone. "NO! JIMMY PROTESTED!" I laughed giggling. "Fine" I looked at what it was. It was a text from Louis. "Look and show Lottie it breaks my heart." I read out loud. Niall scooted over closer to me as I clicked the video. "Don't you ever, EVER, question my love for Harry!" Charlotte yelled. "I'd be damned! she was dating Harry behind Lou's back! which means Harry was dating char behind Angelica. what the hell is he-" "Babe, calm.down I'm sure they just edited it to make her look bad." I said. I locked his phone. "I love you." he said for the millionth time that day. "You always tell me that yano." I Said. "How about this." he said kissing me.


I kissed her and she pulled my closer. I felt her hand tug at the bottom of my shirt. I pulled back. "Little Lot.." I said. She knew when I called her that I was serious. "Sorry." she replied. I got up and walked down stairs. Greg walked through the don't door with Brenda. "Hi." she said silently. "Hey!" I replied cheerfully. "Nialler! Can you get me a water bottle?" Lottie yelled from up stairs. "Yeah!" I called back. I walked pasted Greg and Brenda and walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle I was just about to go back up stairs when I heard someone clear their throat. "She's in Dublin. Shopping." it was Brenda."look I know all about what happen when you we're kids k was there but can we please get over it?" I asked. "I'm over that in fact we are kinda friends now I just want you to know that if you break Lottie's heart I swear ill break your body." she shadows before walking back up stairs. same old Brenda sweet and sour. I walked up the stairs towards my room. "Here." I said handing Lottie the bottle. "Thanks babe. hey have you heard? Louis is taking Fizzy and I back to Doncaster because he's too upset with Char right now." she said looking at me. tears were in her eyes. "Don't cry. Don't do it you know when I see you cry I might cry too." I said. my cheeks got hot. "I don't want to leave you again!" she said breaking down into tears. "Its ok we'll be together again soon. I promise." I said trying comfort her.

About an hour later Lottie fell asleep. I moved my arm from underneath her. She moved a little but didn't wake up. I snuck down the hallway to Charlotte's room. I opened the door with a secret key that was on top it the door frame. I walked into her room. it was blue and red. Her bed spread was a light lavender color and her dresser and end table was black. It felt so lifeless without Charlotte here. A lot of things happened in this room. I sat on the floor close to the bed and closed me eyes. my best friend was engaged to my childhood sister. I laughed at the done when me and Charlotte got in trouble for playing in the garden. My eyes started to get heavily and I fell asleep

What the Cameras Don't See (1D,Olly Murs & Cameron Quiseng fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now