Chapter 37

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After a very long time I am back to complete this series. I was unable to continue this series due to health reasons, but now that i am back and kicking, let's goooo....


The plan to locate the King and Queen is very simple. Every human being is made of five elements and Harry's dominant element is Fire and Serene's Water. Hence Dean and Hydris. These people with their inner elemental power can locate them after which we can attack and get back our people.

This technique wasn't thought of before as no one ever combined all the elementals and explored their true potential. Well Sophia gave me all the knowledge required about elementals and their power. Currently Dean and Hydris are trying hard to locate their whereabouts and Drake and the rest involved themselves in attack planning.

It's been five hours since Dean and Hydris were separated from us to try locating the King and Queen and we are waiting for them in the courtroom.

I sat between Sapphire and Blaze as I missed them dearly. Though they cannot feel my presence yet, me being with them gives me a sense of belonging.

"Would tracking King and Queen be enough. Would we find Mia too", Blaze asked. Chill ran through my spine. When I observed these people around me, everyone had red eyes, swollen bags under their eyes. I hope they aren't worrying much about me.

Sapphire began to leave the room. I followed him quickly to ask about the plan of attack. He walked towards the garden where I played with him in his dragon form.

"This place reminds me of Mia. She is a very smart girl and they say she was kidnapped. That's not possible. But she would at least informed me, if she went on her own free will. I have no idea what might have happened. Am sorry, for talking about this, when you came to ask about the plan of attack", he smiled at me.

A guard rushed towards us and said, "You are summoned to the courtroom. They are located".

I turned towards Sapphire and said, "Race to the courtroom, grandpa" and winked at him. I rushed to the courtroom to find nervous faces all around me. Sapphire stood next to me and held my hand in a firm grip, assuring himself that this isnt a dream. I turned towards him and smiled. "I am really okay, let us not make this about me. We have a kingdom to save".

"They are located in the Dark forest. Tracing them was very difficult because of the magical barrier surrounding it." Dean said.

"Does anyone know anything about Earth elementals" I questioned.

"Why do we need them, they have turned their backs on us and joined the master", Hydris replied angrily.

"People thought you were a sea monster Hydris, don't you know how terrible it is to judge people without knowing them. Anyways", turning towards Drake, I said, "we need Earth elementals to break the barrier around the Dark forest. Without their help we cannot step in there. I see no other way but to either persuade them to join our cause or hypnotize one of them."

"Mind control, this is violating laws to many levels", beta of wolves spoke.

"I rest my case", saying so I walked back to the library to search for the evidence book which records sightings of elementals. After the disappearance of the queen, elementals disappeared along with her. Like water elementals were cursed, fire elementals were placed under mind control. It took centuries to overcome it, hence poor Richard lost his life trying to come out of control. Controlling someone's mind is a punishable crime and I will take complete responsibility once Serene is released. But this drastic measure is very much necessary. If the powers of the queen are extracted, then that's a threat at many levels.

I can control everything that has roots for now, though that is a part of earth magic, I am still nowhere near perfection to remove the magical barrier around this forest. But before finding Earthlings, I need to know who is the reason behind this kidnap.

There is a tense environment looming around our lunch room. Dean and Hydris were trying to contact all super naturals they know who could assist in our search. " Drake, after this please get the record book updated. Recordings are absent after the disappearance of the late Queen", I said to Drake. He could only nod.

"Sara, there is nothing being mentioned about this disappearance over the underground forum."

I smirked at Dean's comment while others were confused with his connection with the underworld. "Well done Dean, after we find our queen, I want to learn more from you and your people", I said. Sapphire stiffened behind me after listening to this. Guess one to one chat is long awaited. Discussing this issue on the underground forum seems unethical but this is a part of damage control, if word of royal couples disappearance breaks out, it might attract many unwanted quests thereby losing time in their rescue.

" Did the kidnapper leave any note behind ' I asked no one in particular. It was a distraught Suong who came forward with a note.

"Find me if you can"

Wow!! Simple and Crisp.

Blocked from all sides, even after we know where to find them, we can't extract them. That's so cool.

While everyone is planning on ways to rescue them with every option meeting dead end, I am here meditating my anxious soul. I would only be a weakness to this mission if I let my powers haywire.

From what I know about the queen from Sophia's perspective, she has a vast powder which can only be used by her from vigorous training and techniques.

"Did Serene have other powers other than her werewolf abilities", I asked no one in particular. It was Suong again who replied to me, "no nothing, even werewolf abilities recently surfaced

This doesn't seem right. "Is Greece the last one to be with Serene", I asked Suong " and was he checked for any magic on him".

There was no reply from anyone.

" Can I meet him"

After a long silence, Drake said yes. It was understandable without the royal couple, he is next-in-line, so there are more sceptical to let him meet an unknown person.

Drake escorted me to Greece's room with Anna standing outside as a guard. "Be careful, no one knows his trigger, often furniture in his room is damaged", Said Anna.

"What are you talking about ", I asked looking at Anna and Drake for some answers.

"We don't know much, but his werewolf abilities peeked even before 9 months and as a result he's only allowed to be visited by the King or Queen", said Drake.

Hmm, that's not possible, something seems fishy here.

I nodded and pushed the door open, the room was dark and the only source of light was from the opening behind me, which started to close on its own.

I smell magic very dark and powerful. After the door got closed, I lit up a flame from my palm to guide me in this darkness. At the very end of the room was a cradle from where i could hear the cooing of the baby. He must be 8 months now, how is he surviving without his mom for a week. From my conversation with Drake and Anna, no one dared to enter this room. What is wrong with these people, however volatile can the child be they can't leave him alone. No this is not the Anna I know. But first I need to clear this darkness around the baby but without disturbing him, so that the caster would not get intimated.

There should be a way to pull this dark veil above, so everything latches itself on to it. Dark matter latches itself to the life force. Let's use this theory. I created a circular object and have filled a bit of my elemental essence to create a fake lifeform, it may not be enough to mimic the lifeform entirely but it would buy me some time. As soon as I created this orb of energy, the entire darkness rushed and attached itself to it. I threw this orb up and Kept it levitating. As the darkness reduced, I rushed towards Greece and took him in my arms. I started my way towards the exit and something caught my eye. When I turned towards my left, I was shocked.


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