Chapter 3

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There stood a man, acting as a wall and shielding me from the wolf. I could not see the face of this person as his back was facing me. This person was tall around six feet height with broad shoulders. His presence was sufficient for the wolf to retreat.

“What would you do without me, Mia” asked this stranger. I had no words to thank him for saving my life but at the same time was shocked that he knew my name. “Now now, silence is not the answer I'm expecting from you “ as he continued to speak and all I could think was his alluring voice. His voice was husky with a velvety touch to it.

When he turned to face me, I was shocked to the core to find the same ocean blue eyes looking at me. This is the very same person whom I dream about.

“Who are you”, I asked him immediately. But he simply smiled and told “I'm all what you ever wanted, Mia”. His sentence further confused me. He gently caressed my cheek and electricity surged through my body. It was like every cell in my body was alive after his touch. All the strain my muscles felt due to running was long forgotten.

"That doesn't answer my question. Where am I and why was that wolf chasing me", I bombarded him with questions.

"How would I know why that wolf was interested in you. You stink",he winked.

"What more do you expect from me, I was running from a mad wolf, for god sake", I realised that I'm speaking to him as though I have known him for years, like we are best buddies, when in reality I hardly know his name. Oh yes his name.

"Well, you are yet to answer me" but before he could even open his mouth I added saying "Wait let me shoot another question, then answer all of them at a stretch".

"Didn't anyone say you ask a lot?  Maybe your name should be question bank instead of Mia",he replied with a smirk.

I simply stuck my tongue out and continued"What's your name". He was taken back by my question. Did he expect me to already know his name. Well I don't, big deal.

"Will you stop giving me are-you-even-for-real-look and answer not just one but all the questions?" I told in an irritated voice. This brought him to reality and started speaking,"I had no clue as to why that wolf was behind you", he said walking towards me. When he closed the distance between us, he was like really close to me, our foreheads touching. He spoke in a very gentle voice "And to answer the question as to where you are, you are where you belong". Though I couldn't deduce anything out of that answer, I was captivated by his nearness. I was rooted, his eyes , his voice, his smell, his smile, everything about him kept me grounded.

“Now stop staring at me”, I didn't realised that I was staring at him untill he pointed out. I blushed at his comment and I'm sure my face would resemble a tomato.

“I'm not sure how I came to this place”, I whispered. He chuckled and this got me swooning over him again. 

But before I could ask anything, I started shaking violently which alarmed him as well. Before he could come forward and hold me, I woke up with a start. I could see my mom's worried face in front of me. “Honey, we were trying to wake you up for past one hour, Did you take your sleeping pills again”, I usually take the help of pills to fall asleep, post my break up but I clearly remember I didn't take any yesterday. Wait a second, was that all a dream ? Omg, not again. That chase felt very real, isn't. Just a mere thought of it is sufficient to bring goosebumps down my neck. At least his touch felt real. Oh no, he didn't tell his name. So he'll remain as blue eyed guy for me for some more time.

It has taken an hour or so for me, to differentiate between what is real and what isn't and I concluded saying it was all in my head.

“Honey, you zoned out again”, said my mom waving her hand in front of my face. “You got us worried for sometime. Never pull that stunt again" scolded my mom. Me, not answering calls got her worried and she dragged my dad to my house. Since they had a spare key to my house,they barged in my room and found me asleep and the rest you all know.

“Well kid, we have a family get-together to attend, you better make yourself free this weekend.” stated my dad.

Family get-togethers are seriously not my thing. Who goes there all dressed up, only to hear about family members bitching about each other. But I had no choice other than going. I left for work after having my favorite breakfast my mom made. Pancakes of course.

Paranoid, yes this is what I'm feeling now. No sooner did I step out of my house than I felt being watched, again. I kept looking out for any sign of disturbance, but found none. Guess it's going to be a long day.

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