Chapter 31

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“ You alright kid”, came a voice filled with grief and sadness. “ Why are you sad Sapphire, I think we delayed master and it's something we need to rejoice”. He gave me a half-hearted smile. I am suddenly very much concerned for his well being. “What is wrong Sapphire, please let me know. I can digest anything. Is anyone hurt”. He shook his head in disbelief.

“Well young lady, you might be the reason am hurt”, I stared at him in disbelief. “What are you talking”.

“Look at yourself, you are paler than a ghost”. He sighed. At the same time, a group of people entered the room I was in.

“Some baby shower it was ha”, came the voice of my cousin. “Well, it's my niece or nephew your talking about. We prefer everything grand”, I tried to cheer Serene up. Even a small talk is exhausting me. How much energy did I drain. I should make a list on all the things I need to add on my training. Tiredness to this level only means am lacking a lot of training. Changing dresses with a flick of my hand will definitely top the list. Never know when it might be useful.

“I can't express my gratitude enough for what you have done. You saved my life by putting yourself in danger”, she said in a low tone.

“I promised your mate that I'll protect you, no matter what. I also swore that I would protect the throne at all cost. Anyways, I would be happy to get rid of your smelly ass anytime, but it's the baby am concerned off”, I tried to joke around but talking became difficult. My lungs started to close off and breathing through my nostrils became difficult. What is happening to me.

I saw Drake, Reed, Anna and Green's pride filled faces. I just smiled at them meekly. “ We should probably leave and allow her to rest. She needs to regain that color of her skin”, came the most alluring and soothing voice I ever heard. It melted me. I tilted my head to meet the eyes of this alluring voice. It's always like the first time. Tonnes of emotions hit me, concern, relief and love topping them all.

I sighed looking into that deep ocean blue eyes. They hold more gravity than before. I was infatuated before, but that was nothing compared to the emotions engulfed me now. Did my weak state amplify these feelings.

Do I even want to know the reason?

All of them asked me to take rest and left the hall. “We'll talk about more serious things tomorrow morning”, Sapphire stated and left. I hope everything's fine. Harry was the last one to leave. He's at the threshold of the room, when he turned back to face me. I have no clue what he saw in my face but he closed the door behind him slowly and walked towards me like a predator.

Tingles went down my spine. There was static in the air surrounding me. What is happening to me. My body hummed with anticipation, but what is it anticipating. Argh, I want to pull my hair because of my own confusion.

Do I seriously want to know what is happening to me?

He dragged a chair and sat on it beside my bed. He looked at me with a blank face and then turned towards my left and stared at the wall. I too stared at the wall in the hope that I'll find what's so appealing.

“I don't know why you did, what you did”, he started to speak gritting his teeth. “I knew he wasn't your mate, but still I wanted to know why you would throw yourself at him. These past days, I always find myself in your room at night and the rage I felt when I smelt him on you was unbearable, yet I waited to know why you did, what you did”, he turned towards me and glared with anger. His eyes turned vibrant blue. His face asked attention. The creases on his forehead was the indication of how much he was affected. The dark circles under his eyes where my only comfort that he cared for me all along.

“Why don't you ever understand that sometimes you should mind your own bloody business and not always throw yourself at danger. Why don't you give a thought that there would be a person out there who would do anything for you, even if it costs his life. Why don't you understand that there is strength in unity”, he stared at me. If he was expecting a answer from me then he would be very disappointed as I have no clue what those soft lips of his spoke. I stopped listening to him as soon as his eyes held mine. My hands were twitching to touch him. I couldn't even think straight as to how much this move of mine is wrong. I fought an internal battle of not touching him, which obviously am losing.

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