chapter 11

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There was pindrop silence in the arena. Even the air around was still. "What happened to my son then?", questioned Mark.

"We were visiting Seattle, when we came across a car which was very badly crushed. I rushered to help but was too late, the driver was hurt beyond help. Not even my venom would help him. He asked me his last wish, that his mother will never get to know about his death and I pledged to fulfill his wish."

"After pulling him out of the car I found that he resembles me and hence to fulfill his last wish, I had taken his place and became your son, I'm sorry Jenna if I ever hurt your feelings. I had no parents, and by helping your son I would also get to know the feel of parents love. That is the only reason for deceiving you. Please don't distance me from you, mama", Harry pleaded Jenna but there was no reply from her.

She needs time to digest everything. It's normal behavior for anyone who is in shock.

"Eric", Jenna shouted and began weeping. No one even tried to console her, not even Harry. Harry approached Jenna doubtfully. He knelt and taken Jenna in his arm. She didn't stop him and cried bitterly hugging him tightly.

Even though she lost her son, Harry meant the world to her. Today two people were at profit. One Harry, who could get his parents love for being Harry and not acting as Eric . Second, Jenna could her son again.

"Your reasons might be right Harry, but we need to decline your offer of working together. As far as we know Severs are the people serving their misdeeds. You people are cursed, by none other than our own princess." stated William leaving no place for argument.

"You people don't even have your soul for crying out loud. It's your fault that you are soulless" continued William.

Harry was pained beyond anything listening to accusations imposed by William. Watching Harry's pained expression twisted my gut. It was a strange feeling, a feeling which reminded me something and at the same time couldn't get my hands on what it is.

"You were not there in person to tell what exactly happened there William and hence you cannot make any accusations.", I unknowingly raised my voice at William. The entire arena was giving me stares.

"Neither were you there Ms. Mia, so how do you know I was accusing. It maybe truth also right.", William's words forced me to think. He was right, I wasn't there and I don't know anything about Severs and its King but still I felt necessary to protect them, him in particular. I remained silent and the blonde hair guy spoke, "We people were not cursed. We don't have souls because in a pair, one person gives away his or her soul to buy eternal life time together. We share our souls and form a bond stronger than a mate's bond you werewolves have."

Now this is all getting confused. Selling of souls seems like a bad thing to do but who am I to judge. "We are here only to keep on the peace treaty and if you people don't want anything to do with us, then we would leave."stated Harry sternly.

No, no this can't be happening again. I can't take people leaving me. Not you Harry, just don't leave me. I'll be alone again. I started to panic and turned to Harry pleading him not to go.

"Whatever your Beta has told seems reasonable, why not we work together and overcome our differences", tells William. Listening to him I started to breathe again. Harry will not leave me. But why am I so attached to him even without knowing him. His face matches with the person of my dreams but this strange affection for him is not correct, I should avoid it as much as possible.

"True, let's begin with training then. But before that, could you please arrange for the rooms to my people" asked Harry.

"Definitely, Ben, please show them the way and all of you, above 18 are to attend the training. Be in the same place at five in the evening. For now you all are dismissed.", William stated authoritatively.

Let's wait and see what is in store.


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