Chapter 26

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I am sitting in a corner of a huge room which seems fit for a ball. I was stressed and my brain is all over the place. What's happening in my life.

“Here you are, I searched entire palace for you Sophia.”

A man approached me, “hey you alright”, he has taken me into his arms, darkness has forbidden me to see his face. But I am at complete bliss.

The scenario has changed completely, I'm standing to the other side of the room but I could still see myself with the guy.

What the actual fudge is this. I stopped swearing much after Harry disapproved of it. Pity me right, giving importance to a man's words, that man who wants nothing to do with me. I sighed.

I seemed relaxed in his arms. I guess that is my mate and am seeing my future.

“Peaceful isn't it, being in the arms of your mate, but unable to see him hurts you isn't it” asked a voice I could recognize anywhere.

“I asked you to leave me alone”.

“You ask many things Mia, but I listen only to my mate”, Harry said.

“What do you want from me”.

“How you feel when you're unable to see that face of your mate”


“How will you feel, when your mate is right in front of you but you can't hold, feel or even express your feelings for him”.

“What are you talking Harry, why would that even happen. I would rather die than undergoing such pain”. I looked back the couple. They are holding each other as if there is no tomorrow. What wouldn't I do for such kind of a bond.

“You want to know how I feel when I watch my mate from a distance but can't hold or feel her”, no sooner did he complete his sentence than I was flying in air, rocketing downwards because of gravity.

I screamed and screamed for help. I have no idea where I was, but I was only falling downwards, with no stopping in between. My hands tried to search for something to hold, but it found none. It felt like I would die if I didn't hold on to something. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. This is not what I dreamt of dying.

Suddenly the scene changed and I was back to the dark corridor, kneeling on the ground. Omg, what was that.

“Got a hint of how I feel. What you felt was only one percent of what I feel all the time”. What is this asshole trying to prove.

“You know how I feel when my mate flirts and talks nicely with other guys and glares at me. You know how I feel when she is in embrace of other male and feels security in it. You know how I feel when she's scared of me and never allows me to touch her”.

I wanted to scream at him about how disinterested I am in knowing his feelings, but before words could even escape my lips, I find myself in an elevator. The lights of the elevator got shut off and I started to suffocate a little. Don't panic Mia, it utilizes more oxygen.

But then what I dreaded the most started to happen. The walls of the lifts started to close on me. I started to freak. “Somebody help, let me out of this goddamn lift”.

No one's going to help me. I'll die out of suffocation. “Please” I whispered. I shifted to foetus position and the doors continued shutting on me. Even my last breath has his name on it.


But I was soon out of the lift and back to the same corridor, in same foetus position. He knelt down beside me, “did you understand, my love”.

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