Chapter 17

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Sorry guys for the long delay. Hope you like this chapter.


Heat, the first thing I can feel after coming to conscious is heat. I don't know if am near to sun or I am sun but I feel my entire body burning. Slowly as heat began to subdue, I became more aware of the surroundings. I'm standing in a clearing, in front of a palace. The palace is huge and magnificent. Though you cannot observe the entire structure due to limited light, I could feel the powerful aura.

There's a cobble stone path leading to the palace. Before I could lead myself to the palace, a loud commotion was heard followed by a bang and green light. Then the entire east wing of castle caught fire. As flames went high, I could hear screams and disturbance coming from the castle.

I searched left and right for help but found none. West wing was covered by a black cloud which disappeared with blue lighting within. I had no clue what was happening around. Even if I knew what was happening, I had no control on it. I felt like I was stuck in the whirlpool of someone's memories and I could see only those memories meant for me to see.

There was an abrupt power shut down and darkness prevailed. I was lifted off the ground by a buckle attached to my collar and was thrown somewhere else. I opened my eyes to a deserted street. There was so much silence that it brought chills down my spine. Something was not right. Something was so dark that it had left its remnants behind.

I came out of these dark thoughts when I heard rustle of clothes from behind. I followed the sound to find a tall man covered in hooded cape talking to another man in hushed voices.

The first man was around six feet 2 inches tall, wearing a bottle green cloak with his face hidden from view. The second man was five feet eleven inch tall, wearing a saffron color cloak. Even this face was covered. There was a strong gust of wind howling and threatening to carry away anything which came in its way. There were huffled voices heard from the duo and shoutings and curses followed. The man in green cloak kept on cursing then abruptly was silenced by something which the other person told. He instantly knelt and started crying bitterly as if someone dear to him passed away.

The other man tried consoling him but failed miserably. He left the man to his emotions and he started to observe his surroundings. Having found nothing out of place, he tried pulling the green cloak guy up and ushered him to move forward.

I began moving towards them in order to hear better. They started moving towards a ill maintained, two storey building. I jogged in order to reach them, when a loud honk broke the silence. I could see a car racing down towards me and all I could do was watch it sped up. I brought my hands to my face blocking the headlights only to gather the courage for my future. I was waiting for the car to hit me,but I felt a little dizzy. I opened my eyes to see the car turn left and progress in its path.

I turned pale. I couldn't believe what I witnessed. Car passed through me, meaning I was dead. It can't be a dream because in dreams I would wake up startled or car would hit me in the worst case. But neither happened. I pray with my everything that I am not dead and that this is only a figment of my imagination.

Nevertheless I followed the cloaked man to the house because that was the only option left for me. I, taking the advantage of my astral form entered in the house without opening the door. This form would definitely be helpful to me. I searched the entire house for them. I finally found them in the attic.

I entered the attic to find the saffron cloak man talking “There by binding you to Death Oath”. No sooner did he utter those words than a shower of sparkling red light encircled the clenched hands of the men and disappearing to nothingness.

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