Chapter 6

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Thank you Nua029 for your love towards Renounce.

Unknown POV

“Are you sure Alpha that you going to find her during this treasure hunt ?” asked my Beta, “Trust your Alpha, we'll definitely find her”, I replied.

“But dad, how is this game even related to our goal”, my son asked. I just smiled at him and replied, “The game is simple, only the ones who'll reach us are capable of joining our pack and the rest will just be our human accomplice.”

My son didn't seem to be satisfied with my answer and so did my pack, therefore I added saying, “My dear subjects, fear not about your children, for they are been guided by magic to reach their destination. Yes the chits contain places they ought to visit to remember their purpose of their life and by knowing so they can accept their fate with open arms.”

“Beta, send the best fighters into the forest where they can keep an eye on our children to ensure their safety.” I ordered my Beta.

“Are you ready my people?” I asked my pack members. “Let us make our ancestors proud” saying so I exited the resort we choose for the get and climbed into a car to reach my destination.


Argh, kill me now. I groaned in frustration. Everything and anything around me is green and brown here. I can see only trees, trees and nothing more. Why me, Lord. Many people entered this forest but I didn't even encountered one. Does this mean I'm lost?

I clutched my chest when I was unable to breath due to the panic attack I was in. I don't know my way back either. I'm such a goner. I continued walking, I found the vegetation growing thicker and thicker. Suddenly the feeling of someone watching returned.

Cool, freaking cool, this was the only thing left. First this forest, now the feeling of being watched and what is next, the appearance of a wolf? Yes that would definitely make this, my nightmare part 2. But the only difference is that I'm no longer dreaming.

I continued my journey when I heard the sound of paws hitting the ground. I froze immediately. Oh no, I could have asked for anything why did I think of wolf. Stupid Mia, oh come on at least run before it's too near. With this as my mission I started running like a madwoman into this forbidden forest.

In order to loosen up that wolf's trail, I dashed trees, chunks of logs and I'm going god knows where. I even stopped tracking my direction. God, just freaking amazing, now I would be the snack of that wolf for sure. I had no time to regret, when I ran into the nearby wall and crashed. Yes and gravity started its work and I'll be in the arms of the forest floor within no time.

But wait a minute,where did this wall suddenly come from? But before I could meet the forest bed, a pair of strong hands went below my waist and prevented my fall.

When I met the eyes of my savior, to my great disappointment I was greeted by chocolate brown eyes instead of ocean blue. He steadied me and asked me if I was ok to which my only response was a nod. I'm not understanding why all of a sudden I was disappointed to not find the blue eyed guy.

“Hi, I am Adam and you are” he told extending his hand. I shook his hand and said “Mia”. I felt some connection with him. Right, I can now officially conclude that I need a psychiatrist,coz whoever I meet these days I find this connection. Women up Mia, I facepalmed myself.

“Hey are you alright” he asked me worriedly, as if me being fine would mean him winning a lottery. Omg why am I digging into his emotions,what is wrong with me. I need a break.

“I guess this hunt is taking a toll on you, why don't you rest” he advised me and started leaving for his destination even before I could say thank you. I was alone again. When I'm surrounded by people, I spent time with my brain and when I'm alone, I feel bad for being left out. Great going Mia.

The thought of being chased by wolf has completely left my brain. When it returned back I was no longer scared of wolf. Further I was frustrated that I have no clue as to where I was. I could have asked Adam for some directions but no my brain should stop working at that time.

Now I seriously doubt how I even made to twenty two years with a brain like mine.

Sighing, I sat beside a tree root and started gazing the piece of paper called clue for my destination.

I closed my eyes repeating my clue out loud and god in any sense did it make any sense.

Uff, what did I ever hide. I kept thinking and suddenly i could think of a place matching this description. I very often visit this place in my dreams. I feel a pull for that place and an unsettling feeling of having lost something.

I opened my eyes as soon as I could picturize that place. “Could that place be here in this forest by any chance”, I said out loud. No sooner did I ask out loud than the path was illuminated by golden arrow marks asking me to follow.

I know there is no logic behind this happening but I would do anything to be out of this forest, so I quickly started traveling on the path shown by God knows who.

The more I travelled on this path,the more eerie the surrounding had become. I can see way old trees, trees whose age might be above five hundred years stood still and upright as of guarding something precious. I came to a halt when I can no longer see the golden thread.

I felt dreaded when the situation I'm in suddenly weighed down on me. That golden thread was acting as my companion in this hunt and now I'm left all alone in between this spooky trees.

I felt someone passed behind me. I immediately turned to find none. The place started to gain fog slowly. Sweat was dripping my forehead and my legs started shivering. They would anytime give up on me. I heard snap of a twig. I immediately turned my head in that direction. I found a girl in early twenties moving further into this creepy forest.

“Hey can you hear me, could you please tell as to where exactly I am?”, I asked her but got no response. She was of my height which is 5 feet 8 inch, cladded in a creamy pink gown. Her waist long brown curly hair was swaying by wind as she continued on her journey ignoring my calls.

I followed her not wanting to be alone. She abruptly stood in front of tree which has a bulky trunk and which was giving away stay-away-from-me vibe. She approached that tree, put something in it and left the place without giving a second glance. I could catch a side glimpse of her and she looked familiar.

Me and finding a connection with people whom ever I meet became a common thing these days so I stopped giving it a thought. I pushed myself towards that tree because my legs were having no intentions of moving forward.

When I stood in front of the tree, I could no longer recognize the tree as it was covered with creepers and algae. How could this be possible that in one moment the tree is covered with creepers and climbers. Weird, I thought to myself and started looking for the place she hid something.

I immediately found a dent in tree and to my utter shock I could feel something hard under my fingers. When I have taken out the thing she hid, I found it to be a diamond studded ring, like a ring you would take with you when you want to propose someone.

Many questions lingered in my head, as to why she hid a ring and as to why this ring brought all warm feelings in me.


Sorry for the delay in my updates.

Hence two updates back to back.

Hope you all are doing good.

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