Chapter 35

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I feel like my teeth would fall out any time soon with the amount of shivering. Am drenched badly from head to toe and the cold breeze isn't working in my favor. I tried calling my fire element to my rescue but of no help. I couldn't even conjure a flick of fire.

Wondering what is going on, well let me explain. It's been a year since I cut all my ties with my family. After deciding that I have to start pushing myself and acquire the powers of all my elements, I left the comfort of my home and for three months I switched places rubbing my scent here and there to throw the search party of the King in the wrong direction. Am really not sure that if there was any search party arranged for me, as no one could reach me. Not even close enough.

After that I met an herbalist, Sara who gave me a paste of completely covering my natural aura. I only emit the scent of my clothes, if they carry any. Thereby completely vanishing from the face of the earth and started wandering in the forest. It was easier this way as Sophia could approach me very frequently.

I expanded my mental and physical barrier allowing me to enhance my powers. I am now the master of all the elements and they heed to my call all the time. Not only mastering the elements but also I learnt many other cool stuff. I prefer not to cloth myself with the help of magic as that leaves behind the trace of my aura.

But for the past few days, am restless and my powers are all over the place. For example this rain. This is caused by my mood swings. I suddenly felt so lonely and scared that I bawled bitterly and this uncontrollable cyclone has started. I have no idea what the weather department take this phenomenon as. There would be headlines tomorrow saying 'Side effects of Global warming' or 'Time of human existence on Earth is up', not that any of this is untrue but unfortunately this unexpected fluctuation in weather is not because of them.

To keep myself warm I called my fire element but the attempt wasn't fruitful. What is happening. Is this because I was away from human interactions for so long am feeling down. Humans are social beings afterall. Could be a reason, let me go to the nearby village, have a drink or two. Thinking so I started to the nearby human occupied region.

But as soon as I entered a small 150 people residential area, I understood that these are not just humans but are supernatural beings. These people are werewolves and belong to Lunar pack. I met the Gamma of this pack once, Reed being the King of Alphas visited this pack and I tagged along. There was commotion everywhere. I pulled up my hoodie and went near boys aged 15 or so who are vigorously training and having friendly fights among themselves.

When I approached them, one particular guy with blonde hair approached me.

"I am Reeves, the Alpha's son, I have never seen you here, we shall consider you as a rogue unless you state your purpose now". Stated in his alpha tone. Now all the trainees gathered around and looked like they were ready to pounce on me if I made one wrong move.

I learnt many many things about myself and one among that being I have no effect on the alpha tone. Even Alpha king can never make me submit and this boy is barely even the Alpha of his own pack. But still I planned to go along with the act and acted as if am scared to death.

" I..I am a pa..passerby and stopped by this village to gather some food. I work for herbalist Sara, you can call her up and ask her yourself". I told in a scared tone. Hopefully this much acting is enough. Sara would definitely help me out, she promised. You ask why, because let's say I didn't use my earth element to fetch a very rare medicinal herb.

"Let me take you to dad, he will decide your fate", saying so the Alpha's son led me to the pack house. When the meeting room of the Alpha opened I was surprised to see all the Alpha's even the Alpha King Reed present there. I thanked my brain that I camouflage myself before I came here, else Reed would definitely identify me.

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