Chapter 16

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It's been a week I woke up from my deep slumber. The wizard who was supposed to arrive at the arena for my training has still not arrived. I watch others from far as they go on with there life - training, eating, patrolling, sleeping and again training.

Can you believe it, patrolling. But from whom are you protecting us. From the day the bubble of normal life broke, there is nothing out of ordinary. Only William gives provoking speeches on how one should be alert so that they can face the unexpected. But nothing out of ordinary happened.

Well keeping all the negative thoughts aside, my life has returned to normal. Breakfast in room, lunch with Reed, evening walks in meadow and dinner with parents and William.

Though I am tired listening to all the boring talks and concerns receiving from my family and friends, it's a great get away from the thoughts of a certain King, who always remain in my thoughts without my permission.

Here I am, pathetic searching for a way to forget Harry and he daily walking hand in hand with my cousin without any remorse on how I might feel. Not that he is at fault, his life, his choice of girls, but the only problem is me who is blowing this case out of proportion.

So I guess that pretty much summarizes my situation.

William has asked me to get ready as he was expecting the wizard’s grand entry into my life today. I know am making it dramatic but that's what making my life not so boring. It's six in the evening and as my routine I was walking towards the meadow.

Though I knew this route by-heart, yet there is feeling that something might go wrong inside. I couldn't actually pinpoint the reason but my gut feeling says so. These days it's always right and hence I am on high alert. My heightened senses are very handy at times like these.

At first I cursed for being different, but after I accidentally stepped in the make out session of Reed and Green and let me inform, it was very gross I started using them for my own good. With werewolves lurking around every corner of the resort it's best to use your senses to avoid awkward encounters.

It's hard to accept the reality of being a sorcerer but once you do, life gets back to normal. I guess this is my mantra of life from now on - Just accept. As the meadow neared, the eeriness in the atmosphere increased tenfold. Something is definitely wrong. The beauty I'm surrounded around did nothing to soothe the eeriness building up in the pit of my stomach.

I decided to walk around when all of a sudden I collapsed due to unbearable pain in my ribs. It was as if someone punched me hard. Then slowly every part of my body was on fire. I could feel cuts and punches, hits and blows all over my body. My body was mutilated by unseen force and I couldn't even shout for help with the increased pain.

Slowly I was losing my conscious. This is not the time and place for that. I started to take a deep breath, controlling and bringing myself to the present. My body became heavy. Mixture of feelings like fear, anger and concern flooded my body. My brain turned mushy with the pressure the unforeseen force acting on it. Suddenly I could feel thousands of voices screaming for help. I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped into the pond nearby stopping by breathe underwater so that my concentration would be diverted, but what I found was more shocking. I could actually breathe underwater. Water didn't block my lungs.

Something is really wrong with me. I surfaced and started pushing my legs towards the resort. The chilling weather didn't help my already drenched body. I was shivering from head to toe. I rubbed my hands to make them warm. I could see my hands glow and the source of glow is the ring, which is safely rested on my ring finger.

I touched my ring and the glow disappeared but noises, screams, shouts and much more disturbing sounds could be heard. I raised my head to analyze the commotion only to find that I am in our training arena and the environment is beyond description. Blood scattered everywhere, swords clashing, skins tearing, it's no longer friendly duals but deathly and gruesome fight. I was afraid that werewolves and vampires started fight but what I found is werewolves and vampires so called Severs fight together against some other species I know not.

These species look like Giants with scales of crocodile but their face looks like eagle. Not exactly like an eagle, but the eyes and the sculpture of the face is similar. While I stood staring these species, there was a clash beside me and half of my body is covered with blood. When I came out of shock I could see Reed screaming at me to get out of the scene. He was bleeding very badly yet he was fighting. The severity of the situation was understood by me at that instance.

I looked around and every werewolf, demon and Severs are fighting with their everything. This was unexpected. William was right after all. I began making my way out of the field, I was anyhow of no use in the battlefield at least could help the wounded.

But as I started walking towards the tents, my feet were taking me to the other direction. I stopped using my brain and followed my feeling only to find a group surrounded by these giants, there was no way out for them. They were stuck and ready to give up on their lives.

From the gap between the giants legs, I could find none other than my parents and Reed's parents stuck. All the common sense went South. My entire body was shaking with fury. No one hurts what's mine.

I made my way towards the demons. I had underwent no trainings but at that situation my only motive was to save my people. A strange adrenaline rushed through me and I lifted the tree log present at my right and with super speed I hit the Giant's waist. Not having predicted this, giant took by surprise and stumbled on its feet.

Other giant was coming towards me and that little diversion was enough to release my dad and Ben and they started fighting with these stinking creatures as well. Uncle effectively used this sword swinging left and right and cutting giants skin along. Giant's shrill cries filled air, fuelling my energy to fight this greasy figure.

Dad threw a sword in my direction and I made a somersault and caught it in air and stabbing the giant near its collarbone and landed softly on my fours. This commotion caught the  attention of giants and all the giants in the vicinity of five hundred meters approached us.

I ushered my aunt and mom to the tents and started fighting along with my dad and uncle. It was exhausting, I used all my dance moves and sword in sync, cutting these giants skin but to my utmost shock, these giants felt nothing.

I lost my balance and fell on the ground breaking my leg in process. Uncle Ben was thrown like a sack of potatoes to the nearby tree and a giant was already on my dad punching him. I took the support of my sword and got up and glanced around to find we were losing and in any second someone dear to me, someone I know and love may take their last breath.

Harry's face flashed in front of me and my eyes started searching for him only to find him being choked by a giant. Reed was laying on ground barely breathing and Green was drenched in blood and still fighting.

Lost in surroundings I didn't notice a giant hitting my back with a tree log. I shooted like a bullet to the nearby tree and was in no position to get up. Before the giant could squash me, its shrill cry was heard followed my green blood soaking me wet.

That giant fell just few inches away from me and I could see my rescuer with a sword and his ocean blue eyes filled with rage. His eyes found mine and immediately softened and rushed to help me. But even before he could reach me, he was hit by another tree trunk and he fell on me. His breathing became harsh. I shook him still no reply, he started closing his eyes. “No, don't, don't you dare pass out on me”, but my words fell on deaf ear.

He’s slowly losing conscious and with that, an unknown fire started building in me. When I could no longer see that soothing ocean blue eyes, my frustration knew no limit. I started burning like fire. I screamed so loud that I could put a banshee to shame. “How dare you” I told to none in particular. But as soon as I placed my love on ground and started moving towards the battlefield. Many of the injured bowed down asking my forgiveness and shelter.

“How you dare to touch what's mine”, I saw red and lost conscious but not before hearing, “Please save us Princess”.


Hey guys, back again with another chapter, hope you'll like it.

Hope you got few clarifications as well.

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