Chapter 7

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There was this sudden urge to keep this ring with me. You know the urge you feel when you are on diet and all you want is sweets and candy's to munch. Well I wasn't a person good at resistance, so I decided to keep the ring with me.

But where, came the next question. I carried no bag nor do I have pockets. I'm carrying this phone with great difficulty and now this ring.

I started walking, tracing my steps back. I absentmindedly put the ring in the ring finger, then everything went pitch dark, I couldn't see my surroundings. Sudden I felt as if I'm being sucked into a black hole. My entire body began to twirl and I could use nothing to hold as support. The feeling to being sucked evaporated and replaced by free fall.

Yes, I'm falling from a very great height to god knows where. I kept screaming till my throat went dry. All of a sudden my fall came to an abrupt halt and I fell on my back on the ground.

"Argh, enough of adventures for one day", I screamed. "Sure it is" was the reply I got. When I finally got up and faced the man, I recognized him to be my dad's cousin. "Hello Mia, welcome. You reached your destination in remarkable time" he winked at me. I started walking towards my mom not knowing what to tell him and that is when I found that I was the last one to arrive.

"So my children, take rest for today, I guess the hunt has left you tired", spoke the very same old Uncle. "And left me with questions, I wanted answers to", I said annoying.

Everyone dispersed and I took time to study the surroundings. There was a vast plain land where games like cricket, football and rugby can be held. A freshwater lake to the right and a line of small cottages to my left. There was also a huge bungalow beyond the cottages where all the contestants of the treasure hunt were heading to.

I have also started walking towards it. "Guys pick rooms for yourself, the entire building is ours",the guy whom I recognized as Adam has shouted. There might be approximately thirty five people in this building who started moving in a zigzag manner to find a good room for themselves and I stood at the entrance like a statue and analysing what all had happened to me within a day.

"Do you expect prince in a shining armor to come and carry your luggage darling?" The voice I grew familiar and longed to hear spoke. I need not even look at the person to know who he was. My entire body is in tune with his presence.

"How are you able to take things so easily,Eric. I am unable to digest what is happening around. It's like I'm pushed into unknown body and asked to live another being's life. I can't take it." Tears started rolling down my cheeks. His eyes softened at my sight and spoke "Hey, it's ok, not everything happens as planned. Somethings are better left unplanned."

I looked at him with a dumb expression. "If you're thinking that I understood what you told now, then you are so wrong"

"What is the beauty of life if it is understood that easily, common grab your luggage and let's hunt for our rooms" he said. I went to the Jeep which has got the luggages, which I had no clue who packed. I picked up a trolley which has my name on it. Maybe my mom packed, if so, she also knew that we will stay for a bit longer, then why didn't she say anything about this.

I grabbed my luggage and start towards the bungalow. I saw Eric waiting for me with a backpack dangling on his shoulder and a travel bag in other hand. He looked so handsome in this small posture, that I found my heart beating erratically in my ribcage. Just a mere sight of him is sufficient to throw my heart overdrive.

It's like, I have a connection with him much deeper than friendship and any other relationship. I also know that this connection is not because he visits me in my dreams. "Shall we go", I told for which he turned towards me, sniffing the air around me, he went still and his entire body posture was stiff. He was in pain but the reason is unknown.

He just nodded and started moving into the house. "What's up babe" someone spanked me. I didn't even get chance to meet the person who spanked me as I was pushed behind the wall, Eric being the wall. "How dare you" Eric said with his fingers in a fist and jaw set straight. I could feel the intimidating aura flowing off him and I'm sure the person at the receiving end would definitely take a piss.

"Geez, what's with you and who are you, I always greet Mia in the very manner" the guy who spanked me earlier said.

"Guys too much testosterone, move back" I said coming in between them and moving each other apart. "Reed meet Eric, relative of my mom and Eric meet Reed, my dumbass cousin", I piped in. " Now common let's find rooms for ourselves" I further added because neither of them is ready to move.

"This is to inform you people that the lunch will be served outside and around 1 pm I expect everyone to be there." Reed's father uncle Ben told. He left not before winking at me. I was his favorite daughter, yes he saw me as his daughter and pampered me to no extent and thereby Reed and my relationship is never less than a brother sister bond.

"Let's go inside" I shouted excitingly and entered the bungalow. I heard chuckles coming from behind me but I didn't mind. At least they agree on something.

I was spellbound looking at the interiors. Not even a five star hotel will be this beautiful. Every inch of this bungalow screamed royalty. Huge portraits, chandelier and intricate designs on walls. "Pick your jaw from ground Mia, also please wipe off your drool" teased Reed. I could find no come back. "Let's go babe before all the good rooms will be taken" supplied Reed. Only then my legs started moving.

We placed our luggage in the hall and started to hunt for room. All rooms were taken apart from seventh floor. And hence here we are in seven floor with my room in between Reed's and Eric's.

Yayy, lucky me, now I am the referee to these two. Can't wait for my stay here.


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