Chapter 39

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Back with an update.

I am planning to continue this series in three parts and this would be the last part of this book.

Let me know what else you would like to see in next book.

Romance, thriller or more action.😜


Home, a place to return to after a tiring day. It is the most comforting word. It's not necessary it's always a place.

Now I have two homes, my mom and my coven.

I am dreading this confrontation with my people, ever since I left Severs. I have no idea how to approach it. I was disappointed with Harry when he said he chose greater good over me, didn't I do the same, i have given up my responsibilities as an Alpha and left everyone, uninformed, for understanding and controlling my power. Such a hypocrite I am.

“We haven’t informed anyone of your disappearance, Alpha. They all know that you went to Severs for protection and appointed me as the incharge”.

Alpha, ouch, Blaze knows how to hit where it hurts.

“Thank you Blaze”

“Alpha, you are back”, Stella shouted after she appeared out of nowhere and dragged me to the open grounds where we usually train. A year passed by since I met my folks and Stella seemed to be quite grown up. All of the clan excluding people out on mission, were gathered there and waited for me enthusiastically. 

“Welcome back Alpha”. All of them shouted at once.

During the past year, I was all alone, catering for myself. Sophia was there guiding and helping me, but at the end of the day, it was me. I couldn't control this overwhelming response and my hold over my emotions started to fleet . I was engulfed with guilt, sorrow, joy and trust all at once and tears started rolling down my cheek.

It started as a whimper but I ended up bawling. My folks couldn't understand the reason, but Sapphire and Blaze did. Sapphire took my hand and comforted me by squeezing gently, but it was Blaze who surprised me. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tight and my fear that he might not accept me vanished. 

I was worried that Blaze wouldn't forgive me, though he might not, but this gesture comforted me. After my wailing turned back to soft whimpers, Blaze gently patted my shoulders, calming me down.

“Sorry guys, I really missed you all. Let’s have a party tomorrow”, I let the crowd know as soon as I could stop the tremble in my voice.

I was escorted to my room by literally everyone, my Beta to my border guards, Sapphire to Hydris.

“Take rest my queen, let's meet in person some other suitable time”, saying so Hydra kissed my hand and receded back to his quarters.

“Take rest today and we shall resume our discussion tomorrow on everything and also draft a plan for our clan's future”. Blaze said before him and everyone else left.

“I know you had your reasons, but it is unfair to not let us in, princess, but let us discuss tomorrow, have a good night sleep, Mia”, Sapphire kissed my forehead before he left.

I opened my bedroom door only to find it spotless, they cleaned my room daily. They must have really missed me. After I showered and changed to comfortable clothes, I took out a pen and paper to draft the future of my clan. I can't hang around them anymore, I need to upskill and learn new fighting techniques. Being in one place can't give me the experience I seek. It was not an easy decision, I do look like a selfish person only seeking power, but I have duties and responsibilities which Sophia passed down to me.

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