Chapter 15

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I woke up from my peaceful slumber and I feel energetic and fresh. I can feel something different from within. There is a hum around me and I could feel it. My body was hyper aware of the surroundings. I guess this happens to you when you are in comatose state for a long time.

I got up from my bed and started my way out of the room. I came out of the building to be hit by the heavy sunlight. I closed my eyes in order to avoid sun rays but no use, even my hand couldn't act as a barrier for the incoming rays. This is something new.

I could hear chirping of birds at a distance, when I tried concentrating on the sounds around I could hear clashing of swords, something hitting a tree, something hit the ground hard. I followed the source of sound and found that there was a huge open space where people were getting trained.

It is then all the events happened to me, which led me in this position came back flooding. I was to be categorized when the globe broke and burnt my skin. Immediately I looked down to find absolutely smooth hand with no cuts or burn. The skin is so smooth that it was quite disturbing.

“Heightened senses, quick healing, flawless skin and many more are traits of a sorcerer”, came a voice from behind me and I immediately recognized the voice. “So am neither a demon nor a werewolf William?” I asked him because he is the only one who could help me understand.

“I know this is all very difficult for you to believe but this is the reality, four hundred years and no single soul who was a born sorcerer and yet here you are living, Mia, our only hope.”

“What if i'm not the person you are searching for William, what if you got it all wrong?”

“Time only tells, I have notified a very ancient wizard to help you guiding and using your powers, till then my child take rest” saying so William left me and I started to leave for my room.

I hear a knock on my door after an hour I reached my room. “Mia baby, you got me scared honey, you remember what you did before?” exclaimed my mom and hugged me tight. “Sweetheart, give her room to breathe, Mia everyone missed you child, if you are ok, can you join us at the dining table for lunch?” asked my dad.

“Yes dad, let's go and grab food. I am hungry”.

At the dining hall I could see sweaty people moving around and grabbing food and gulping down like there's no tomorrow. “Mia, babe, good to see you” my cousin Reed hugged me and bathed me in his sweat. “Eww Reed, you smell, get off me”. “Smell is an understatement Mia, I probably might stink. Gross. Too much training, but can't complain, I love it though” winking at me he left, to take his place beside Green, who is equally sweaty. I guess I'll join the sweat group once I start my training.

Suddenly I could feel the air drop few degrees. It became relatively cold and I curse myself for not carrying a jacket. I grabbed my share of lunch and sat beside Reed who kept talking about his trainings and achievements till date. He gave me fill in, on the information I missed during my beauty sleep.

Dining room door opened bringing in cold air and bad aura. I turned to look at the cause of  disturbance only to find the same blonde hair Drake and his group. I came out of my stance when I caught Drake winking at me. I forgot that I was staring at that group for more than fifteen minutes.

Mia, not again, what happened to stay away from vamps. I could feel the hair on my neck stand. There was static in the air and electricity passing along my spine. I could feel someone's stare on me and turned towards it.

And guess what I found. You are absolutely right, my Harry, looking at me with a hard glare. Wait what, my Harry? Ok, let me accept, nothing wrong in that though. I am completely blown away by him. But why the hell is he giving me hard glares.

My body has a mind of its own. Before I could even register what was happening, I was standing in front of Harry, yes you are right, stupid me, what am I even thinking, oh I forgot, do I even think. Urghh, Mia go jump in a well.

“Umm,hi nice weather right, how you doing” I asked Harry out of compulsion so that I can cover up my malfunctioning of brain. “What do you want, did someone ever tell you, that you are such a bother and an attention seeker? Let's go babe, will have lunch elsewhere” stating so he left with my cousin Serene.

His words stung me to no extent. I was blown away by his attitude towards me. Tears started flowing down my eyes and I just ran away from the reality. I kept running into the forest which engulfed me with open arms.

I once again reached the same meadow where I met the mysterious girl before. This meadow is my escape from the people. Why me. I cried out my heart, screamed, shouted in pain, but no use. The pain caused by his words are too much to bear.

I am sensitive when it comes to feelings. I was also depressed post my break up, but this pain is no way in comparison to that. Even at that time, he was always there for me, helping me in one way or the other in my dreams and I was never alone but now that's not the case. This proves reality is far from dreams.

“I hate you Harry, I wish I never met you, I wish to not see you ever again”, I shouted out to the open space and continued weeping.

After an hour or so my tears dried and I sat there like a rock, feeling nothing, not even hatred.

“You feeling better now?” asked the same girl who met me before when I visited this place. I couldn't see her face but I feel a connection with her. Her Raven black hair flowing with wind.

“Trust no one but time, it's the medicine for everything. You need not feel for everything that happens to you. It only happens because it was destined to happen to you. Fear not Mia, for things are going to fall in its place in the right time” her words not only brought confidence in me, but also relief.

If Harry was meant to be mine, nothing can stop him from being mine and if he isn't, then nothing can make him be mine.

“Thanks, you always know the right things to tell me. I always wonder you only show your side profile to me. I want to see your face, why don't you show me?” I asked.

“Now again I'll tell you, when the time is right I'll show myself, just don't spoil the flow of nature by wanting to know everything beforehand.”

I simply smiled at what she said and allowed myself the privilege to feel nothing so that I can get back to my oh-so boring life again.


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