Chapter 18

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Because I made myself free...

I flew across the field and my back hit the tree pretty hard. Ouch, I guess today I'll lose my spine. “Get up and fight back” Winster shouted from across the field. “Easy to say”, I murmured hoping he didn't hear it. “You should really start using yours powers so you know how to defend yourself”, he exclaimed. “Are you serious, use my powers, what do you think I'm doing here, making a fool of myself.” I screamed. I was beyond frustrated. I give up. I'm done.

“You are not trying enough, we'll take a break today, will start again tomorrow”, he left, leaving me alone to grieve.

After my accidental energy outburst, I got a week to take rest before my training started. When Winster told that once he started training me, I wouldn't catch a glimpse of sleep,I thought he was joking, but now I understand he wasn't. I'm so tired that I couldn't even close my eyes. The first week of training was stressful. He tried making me conjure my power on all the elements, but later given up stating fire is the only element I am a master of.

He added physical and weapon training in my curriculum after the second week. From third week theoretical training was also added. It's been two months I started to train and I still couldn't get a rhythm of it. I was missing badly whose days of mine where my only activity was lazily lying on the couch and crying over an ex-boyfriend.

Reed and Green are a happy couple who smile, suffer and do everything together. I gotten sick of their lovey-dovey acts. All in all, am one depressed, frustrated soul.

When it comes to Severs, everyone is undergoing vigorous trainings as if their life depends on it. There is also going to be face of match to see which position in the princess court will they fit. I would also compete in it. As I was delayed in my training, my schedule was made far more intense to make me in par with them.

Well coming to Drake, our friendship strengthen even further and there was no awkwardness after the mere kiss situation. The same couldn't be told about Harry. He went back to being cold, well cold is an understatement.

Apart from my training, my life so far, is good. I have been trying to put those missing pieces of my dreams together but they hold no meaning at all. Dreams revolving Harry stopped and Dreams about a little girl began. Sometimes all I see is the girl in the cradle, or hear her giggle, or listen to her angelic voice. It's as if the dreams are giving me time to get used to her without overburdening me.

I know am talking crazy, but was else can you expect from a girl who spends sixteen hours training for an unknown battle and rest hours trying to fix her hallucinating brain. But the only good part of all these is that I started to accept the reality that I am a supernatural being who is supposed to be non-existent and the best part is, I couldn't have imagined my life any better.

Under all these complaints, I started appreciating my life and thank god for giving me a goal, challenging enough to fulfill my soul.

“You are not going to kiss the ground, are you?”asked Drake. His expression was so serious that I started laughing at him. “Of course no, you moron.”

“Thank God, I like to hangout with sane people not the other way”, I only rolled out my tongue as a reply. He sighed and walked towards me. "I guess another piggyback ride is on its way". This is the best part of training. I get so exhausted that it would be difficult to walk, so Drake always gives me a piggyback ride back to my room. “Thanks man, you are a saviour”.

Drake is very kind and friendly person and at the same time a fierce warrior. He is like a warm teddy bear whom I can cuddle with, but mind you he is one heck of a warrior when he has his beta-mode on. He has a beautiful mate Anna, who at first was very reluctant and scared to talk to me but as time passed we three made a trio. Even am not this close to Reed, I have an unexplainable bond with Drake and he can feel it to.

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