Chapter 38

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Off to a good start, hope you guys enjoy this chapter..


What is this, is this even real. I felt the darkness stir from above, my small creation isn’t going to hold on any longer, I need to leave this room with the baby first. I rushed towards the door but the door aint opening, it appears to be stuck with a super glue. Ahh, I shouldn't have rushed in such a haste, but I didnt anticipate such an event either. This proves I still lack in many ways, my training should be continued.

Think of a solution quickly, Mia. If I use any elemental power, I cannot answer the questions Drake and his team will impose, but if I dont use any, I cant escape unscratched. I see the only solution now is to jump out of  the window in a non suspicious way. I can't even light a flame without pulling the dark fiber towards us. Good thing that I trained blindfolded to enhance my mobility. After I grabbed the blanket from the cradle, I secured Greece by wrapping the blanket around him and tying him to me. Now for the dangerous part.

I slowly envisioned the air around me to bond together and form a bubble around both of us so that, this accumulated air forms a dome encircling us and thereby cushioning our fall. Common Mia, you can do it. Envision it harder. Training and real life implementations are both different, I need to work really really hard. I was in that position for hardly two seconds, but it felt like an eternity. When I heard the click, it meant my power dome is active.

Without a second thought I ran out of the window breaking the wall with the impact. Using my earth element, I wrapped the person with the creepers and made her land safely. This is the first time I have used two elementals at the same time. I did good for a beginner. Yay.

Mission Greece, accomplished. I disappeared the air dome and the vines before someone catches on us. Once the dust started clearing, I could see silhouettes of people running towards us. Once they approached us, everyone stood in silence and shock, not able to contemplate the current situation. They drew their swords at me. Now they’ll think I am the villain here, well that’s how this looks. Their abducted queen has suddenly appeared in an unconscious state, beside me and the baby they never got a chance to see, in my arms.

Must be a sight to witness.

I can clearly see Drake, Blaze and Sapphire rushing towards me with Dean and Hydris on their hinds. Rage filled Drake’s eyes and I could clearly see him unsheathing his sword, but any resistance from me would hinder my chance to reason.

“Who are you ”, with his sword ready to cut my neck, Drake questioned angrily. I placed the baby on the ground. “Move and you die”, Drake is in Beta mode moving his sword further making my neck bleed. “Last warning”, he's barely able to form words to question me.

“As I mentioned. Am Sara, a herbalist. After I entered the room, the room was covered with a very dense dark mist called ‘Dark Fiber’. This is a very advanced dark spell which acts, both as a defensive and offensive weapon. It can warn the caster to any threats in area it is casted and also explode itself in case of any disturbance in the surroundings. That was the reason for you all to think that the baby was causing commotions due to his advanced growth. I could only get the baby out of the room by plunging out of the window as the door was forced shut. Just before jumping, I saw Serene floating in the air. I was as shocked as you guys are now. We located her in a forbidden forest but she is right under our nose, all this time. I have pulled her along with us, when we made our jump.

I have omitted all the unnecessary parts but the gist is the same. A defeated look on Drake’s face confirmed my safety. “Take our queen and prince to infirmary, and Sara, we have a lot to talk about” was all he said and the entire arena dispersed immediately.

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