Chapter 14

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Ahhh, worst hangover ever. I groaned and tried getting up. Underline tried, because I couldn't get up. Its as if my entire body is being paralyzed and is not ready to get up.

“It's been three days Mia is in this state, I am seriously worrying honey”. I could hear my mom's voice from a distance. I am awake Mother, please don't worry, I want to say to her but I could neither speak nor move an inch.

I was in this state, where my mind could register everything happening around but my body couldn't respond, for a very long time. Tired being in this state, I tried closing my mind also for a while.

No sooner I drifted off into darkness than there is a ray of light making its way towards me and suddenly that ray of light turned as a floodlight and the lightning was too much to bear.

When the light subsided I could see group of people in their mid sixties, wearing long cloaks moving close to a cradle. “This girl is the future of a new change, protect her with all you can, William”, said an old man from the group and had given away the young girl to this man called William who looks like he is in mid twenties.

“Run away from this place at this instant” said another old man from the group. “You must be alert all the time William and now leave. Daniel and Sabrina cannot hold back them any longer”, said the first old man with the green cloak.

“Goodbye princess, do remember your grandfather,my child” a old man in his mid fifties with green robe came  forward and kissed the forehead of the infant and casted a black hole which sucked the man, William and the infant in and everything blacked out once again.

I could hear beeping of the machine attached to me and this time I could open my eyes and found my mother staring at me with concern and hesitation.

“My baby”, my mom threw herself towards me and started weeping very badly. My father,my uncle, cousin and even Williams face was painted with fear. There were many people a doctor, four nurses in this small makeshift hospital.

“I'm ok mom” I began to speak but my throat was as dry as a Sahara desert and people could hardly hear my voice. One of the nurse handed me a glass of water which I gulped down in a go.

“Why are you all so worried, am healthy as a horse” I exclaimed but no one brought it. “Guys am fine, really fine, please stop worrying” I sighed. “Sweety, you gave us all a heart attack, never do that again” said my dad sternly. As if I had a say in what happened to me. How can I promise not to commit the mistake when I so likely don't know when I'll do.

“It's ok son, your daughter is a witch, such events are bound to happen”,stated William and I opened my mouth like a fish and stared at him.

“Please not now,let her recoup and we'll let her know the details”, said my mother thereby diverting the topic.

“Now if all of you leave, let the girl get some rest”, said the doctor and everyone left the room wishing me speedy recovery. I caught someone looking at me. I turned to find a blonde hair boy staring at me with relief in his eyes.

“Hi, do I know you?” I asked him. He flashed his toothy grin which reminded me of someone I  couldnot put hands on, “ Hi, am Drake, beta of Severs, good to see you awake”. He came towards the bed I was in and with great affection stroked my palm and said “You'll always find me when in need, do not hesitate to think about me”. He then kissed my forehead with so much love and affection, then he left the room.

Now that was weird. But weird became natural to me nowadays. I know there are lots going on,in my life but I want to take some rest before plunging back into the same stressful life. There is an odd feeling of security in the air around and I instantly fell asleep.


Harry's POV

“Was that required Drake?” I asked Drake with disinterest. “ Yes very much, she is my best friend. You can forget your love for her but I'm always loyal to my friend” replied Drake.

“She is not Sophia, don't imagine things which will take away your peace”.

“She has shown before that she is reincarnation of Sophia, what more proof you need Harry. Just because you stuck in past and don't want to move on, you cannot neglect the reality. She was my friend and she will be”, Drake's declaration stirred something in my stomach and I couldn't control the words which left my mouth.

“Just because she is your first love you can't be carried away Drake”.

Drake's face became red with anger. Yes, Sophia was his first love. He loved her even when she treated him as her best friend. He loved her even when she loved me. He loved her even when she shared memories of us with him. He loved her even when she cheated us. He even loves her now.

“I know you want everything to fall in place and everything to be like how it was before and you are ready to accept her. But you are answerable to your people as my Beta, don't forget your responsibilities”, I reminded him.

He turned towards me and uttered words which led me into thinking. “I wish she understood my love then she wouldn't carry the mark of your disloyalty. She loved you dearly Harry, does that mean anything to you? She was an extraordinary princess and has always put her people before her needs. She might have cheated us, but as much as I know my friend, there does exist a reason”.

“I better go, I have trainings to take care of” saying so Drake left the hospital.

Love gives pain, love gives hope. Love is medicine and poison also. Love is peace, love is terror. How can I showcase my emotions when I am expected to be strong.

I stared at the ceiling thinking about the words Drake said. If only he knows how difficult it is to stop yourself from chasing the women who is your life just because she is in different form and doesn't feel the same for me.

The day I met her at the gathering I knew I was a goner. My beautiful wife, staring at me with her round black eyes. Excitement, happiness and love was evident in them. I was drawn to her the very instant. Might be her appearance resembles Sophia or because her aura, I have no clue, but I'm drawn to her like a moth is drawn to a fire.

But as usual I maintained my distance, one wrong move would destroy everything. But as much I maintained my space, she comes a step closer to me. After the events which took place three days before, I was sure that this beautiful girl is none but my Sophia and this time I would do anything and everything to protect her and not let the other way happen. She had done enough protecting me and her people, it's time to pay back.

I didn't realize when I stopped in front of Mia’s room with door opened. I stepped inside and sat beside her bed, taking her palm in mine.

“You might be Sophia or Mia, but you will remain to be the reason of my existence, I need you to be with me to bear my ego, to fight over petty things, to tease me, to care me and above all, love me. You have no clue how I lived these years awaiting for your arrival. I have no doubt in you and your intentions my love. I love you and always will. Please don't leave me again”.


There it goes, the longest chapter I have written.

Tadaa, I am back with update for this week.

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