Chapter 4

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Thank you TrinityNorwood for this wonderful cover. Guys go and do check out her books.


I whimpered, what felt like umpteenth time. I couldn't stop the tears flowing down my cheeks. I continued crying recollecting all the events that took place in my life. No one loves me. No one whom I love is alive. What life am I even leading. Always left out, begging to be loved. Am undergoing all the pain only to breathe. How easy it is to just stop breathing and let everything, every bit of pain and suffering go.

I am standing on the edge of the cliff, one more step and I would give myself to gravity of Earth,thus by taking shelter in the depths of ocean. Only if death is as easy as living. I always think dying is the easy way than living but only if I have one percent of the courage it takes to die in me, I could lead my life happily. Life is precious not all the souls on earth make it to being a human, hence making human life all more worthy.

I let out a sigh and sat on the very spot overlooking the starry grazed night. The night is very beautiful, romantic indeed. The ocean reflecting this starry sky made the view even more beautiful.

“Think about the beauty around and let go all the sorrows”, I told myself and wiped all my tears away. I heard rustling of leaves and turned to look at the source of it only to find a very weary looking ocean blue eyes staring back at me.

He let out a sigh and sat next to me. We both stared at the view in front of us. The silence was quite comfortable. Suddenly he shifted away from me and this hurt me even more. I don't know if I love this person beside me, but the thought of him moving away caused more pain than I would like to acknowledge.

I closed my eyes and chanted to myself, “It's ok not to be wanted by everyone, it's ok not to be important, it's ok not to be loved by the one you love”.

I felt some weight on my lap and I opened my eyes to see him lying on my lap. “I don't know why but I always find home in you, whenever I'm lost I find my way in you, you are the light in my dark life, Sophia”, he whispered.

I was paralyzed after listening this. Shock would be an understatement to what I am feeling right now. Many emotions happiness, ecstasy, hope, love and many more clutched my heart and fear was prominent among them. Yes fear, the fear of losing him and fear that he didn't mean what he told was like a knife to my heart

Nevertheless, I didn't reply to him and continued looking at the ocean below. “You know after all the tragic incidents that took place, I lost the hope to ever trust someone and find love in them at the same time, but you proved me wrong Sophie. You proved me wrong and for that, I'm very grateful. Thank you for being you and being my anchor”, he murmured and shifted closer to me.

The words left his mouth next, shook me to the core, “ I think i'm falling for you, Sophie”.

A smile slowly crept on my lips as I once again drifted in my own thoughts, “Two broken souls came together only to be mended as one”.


I woke up with the same smile on my face, my day would definitely be great with the dream I just had. My dreams had more power on me than the reality. I kept falling even more for this blue-eyed stranger every single day.

After the near heart attack I have given my parents, they are keeping a very close watch on me. But my spirits have considerably risen after the narrow escape from the wolf. I was so in love with my life that I was no longer that depressed person. I also made terms with my ex and my ex best friend. We also met a couple of times after.

The weekend which I dreaded came faster than I wanted. Yes the very weekend where I will meet every single person who comes under my family tree. But even this family event couldn't bring me down, all thanks to that ocean blue eyes.

“Mia, we haven't got all day, get dressed soon and come down for breakfast”, my mom shouted. I no longer feel I was imprisoned and burden by my mother's over protectiveness. In fact I feel blessed to have parents who loved me more.

Everything changed after I started seeing life from the angle this blue-eyed stranger showed. All my doubts about life, love would be clarified by him in dreams. I couldn't thank him enough for showing this beautiful side of life. Look at me, I'm going all fan frenzy over a guy who doesn't even exist.

After having breakfast, we started for the resort where we all are meeting. The car halted and my father opened the door for me. I couldn't even get out of the car due to my nervousness.

“All will be fine honey, they are family, they won't eat you away”, my father assured me. I could only nod my head as I couldn't shake of the feeling of something big to take place.

My mom and dad had me taking turns to introduce me to their side of families. I then realized how big this family is.

“Mom I'm tired, let me just grab a drink and sit somewhere”, I pouted but my pleads gone to deaf ear. “Baby, meet your grandfather's cousin Mark and his lovely wife Jenna”, mom said excitingly. I don't understand where all that energy is coming from. I guess meeting your equally excited family members brings that side in you.

“Hello sir”, I extended my hand. “Don't sir me young lady, I'm too young for such titles”, he winked at me. “Call me Mark, will ya?”, I immediately felt at ease with him as if I know him for a very long time and that is new coming from me. “ And me Jenna, pleasure is all mine to meet you Mia”, Jenna said and gave me a bone crushing hug. Ok they don't know the very meaning of two words, personal space.

The environment was so refreshing and captivating that I must admit, against my ego, I felt good being here.

I met all my cousins and was fun and joy every where. “Mia, please come over here darling”, Jenna shouted. I obliged to her request and went near here and found that she is not alone. “Meet my son, Eric”, she tapped on the shoulder of a man whose back was facing me. He wore a grey suit with a green shirt inside. He has a Rolex watch on his left hand. His right hand was inside his pocket. I guess the suit is Armani.

If his dressing is so much appealing I wonder how appealing his face would be. I realised where my thoughts are going to. Put a break Mia, will you, I scolded myself and immediately gave attention to the ground when he was turning around.

There was this unknown sense of excitement in air. My body tingling with the anticipation of something big to happen. “Eric, meet Mia”, Jenna introduced me to him. But I kept staring his shoes, not finding courage to speak to him. There is an aura around him, which is so strong and intimidating that you bow down to him no matter what.

“Hello Mia”, a strong, rough voice greeted me. I instantly lifted my head to face him because I felt I heard that voice before. No sooner did I lift my head than I found the same ocean blue eyes staring down at me. The feeling of deja-vu coursed through me and only “ This can't be happening” left my mouth.


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