Chapter 8

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I came out of my bathroom and moved towards the closet to find suitable clothes for lunch. The view from my window is breathtaking. I had no idea that a resort could be situated in the middle of nowhere. There were signals in my mobile , meaning we are not so far from the city. I wish this outing gets over soon and I could go back to my boring life.

I applied kajal and lipgloss. I guess this is enough and hopefully Eric would approve of my clothing,not that I would change for anyone but still Eric is different.

Eric, subconscious mind of mine stopped functioning properly the very first time I dreamt of Eric and now as I see him in person, I get this incredible doubt if I ever possessed any brain at all.

There was a knock and I hurriedly opened the door to find Reed instead. “Was I not whom you were expecting?” Reed questioned and a sigh left my mouth. These days my heart, my brain and my body agreed on disagreeing with each other and put me into stupid situations. How can I say this to Reed without humiliating myself.

“Oh please Reed, I'll always grimace whenever I'm accompanied by you” I put my tongue out. “So mature” Reed said and winked.

“Hurry up drama queen,we are late for lunch and I'm starving”

“If I am drama queen then what that makes you cousin” I playfully punch him and pushed him out of my room and locking my room in the process. I wondered why didn't Eric come out.

As we entered the dining room, needless to say, it reflected royalty and money. The organizers of this outing might be super rich. I remembered the old man speaking to us before voicing the rules of the hunt, but he was very simple and didn't seem so rich.

There were a wide variety of dishes and I didn't understand which dish to start first. Reed and me finished having lunch in remarkable time and were ready to leave the room and explore the resort, but uncle Ben has other plans.

“Children please come to the field outside where Al-, I meant uncle William wishes to speak to you all”

Eric is nowhere to be seen. Is he ok, whats taking him so long. Stop it Mia, you are giving me a headache. I snorted at my own stupidity. Mia mocking Mia.

“Oh come on, don't say you started talking to yourself again” Reed exclaimed boringly.

“Oh please I do only when I need expert advice”, I winked at him and continued jogging towards the field.

The field, in particular is some kind of training ground. I guess people play sports in here, probably football, because the ground is that big.

There were rows of chairs and tables arranged and a small makeshift podium.

“Welcome guys, I hope you had a wonderful time in your little treasure hunt. My uncle William would like to share something. Your patience and cooperation is rewarded.” My uncle told passing down the mic to the old man who is the uncle of my uncle, William.

The way this old man carried himself screams authority. “ Good evening children, hope you had a good lunch and all the amenities meet your expectations. I William, host of this event welcomes you all to to Wisdom Pack.”said William.

Pack, did he just say pack.

“I expect patience and broad mind from all you lads throughout my conversation. I know you’ll think that I have gone absurd by the end of my speech, but still I would request you all to be calm and accepting about this.”


Sorry for a long delay in update and a short chapter. I'll update soon.
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