Chapter 32

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Short chapter ahead.


When I agreed to this, I didn't expect the treatment of a prisoner. I knew I would be constantly watched, but never knew I would be chained.

Ok, am exaggerating. Am not chained as such, but I have no freedom either. I am not even allowed to lay a foot outside the palace. The kingdom of Severs is beautiful, everything about it resembles love. You find happy people all the time. Well these people have taken the concept of mates to another level. When they are in pairs, it's all happiness and whatever might be the situation, they are all calm and composed. But if they are not together, they are like bears with sore tooth. Always ready to attack anyone.

It's been more than a month here in Severs and am bored as hell. Harry and Drake have left in search of something which obviously no one here knows, to God knows where leaving behind Suong, the warrior I met during training. He has taken the duty of Serene's and mine protection. He's always around and it pisses me badly, but Serene is not affected at all. In Fact she is happy as hell. Glowing brighter than before. Pregnancy has seriously done a number. She's in her third trimester and her cravings have no limit.

Anna and I became closer than before. We train together, eat together, pull pranks and whatnot.

Blaze took the news of me not returning back to heart. He refused to talk to me when I called him. Hydris understood and encouraged me to complete my training.

Presently we are taking a stroll, let me add, taking a stroll not in garden but in freaking dining hall. Kill me.

"Your majesty, The King and the beta have arrived", a warrior female announced and we all went to greet them. Anna rushed into her mates embrace who was equally eager to hold her.

Suong led Serene to Harry where he smiled and kissed her cheek. I was into believing that male mates go ape shit crazy if any other male is around his female but Harry is all warm for Suong. Maybe he's not as bad as I think he is.

"Welcome your highness, Drake, I hope your trip was eventful", I pitched in.

"Yes Mia, it is", Drake replied. "We have lots to catch up. Harry and I will get freshened and then we'll meet in our study", he added.

"Till then, Can I take Serene on a walk outside. Fresh air is necessary for the baby. We won't be out for long", Suong asked Harry to which he agreed.

"Just be careful". With that Harry and others left. I just wish I have someone who cares for me.

We all have assembled in the study room and oh God, is it the pregnancy hormones or because her mate is with her, Serene is practically glowing. Ok now I guess i'm officially jealous of my cousin.

"Am sorry to say, but the situation is going so out of control. Master has started forming alliance to strengthen his force and at this rate we will be expecting a war in no time", Drake mentioned. The air around is so thick and no one dared to even breathe. It's not a good news. I can't help in any way. I can't figure out how to reach Sophia and discuss my next steps.

My training is going fine but still the practice is incomplete if I don't know the entire truth.

"We are running out of time. Let's strengthen our troops and be on high alert always", Harry stated, "And don't let these two out of your sight", he added.

"Why not you include me in the discussions so you can put an eye on me and I can know the criticality of the situation", I spat at Harry.

"I haven't come here to be your prisoner. I have postponed my responsibilities of an Alpha to help my queen and here am not even given information on what is happening outside this stupid castle. This is the last warning Harry, involve me or leave me. I chose not to be a spectator". I rushed out of the hall to my room to avoid further more confrontations.

I need to find a way to reach Sophia. Should I just go to the meadow. She always meets me there. I guess I should give it a try. I concentrated very hard and picturized the meadow so that I could transport but nothing was happening. What the hell. I know I can transport. I am the exception to 'Only dark wizards and witches can transport rule' then why am I unsuccessful.

A loud bang on my door has brought me out of my thinking. " Come in".

"I guess you are trying to transport Mia, but let me remind you whenever you try that not only you fail but also I'll get an alarm of your misdeeds. Let me remind you, you are not on your territory where all your tactics work. You are on my land and am not Blaze to leave you unattended", with this Harry left my room leaving me fuming.

How the hell does he knows what I do and don't. And how is transporting a misdeed. Kill me before I kill him.

"Mia, may I come in".

"From when did you start asking permissions Drake".

"Oh god, what happened now, why are you on ground clutching your stomach", he asked.

"What is so funny in that, am just trying not to vomit. I feel so choked. The air in the castle is suffocating me. I don't feel good. Please allow me outside", I begged but only to hear sigh.

I heard footsteps approaching me. Some warm body took me to their embrace and I felt all the uneasiness and wariness pass off. I breathed their smell and welcomed it's comfort. From when did I find comfort in Drake. Guess our friendship is developing. I heard a content sigh coming from the person holding me.

" Am sorry Drake, I don't want to burden you with my emotions", saying so I turned to look into his grey eyes only to find my favorite ocean blue eyes looking at me with patience and understanding. I jerked back immediately startling him in the process.

"I didn't expect you here your Majesty", I said sarcastically. Take the clue and leave me alone Harry. The last thing I want to do is be in your company.

"Serene went out to take a stroll with Suong and I felt it would only be fair to show you around", he said and extended his palm for me to take. I hesitated for a while and refused to take his help. I got up on my own and said, "Will you allow me to leave this castle".

"Yes, but you need to bear my company for that". Something is better than nothing Mia, shut your mouth and don't argue. I only nodded and grabbed my jacket and followed him out.

"I shall drive you to the nearby town where you can eat your junk food. I heard from Reed that you are a big fan of burger". I chose to remain silent not because I was angry with him but because there is something wrong in the air i'm breathing. It's really taking a lot of energy to breathe.

"I know you are upset with me but at least talk something Mia". He tried making me talk but I am concentrating on my own breath. He stop walking and turned towards me. "Mia seriously, behaving like a child will not help you". He lifted my head to make me look at him.

"What the hell, whats wrong Mia, why are you turning blue". I somehow gathered the air and said, " I can't breathe, help". Before he could respond in anyway I saw stars and collapsed right away.


Why does Mia always pass out on Harry.

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