Chapter 13

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I opened my eyes to a dim lighted room. Chattering and beep noises are heard everywhere and my head feels heavy with the noises around. I tried recollecting events which lead me here but could find none.

“Are you alright sweety”, a blonde hair women with pixie like face, filled with concern asked me. “I am alright but could you please call my husband. I am pretty much disturbed as to why I am here” I replied.

Her face reflected all kinds of emotions, disbelief being prominent among them. “Mia, are you alright, which husband are you talking about my child, I am your mother, why are you responding as if you don't recognize me” said that Lady.

She quickly exited my room shouting something random which my ears couldn't make out. In the meantime, I kept staring at the room I am currently in, wondering how different the architecture is. I am in a weird gown, skyblue color with parchments attached to my arms. There are different musical devices, each making different noises. There is also a stand holding a huge bag of water, which is dripping drop by drop and is connected to my hand with a tube.

What is this and where am I. I was about to remove the tube from my palm when I heard, “Don't remove the saline, you lack glucose in your body” urged an old man wearing a white overflowing coat. “I am sorry,may I ask who are you” came my instant request.

“Mia, I am the pack doctor and you my child, need lots of rest. Please lay down so we can inject you with some vitamins” said the pack doctor. I have no clue which language was he talking. Inject and vitamins, what are these. “I am sorry, but I don't understand what you talking, please call my husband before I go insane” I requested him but he only sighed and came towards me. “Please, call my husband” I requested again but it went to deaf ear.

“Nurse could you please hold Mia down so that I can inject her with anesthesia”, said the man in white coat. “What is wrong with my daughter and why are you giving her anesthesia”, hastily asked the blonde women to the pack doctor.

“Her brain couldn't come back to the present due to untimely awakening of Mia, and hence I need to comatose her so that her brain can gain the rest it needs”, said pack doctor and the blonde women started to sob.

Another two women with the same color outfit as mine came towards me and began to hold my hands. I was beyond scared at this point. “Do you know women, who you are touching at the moment? I can burn you alive by my mere thought. Leave my alone. Harry, where are you Harry” I shouted on the top of my voice, but I got no response from him.

“Harry, you promised you won't leave me ever, please take me away from these people” I cried and cried but yet no response. These women held me tight on my bed that it was getting difficult to even to move by an inch.

When this pack doctor came close with this long needle, it is then I saw him, Harry, my life. Tears started rolling down by his mere sight. It might not be long I last saw him but it felt as if I have been waiting for him for more than a hundred years.

The moment he saw the need for him in my eyes, he crossed everyone in the room and rushed to my side in a second. The pack doctor flew across the room and the women holding me was very hesitant to leave me and the same time didn't want to be in the same room as this man who looks as deadly as the Satan himself.

“What is happening here, may I ask”, Harry shouted at no one in particular and held me close. I held his shirt tightly, unable to let him go fearing he might disappear if I did.

“She has forgotten who she is and pack doctor here is helping to regain her memory, please don't interfere in our matter, leave my daughter this instance”, the blonde women from before spoke. Her eyes held nothing but anger and non acceptance for Harry, nevertheless I couldn't let him go.

“ I'll take care from here”, said Harry sternly. “Hey, look at me” he said to me affectionately. “I am here and no one can harm you love” he said those calming words which always works magic on me. I instantly calmed down and caressed his cheek affectionately. He instantly leaned to my touch and closed his eyes memorizing my touch. “You need not memorize my touch Harry, I'll always be with you by your side.” I said and pulled him towards me to kiss him.

But as soon as my lips were to touch his, something stung me on the upper arm. I turned to see that the pack doctor has tore my skin with his needle. Slowly everything turned blur. “Harry, Harry you there”, I called him urgently. I'm scared of losing him again.

“I am here Sophia and I'll always be” were the last words I heard from him before I slipped into darkness.


Hi guys new update within a short time. Hope you like it.

Please let me know how you find the chapter in the comments.

Much more to come..

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