Chapter 33

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“Welcome back Mia”, an excited version of me spoke. I opened my eyes trying to adjust to the light from the new surroundings. “Can you not suffocate me to death the next time you plan on meeting me, Sophia”. I tried being sarcastic, but she only rolled her eyes at me. It's very weird talking to your look alike who is hundred times more lively than me.

“I had no choice but to put your body to sleep. This way we shall have more time to talk and prepare for your body to what we are doing next”.

“And what are we doing Sophia”.

“Nothing much to worry about the moment. Let me first tell you a story”, she chirped. I didn't like the happiness in her voice. My gut feeling is telling me something big would happen.

“So history lessons first. You know that many years ago there were only sorcerers and humans on earth. These sorcerers for power did many bad things and as a result the power above all of us, the almighty, thought it would not be beneficial if all the power goes to only sorcerers and hence almighty has bestowed equal powers to a sorcerer and a human so when time comes, a child is born out of their love who is so compassionate and caring and at the same time powerful enough to destroy evil and power hunger in this world”.

She continued, “ The Sorcerer Daniel Sperimen was the conqueror of elements Sky and Earth. He ruled over all magical creatures with love, compassion and Justice. His best friend and his confident William was always with him supporting him and encouraging him to learn and grow. Once during their trip to the mountains he met a human girl Sabrina Necher and fell in love with her. Sabrina was a very ordinary girl living in mountains with extraordinary gifts. She could control water and air.”

“After so many hurdles and compromises, Daniel and Sabrina could become one. Their reign was one to remember. There was only happiness and bliss everywhere. They build schools for sorcerers and non sorcerers so anyone could learn magic and improve their lifestyle. Well in every story there is a villain. Similarly there is one in this”.

She stopped walking and turned to look at me. “Their growing power attracted many negative people and they have started digging the reason for such a prosperous reign. People don't question when something bad happens but only ask when something good takes place. They found that these couple are none but the blessed souls and their child will hold the power the earth knows not.”

“Unaware of this, the couple lived happily in their created world of bliss. But in the same world another section of people with their dark magic created a creature who knows not about love, kindness and sacrifice.This creature is made from shadows,has the wrath of water, destructive power of air, barren property of earth and aggression of sky”.

“In short this creature is everything the child is against. The day has arrived when the couple conceived the child and when they came to know about the impending doom on the unborn child. The security tightened. The tension started and once again the bliss filled world was under power hunger's clutches. The queen gave birth to a princess, who right after her birth was blessed by her parents and grandfather and was sent far away from them”.

“They had the world believe that child along with her parents was dead for good thus ending the era of bliss and starting the era of hatred and corruption”.

“So this child is alive. Did she take revenge. Did she regained her throne”, I questioned Sophia. She only laughed at it. “I never believed this story Mia, the powers which began all the war, can be obtained with high amount of will power and there was no need of any war for it. I haven't told you this story because I believe in such power but because others believe. The Master whom you pledged to fight against is like the creature of dark and your queen whom your duty is to protect is the blessed child. That's what the world thinks. Hence it is mandatory for you to gear up and protect your queen”.

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