Chapter 34

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I wasn't asleep. I needed some time to think about things and get my brain straight but this warm body next to me is making it difficult. I know it is Harry who is hugging me and is fast asleep. I don't want to make this situation complex by letting him know I'm awake and that am well aware of him snuggling me.

This weird behaviour of Harry is very disturbing and comforting. Comforting because for the obvious reasons that am in the arms of my love and disturbing because he has a mate and this gesture seems so right.

I will think about Harry later. I should focus on how to control my element air. But how did I control earth and water. If I know how, controlling air can also be done in same way. This stress will lead to hair loss and receding hairline wouldn't look good on me. Omg, it's been months I spoke something so mundane. I wish for normal life but I can't bear to lose the friends I made in this super crazy world.

Slowly the room is being lit by the sunlight coming through the window. I could feel movement beside me and I immediately made myself comfortable so that Harry wouldn't notice anything different in me. The weight beside me got lifted and I felt cool lips on my forehead. After I heard the receding footsteps, I gathered the courage to open my eyes.

Oh god, what was that. What is happening. I completed my morning routine and headed to the garden for some fresh air and time to digest Sophia's revelation.

“Going somewhere”, a deep voice called out.

“Jesus, could you please announce yourself from next time Adam. I am too young to die of a heart attack.”

“I surely can Mia, but will have to think about implementing it”.

I gave Adam a are-you-serious look. “You Adam, I don't know what made you accept to be my security guard but I am fine with Suong. Just quit being my personal assistant and get going with your life and give us both the space we deserve”.

I had more to tell Adam but couldn't complete when I saw Drake rushing towards me. Anyone can guess what is going to follow. A bone crushing hug, which am not ready for but I really need one. I too opened my arms to embrace Drake when Adam interfered and stood between me and Drake.

“It isn't advisable to hug Mia, her condition is still sensitive. Until her breathing condition gets settled, please restrain yourself from such physical contact”, Adam sternly said to Drake. I just stood there highly embarrassed. Physical contact, who does he think he is to dictate things for me. But before I could stop Adam, Drake interrupted by saying, “ She is my friend and you have no rights to dictate on whom she sees”.

“When it comes to my Sophia, I have all rights”, Adam quickly responded.

“Sophia”, Drake whispered and then there was a staring contest between the two males after which Drake left fuming. What just happened. Adam referred me as Sophia. Oh no. How much does he know about Sophia.

"What was that and when did I become Sophia and on top, yours", I gave him a frustrated are-you-serious look which did nothing to him. "Sophia was my first love. You resemble her", he said. I was shocked beyond reason, so the Sophia I meet is his girlfriend. Wow, she never spoke about her love life before.

"What kind of person is Sophia", I asked to which he gave a dreamy smile followed by a painful look. "I rather not talk about her. You were going somewhere, where can I take you", he changed the topic. Maybe talking about his dead girlfriend is painful. It's painful for everyone.

Wait a second, what am I imagining. Can that happen. He is in his late twenties. Can Sophia to be young enough. Oh crap, I automatically assumed her to be as old as one could be. Oh, he's waiting for my reply. Brain, please concentrate.

"I want to read some history books so please lead me to the library."

"Did you have your breakfast", he asked. "Ofcourse", I replied and we left to the library. The library at Sever's castle is nothing less than a dreamy one. The shelves were carefully arranged with respect to their genres and there was a huge window adjacent to it was a make shift bed. I can see that spot becoming my cocoon for coming few days. 

I rushed towards history section and search for stories about Daniel and Sabrina, about elements and how to control them. I wasn't sure if such books exist, but they do. The state of these books are so delicate, I fear damaging them just by removing them from its place. 

When I came back with books to my favourite spot, I saw toast and salad placed on it. "That's your breakfast, eat it while reading your book,I would stand right outside the door. Call me if you need anything", saying so Adam left me with my books. This person was thinking about my privacy and health. He's not so bad.

I began my search on the couple and their elemental powers. All that was written in those books were how prosperous their reign was. Sighing to myself, I closed the book defeated. I have no means of contacting Sophia, no information on elemental powers, it's frustrating. I do not know how to control my air element.

Being detested, I left the library. " Hey wait for me", Adam came hurriedly towards me. "Earth wouldn't swallow me up before you reach me,you need not run like Usain Bolt.

"You are in a very bad mood, hanger?" He teased me but I wasn't in a mood to play. "Why are you doing this, last time I remembered we weren't on speaking terms", I roughly brushed him off.

I walked aggressively before him when he grabbed my hand and turned me towards him. "Anger will get you nowhere, shall we discuss peacefully about it". Argh, he's right. Why am I behaving this way. 

"Am so sorry Adam, my health and frustration of being confined in this palace, is taking a toll on me. I know it isn't right to take it out on you. I will take a rest for a while then will talk to you. Can you take me to my room". 

"Am always there to lend you an ear and you can talk to me anytime. Let me take you to your room." Saying so he started walking towards my room and I followed.

"And Mia, it isn't your sole responsibility to stop the Master. Don't work hard on making things right. Things will fall into place. Asking for help doesn't make you smaller." He said as if he knows what is going on with me right now but how did he understand me so well over night.

"Thanks for the pep talk. Sure I'll come to you when in need. I know you'll guard my door now and that would only increase my anxiety, can you please not do for an hour and resume your duty after that. Till then I'll fall asleep peacefully", hopefully my puppy dog faces comes to rescue if my request goes to deaf ear. I am desperate enough to use all measures if it am means free from him at least for a limited time.

Adam gave me a this-girl-gone-bonkers look but nevertheless left me alone. I locked the door behind me and started thinking. Sophia said not to let my responsibilities and love for my people tie me down and also to leave them and search for the truth. I left my clan and came to Severs land. But I feel Severs are also my people, should I really leave them and search for my purpose and how to defeat master. Master is gathering his forces at a rapid speed. If I don't take a decision now then we will for sure lose. It is decided, it's time to leave this place. But the only problem is the security around this place and the jinx Harry placed which forbids me to transport. 

Every problem has a solution, I would find one for this as well.


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