Chapter 2

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Ten months, that's how long it's been since my heart got broken. I had tried everything under the sun to cheer myself. Boozing, going on blind dates, running, playing badminton and even cooking but none of them fetched me peace. I'm still not over Danny.

After ignoring Danny's calls, I felt it is very much unfair to keep him hanging and hence I asked him to meet me two days after the incident at his apartment. I told him that it would be better if we put a stop to our relation and left the place without a second glance, Not that he minded. I also distanced myself from my best friend. After one month of our break up Danny and Emily became an item and were very happy together.

Well me, I was depressed 24/7 with no interest to move on with my life. My daily routine revolves only around the IT firm I work in, eating and sleeping. My parents and other friends got worried when I cut them from my life but I needed break from being good and understanding all the time.

After completing my shift at the firm, I started for my apartment. I stopped at a superMarket to buy groceries for the week, I noticed a guy in complete black suit talking in hushed voices to another man with ripped clothes.This man in suit seems very familiar but I couldn't recollect as to where I had seen him. Putting my thoughts aside, I went inside the market and started buying the necessities.

“Thank you ma'am, please visit again”, the girl behind the counter said. I could only smile at her and left the market. It was very dark outside and the feeling of being watched haunted me. I struggled with my keys to unlock my car and started driving back to my apartment.

I switched the radio on and began listening to music putting the volume high. I still couldn't wash away the feeling of being watched. I kept looking at the rearview mirror to see if someone was following me. After finding no one behind, I felt relaxed.

But my happy moment lasted only for few minutes as an A5 Audi black car started following me. I started to panic and my anxiety held no boundaries. Who in this world want to do something with a girl like me. I released my breath when I found that the car has over took mine and drove away.

Mia, get your shit together you were worrying for no reason I scolded myself. After this panic attack, I drove home with my senses on high alert. I locked all my doors and windows and double checked them.I cooked a very delicious dinner so as to soothe my racing heart.

“Mia, you cannot ignore your mom forever, just pick up my call and talk to me”,my mom's voice reverberated across the room. She's been calling me very frequently these days and all her calls were going to my voicemails. I wonder what is it with my family calling me so many times and interested in knowing about my whereabouts. I'm not saying that my family doesn't care for me but we respect each other's privacy and don't involve in each other's life. But I know for sure that they always got my back. I decided to call my mom tomorrow and sleep for now.

I have completed my business in bathroom and got into my shorts and tank top and was ready to sleep. I still couldn't get away with the feeling of being watched. It might just be my previous encounter that I am feeling this way.


I have been running so fast as my life depended on it. My legs were screaming to stop but my brain knows not to. Adrenaline rush came to my rescue and helped me move faster. I had no clue as to why I am running but I only know that I had to run.

I did this stupid mistake of turning back to look at the person chasing me and I tripped on a rock and feel on fours. I scraped my knees and palms and got my ankle twisted. I had no choice but to drag myself to a nearby tree and hide behind it.

Amidst this pitch silence where the only sound that could be heard was my breathing, I noticed that even air has held itself up and waiting for something and anything to happen and break the silence.

My heart came to my throat when I heard a howl not very much far from the place I'm hiding. That is when I got enlightened that the real reason I was running was because I had been chased by a mad wolf whose only motive was to bath in my blood.

The wolf is so close to my hiding place that my heart beat skyrocketed in anticipation of the wolf finding me. I could no longer take all the what if scenarios dancing in my head. I closed my eyes and prayed that the wolf doesn't find me. Everything was so still that not even sniffing of wolf was heard. I thanked my lucky stars for ending my bad dream.

I opened my eyes only to find midnight black orbs staring right into me. Yes that bad wolf found me, I am busted. My brain stopped processing what actually is happening around and I could no longer move even a finger. It was as if I was frozen on spot.

As the wolf started to take steps towards me, I experienced a slideshow of my entire life. Most of the memories were of my family and friends. Even the hatred I felt for Danny for ditching me evaporated. I then realized that life is too short to take it for granted and because of my stupidity, I lived past 10 months brooding over my sorrows. I should have enjoyed my life to its fullest when I had chance. If I make it alive I'll live life with no regrets.

I closed my eyes as I was not brave enough to face my death. No sooner did I close my eyes than I found myself looking into the familiar ocean blue eyes. I don't know how but the feeling of being safe and protected seeped into my pores. It was as if nothing could harm me now. He was my anchor and I am going to hold on to that. With the new gained confidence I opened my eyes only to be spellbound further.


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