Chapter 12

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Sorry guys, taken so long for the update, hope you didn't forget my story. Please read from the beginning if you lost the flow.


It's very hard to comprehend with the situation for me this blue-eyed stranger turned to Eric  and later to a vampire. It's so unsettling. I have heard uncle Ben talking to William that vampires are not to be trusted and that they are evil. But I find nothing evil in Harry. And also this strange attraction towards him and this feeling of protectiveness I have towards his people.I should try and avoid Harry and his gang as much as possible. Is gang even a proper common noun to be used for vampires. Oh common Mia, have some sense.

“ Hi babe, open the door, I need you to meet someone important”, knocked Reed. I opened the door to find the same girl he was protecting before in the field. “Mia, Green and Green meet my lovely cousin Mia”.

No sooner he introduced me than I was engulfed in bone crushing hug by Green. "I heard so much about you, all good things though", she was hyper excited about meeting me and chirped happily about some random stuff which feel into my deaf ear.

After that awkward introduction and nonstop nodding my head to acknowledge Green, I pulled by dumb cousin aside, “ What the hell man. Who is she?”

“Babe she is my life, my goal, my destination” answered Reed. “Are you nuts, why can't you answer me properly?”, I rolled my eyes saying so.

He rushed backed to Green, embrace her in a warm hug, kissed her tenderly and said “She is my mate, my other half”. Love is clearly shown in his eyes. Admiration is evident. He has known her for a very short time and is already fallen badly for her. I wish I could have someone to love me that way.

“ O miss, I-always-keep-dreaming-non-stop, come out of your bubble, you will also find your other half who'll love you unconditionally, stop daydreaming and get dressed we need to leave in half an hour”.

I poked my tongue out and pushed the couple out of my room saying that I'll join them in fifteen minutes.

I wish you were true about my other half Reed, but my heart says otherwise.


After thirty minutes, as ordered by William, everyone gather in the training field. I could feel eyes on me the moment I stepped into the field and mind you they were not from the werewolf group. I kept my head down and followed Reed to wherever he's going, hoping to avoid all the gazes of vampires. They don't call themselves vampires but as Severs but still they fall under vampire category for me and I was determined to stay away from them.

I have occupied seat in front row overlooking my habit of never sitting in front, because the back rows are occupied by vampires. I could feel warmth spread my entire body and feeling of security engulfed me and it takes no genius to figure out who was looking or rather drilling holes into my head. My very personal bodyguard, my blue-eyed King. But I am determined not to give him any eye contact and hence kept my head down.

“So children, we gathered here to welcome our guests, the Severs and I hope the treaty remains intact and there would be no hostility among the groups”, William stated and nodded at Harry.

“As you all know about our history the first race to start was of Sorcerers, powerful magicians, later it was further divided. We carry the genes of all living creature to walk on the face of the Earth, but only the dominant genes survive. Hence you would be undergoing some test to understand which Gene you Carry so that we can train you accordingly.”

“Ben, could you get the globe forward please”, Uncle Ben came forward with a globe which is glowing blue, with him. The globe contains some misty vapour in it.

“Each supernatural member would hold this globe and depending on the color you will be segregated”, continued William. “Let's start, all the best folks” with that said he has taken his seat on the makeshift podium. Everyone except for Severs were asked to gather in a line to take the test, well for the obvious reasons,they already know their genes.

Like always I was last in queue. Everyone were getting divided in their genes werewolves being prevalent, few demons, Adam the guy I met in forest turned out to be demon and my cousin as expected turned to b a werewolf.

When it was my chance to take the test the entire arena was drop dead silent. Why do I always be centre of attention. Every person in the field stood still waiting for my test results. I could feel the pressure of being accepted by my fellow supernaturals grew. I was never in the popular list and never was accepted in high school. I barely made any friends. I so badly want to settle and be accepted in this new life. Lords above save me.

Taking small steps I went closer to the globe. “All the best Mia, don't panic” said uncle Ben.

I slowly taken the globe in my hands, every pair of eye was on the globe which was held in my hands. But as always only disappointment. Globe didn't change to any color. It was same foggy blue.

I couldn't hold back my tears, I am once again pushed to edge, I find myself again in a vulnerable position. I recollect the memories of distress I underwent, trying to be a good daughter  and a good girlfriend. I failed then, I failed now. No one can help me. Feeling of incompleteness surrounded me and my only anchor at these times of distress was my blue eyed stranger.

I lifted my head searching for his eyes and hoping to find disappointment in them. But I didn't find him. I guess he too gave up on me and this caused pain to rip through my heart. I heard some movement to my right and turned towards the direction of disturbance only to find my Harry. There was no disappointment in his ocean blue eyes but understanding and love. This gesture shifted something inside me and a sudden electricity purged through me.

Slowly the fog in the globe started to cool down, and suddenly it started to boil and to such an extent that the globe broke and it's pieces flew in all the direction. The broken glass pieces even pierced my hand and the hot liquid burnt my palm.

I couldn't feel my hand and tears started rolling down my  cheek. Can this situation get anymore awkward. Yes, it can when it's Mia you are dealing with. “Stay put Mia, I'll handle this”,Harry said and started to examine my hand. Concern was evident in his voice. I tried my best to be conscious but I did the only thing I was best at. Yes you are absolutely right. I fainted on him.


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