Chapter 25

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I walked back with heavy heart, my daughter will not make it, no one knows how to break the curse. I don't know how I'll face my Gamma.

The ride to Hydra's palace was the longest I had ever taken. There were many ‘what the’ moments in the background. I looked at them, not looking at anything in particular. Nothing can grab my attention, am so lost.

“Aunty”, a little girl shrieked. Omg, thank the all mighty above. I wiped my head towards the voice and ran to my girl. She's healthy as horse and glowing. Miracles do exist.

I hugged her hard, she replicated the gesture giggling. “Am so happy to see you aun, alpha”.

“It's aunt to you my little girl”, I kissed her forehead. It's like a mountain had been removed from my chest.

“The curse is removed, you made it Mia, you saved us all, all of our lives, we are forever in debt to you”, she knelt before me. This gesture from a Luna means a lot. I have no idea what actually I did, so I can't exactly take the credit. I turned towards John for help, but found him along with other warriors of Hydra bow down to me. I rolled my eyes at this. Typical super naturals.

“Please don't bow down to me, I didn't do anything, John you were there, you saw all” I said.

“No you are the reason the curse is lifted”, an unknown voice added. I turned to find a well built man of six feet four inches height, with neon blue eyes, staring back at me. His eyes held respect and gratitude.

“You cured me , Queen”, I'll serve you till my last breath. Then he fell on my feet after saying that. What the actual fudge. I immediately stepped back, placed Stella on ground and pleaded him to get up. “You, y-yo- you are the demon”, I stammered.

“Alpha Hydris, very first alpha of Hydra's, lover of the goddess and the curse holder”, he said. I had no words, he looks as if nothing has ever affected him.

“Good to see you healthy Hydris, but I was never a Queen, I have no idea as to how you recovered”.

“A compassionate soul, is not less than a Queen, hence you are my Queen and I'll serve you no matter what. I pledge this very day that I'll be your shield, and whatever plans to harm you, should pass through me first”. Saying that he cut his palm causing blood to ooze, there by talking a Death Oath.

This gesture brought tears in my eyes. I turned towards John, “I need to return to my people, please grant me way”.

“Am sorry Mia, the six months bond, still exists, I can't permit you, even if I want to, am useless  at granting permission”.

“Let me handle this John, Mia, you can leave, let me correct. Make preparation for the Queen to leave”, he shouted out loud in excitement to no one in particular. The huge oak door, acting as entrance for the Hydra world opened at his command. He smiled at me and said, “ Perks of being the first Alpha, but the only difficulty is transport. You see Hydra's are not advanced in technology and hence we need to walk till we find a way”.

“Let's go my way, Agasta please get all the children of my coven”, I requested.

When all my children are ready to go back home, “who all are excited to go home”, children started shouting and screaming. I whistled out loud.

Suddenly, there was gust of wind, too much wind uprooting the trees, “What's with the drama Sapphire”, I rolled my eyes. Her flapping of wings brought happiness in me. I'll be home at last.

All Hydras opened their mouths in aww at the gigantic beast. “Get your friends babe, let's go home”.

After securely mounting every child on a dragon, I climbed on Sapphire to take off. “I know am lagging behind technology and all, but will humans take it lightly, if they see ten dragons zooming in air”, Hydris asked. He looks pale as ghost. He's scared of dragons but will never admit it.

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