Chapter 36

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Sorry for the delay guys. Was contemplating whether to continue or to write as another part. Well decision has been taken. The same book it is.


I have apparated very far from Severs kingdom. If Drake is monitoring, then he would first control teleporting in and around the castle. My plan is simple gather as many people as possible and search for the King and Queen.

I wasn't able to decide whether or not to reveal myself in front of these people. If the royals were kidnapped right under such high security, then there would be a black sheep among the kingdom.

I passed the security of the kingdom and made my way to castle. The castle which once had colour and joy is now isolated and stripped out of its warmth. I was stopped at the entrance of the castle. 

"Whoever you are, you aren't allowed beyond this point", said one of the guards.

"Take me to Beta Drake, he asked for my presence. Tell him that I am the messenger from Alpha Reed's clan.

After the guard went to convey the message, I scurried the surroundings feeling an eerie atmosphere. Hair on the back of my neck rouse. This doesn't seem to be a good news.

Soon another guard escorted me to the courtroom. Familiar walls surrounding me brought a thrill down my spine. I felt calm and welcomed.

I was greeted with a hall full of panicked betas from all over the kingdom and Drake sitting in his usual place with a lost expression.

"Tell me what Alpha Reed conveyed", he asked even without looking at me. "You look like shit Draco, what's with the dishevelled look. Just because things didn't go your way".

When I completed my sentence, murmuring in the room increased, no one knew why a stranger was casually addressing beta of the kingdom. "This is all your fault, only if you could be strong enough, we wouldn't have been in this situation. Why now", he replied.

"Better late than sorry, can we discuss in private. We need to accelerate things."

"We can discuss here, these people are loyal to the throne".

This statement of Drake sparked something bitter inside me and I raged saying, "That must be the reason the King has disappeared right under your nose. Quit your act Beta, know your place and your duties".

Suddenly I have Drake kneeling down and apologizing to me. He led me to the room where we used to play, our secret room.

"You foresee a war", he questioned. 

"We are in a state of war for past five hundred years, this isn't new. It's time we end it". 

"I will follow whatever you command. I will overlook our differences. Tell me what to do", he continued talking even without looking at me as if he was talking to himself.

"I want the Alpha of fire elemental to be present, Blaze, Suong, Sapphire and Hydris to be summoned at the earliest", saying so I removed my hoody covering me. Drake made a gasping sound. "Am I not the one you are expecting", saying so I winked at him.

"I thought you were, you were, argh never mind. Who are you".

" Am Sara. Now that we are done with our introduction can you make the arrangements".

I waited in one of the guest rooms at the west wing of the castle for more than two hours. Why ain't anyone calling me. Thinking so I came out of my room and ventured into the hallway. Murmurings were heard from a distance and I followed the sound.

"Who is Sara, is she even trustworthy. Why should we follow what she says", an unknown voice questioned.

" We don't have any other choice. Whatever help we can get, we put it to use", Drake replied. "Something about her aura demands respect and loyalty. She seems very familiar but I can't place my finger as to where exactly I met her", he continued.

I smiled to myself and opened the door, entering into a room full of surprised faces.

"If you want to know who I am, all you need to do is ask me, directly may I add. And you are", I asked the only unknown person in the room.

"I am Dean, Dean Ritcher, Alpha of fire elemental", he replied.

" What happened to Richard, he's retired", I questioned for which he gave me a troubled look. "He's my grandfather, he is no more".

This is a news, the greatest of fire elemental is no more. He would be missed. "Your grandfather was a great fire elemental. He was fire himself. My condolences to your family. Forgive me for asking this but, are you atleast one percent as good as your grandfather because only then we can use you for the coming endeavours. Without proper skills, this would be a suicide mission".

Though his eyes showcased disappointment and anger, in a soft voice he said, "My grandfather was indeed great and no one can match him, but I will not be a burden to this mission".

This immediately washed away all my negative thoughts about fire elemental. Fire elementals, stand true to the word fire. They are very impulsive, aggressive and short tempered people. His calmness is a rare quality and very much needed now.

I smiled at him and turned towards the remaining people. My people, the people whom I trust my life with. I smiled at all of them, though they found it awkward they haven't questioned it. I have disguised myself, I no longer look like Mia anymore. I don't want to lead this group as Mia but as Sara.

Mia was always protected. If I reveal myself even though they would follow my plan, they'll immediately push me out when it's time to fight. Me being on field is very much important now.


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