Chapter 27

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Training as usual is vigorous. Now with Sapphire and Hydra joining the force and training me and my people, the workload has been multiplied.

Keeping aside the effort, training is fun. I get to know many things about supernaturals and everything I know about them, I feel more love and connection towards them.

I earned three bodyguards or you can say three people whom I can count on no matter what. They are fierce looking warriors but at the same time lovely individuals. I am their top most priority and to be frank, I enjoy receiving their attention. One among the three would always be with me.

I completed today's training and I returned to my room. I was dreaming about the bubble bath since I began my training today. Only good thing about training is the bath tub waiting for me.

Argh, long day ahead.

After bath I started towards my study. Young children playing and giggling everywhere brought a sense of pride and responsibility in me. If I feel this way towards my people, I can only imagine how Serene would feel being the Queen. She really has evolved, once my innocent cousin, now a shrewd Queen.

I opened the door of my study to find three of my favorite warriors waiting for me tired and with painful expression.

"What the matter with all of you. Why are you so pale", I asked to no one in particular. I went and sat on my desk where I found a parchment which holds an invitation for baby shower of my cousin.

" Omg when is it, I need gifts, many gifts. I should be the best aunt for my niece or nephew", I exclaimed with joy.

"It's ok Mia, I can go on your behalf and give them your wishes", said Blaze. I looked at him flabbergasted.

"No way you are taking away my aunt's responsibilities. You look after my people while I greet her and come back.

"Are you sure you can face him" asked Blaze with sorrow dripping his tone. I gulped at his response. After the nightmare I had, every time I hear the Kings name, I sweat out of fear. I stopped taking his name. He will be mentioned as King.

My group knows how I feel about the King and hence never bring up the topic. I tried my best to not to make it obvious, but my undeniable fear for him gave it all away.

"I am not scared and no King will stop me from hanging out with my cousin", I exclaimed, "Moreover Sapphire will be with me, no worries Blaze".

After listening to this both Blaze and Hydra went stiff. I always prefer going with Sapphire. The dragon has rubbed on me so well.

"So when to leave", I asked turning towards Sapphire.

"Next week", came a stern reply from Hydra.

"Guys it's not what it looks like. You both can handle my people on my absence very well. Let this grandpa have some rest", I urged them to understand.

"Come on Hydra, Blaze, don't be like that. Please understand and now smile. Give this grandpa the retirement he deserves", saying so I rolled my tongue at Sapphire. His eyes gave away a glint stating that he will make me pay for this.

"Blaze get the car ready, we are going for shopping", I was very much excited. No idea what to buy. Toys, dresses, cradle sounds a good idea to me. Listening to this Blaze let out a groan. Though he hates shopping, he always accompany me as he complains that I attract dangers. As if.

After three hours of shopping and gulping down tremendous amount of food, am finally on my bed, counting for days when I can meet my family and friends.

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