Chapter 2 That Was A Lot Easier Then I Expected (In Which I Get Abducted)

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Jane first became aware of a banging, and assumed not incorrectly that it was her head but after a minute there was also a holler. That was not in her head and Jane slowly pulled her body up. Glass littered every surface and the kitchen looked as if it could have just hosted a tornado. Jane decided that if she looked as bad as she felt she wasn't going to want to see a mirror anytime soon. She suddenly remembered her hair and reached up to feel it, and reached, and reached. The hair that used to brush the small of her back now ended choppily just below her ear. She was dimly aware of the distant hammering on the door, as she accidently brushed her cheek. She flinched but discover with some gentle prodding that it didn't hurt nearly as bad as she thought it would, and she could see fine, so not too much swelling. Another bam sounded from the front door, followed closely by "Police! Open up."

Jane sighed and carefully made her way through the destruction feeling rather hollow. The thick stormy feeling had past, and now Jane found herself feeling spent. Jane took a breath before opening the door a crack. There stood two police officers looking irritated. When they finally caught sight of her there faces paled.

The male straightened and uncrossed his arms, "Miss, are you alright?" The female officer edged her way to the side, trying to get a better view into the house, but Jane kept a firm hold on the door.

"Yes, I'm fine. Is there something I can help you with officer?" Jane had a strict code when dealing with law enforcement, and that was give nothing away and kill with kindness. Jane, not for the first time thanked every god, goddess, lord or lady, for the fact that she was taller then average, which seemed to make people take her more seriously.

The female officer moved forward. "Miss is your name Jane Blackwell," the officer asked sympathetically, giving Jane a gentle smile.

Jane tried not to grit her teeth, and tried for a patient smile. Her head pounded, her body ached, and now this officerwanted to know who she was which could only mean trouble. Patience, Jane reminded herself, she's not worth prison time. Aloud, Jane tried to look mildly concerned with a healthy helping of innocence. "Yes, I'm Jane. What's this about?"

The female officer reached out her hand to grasp Jane's arm, and it took everything in her not to flinch. "I'm sorry to tell you this," the officer squeezed her arm reassuringly, "but your Mother and Step Father have been found. I'm afraid they died in a fire earlier today."

The male officer cleared his throat. "Afraid we'll need you to come with us, just till we can get someone to come collect you."

"Can I get my stuff first?" No way in hell was Jane going to leave her few possessions behind, they might be pieces of crap and completely worn out but she had hoards all over the place and could now loot anything Theyleft behind. This was the bottom line people. Jane put real effort into looking positively pathetic, innocent ad a little scared. Would the big bad police man make a child leave her teddy bear.

The female officer got an understandingly sympathetic look, "of course sweet heart."

Jane thought she may have vomited a little, and swore to tone down that look in the future. Apparently she had just done an impression of a kitten stuck in a tree. Jane quickly closed and locked the door before grabbing her backpack from where it had fallen earlier. Running, or as close as she could get up the stairs to her room, she shoved the few necessities, pride up a loose floor bored to get half her stash, before heading to the bathroom and promptly dropping to the floor. Stretching her arms between the toilet and the sink vanity, Jane worked a small vent cover off before pulling out a bag that had been taped to the inside. She quickly replaced the cover and tossed the bag of cash into her bag before grabbing her toiletries. Catching her reflection in the mirror stunned her temporarily.

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