Chapter 47 Murderous Little Creature

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Jane woke up the next morning and slowly pulled out of her quilt. It was thicker than the ones at Hogwarts and just weighted enough to make her feel safe. She wondered if she couldn't just sleep the holiday away but knew she had things to do.

She padded over to the bathroom and had a quick shower, enjoying the fresh smell of the shampoo. It wasn't overly floral, but more like standing in a garden after the rain, flowers and herbs coming to life.

After finishing she wrapped herself in a towel and headed to her room. Opening the closet, she was surprised to see it almost full with cloths. She hesitantly poked through but there were definitely pieces she didn't recognize. They were all in good shape, although some were clearly older than others, their styles now out of date. On the other hand there were sweaters that looked brand new.

She ended up pulling on a forest green knit sweater that hung down her thighs and a pair of black pants. She found some thick socks tucked into a drawer at the bottom and quickly pulled them on. She had her pearl skull necklace tucked into her shirt and was still wearing the protective bracelet from her brothers. She checked her earrings before heading down to the kitchen for a quick breakfast.

Entering the kitchen, Jane sat and accepted the coffee that appeared in her spot. A bowl of cut fruit with a honey that smelt strangely of flowers appeared in front of her and she thanked Pidge as she dug in savoring the crisp bright flavors.

There was a rattle from behind her and Jane turned to see a small door she hadn't noticed the day before that came up to her knee. The trapdoor swung open only for Smudge to rocket in followed closely by a slobbering Faust, his three heads barking happily.

Jane held in a laugh as the two raced in only to freeze at the sight of her, eyes wide. Smudge, ever the cat, sat down on his hind legs and started to groom himself as Faust burst forward to greet Jane. She started patting the three heads and saying hello as she snuck bites of her breakfast in between.

"What are your plans for today Mistress? Anything Pidge can do," Pidge asked with wide eyes as he put out food for the two fur balls. They immediately abandoned what they were doing to wolf down their own breakfasts.

"You've already been brilliant. Breakfast is amazing. I do have to run some errands. I need to stop by Gringotts for some things and then I was thinking of getting an owl so I dot need to use the schools anymore."

"Mistress can use Pidge," he squeaked indignantly.

"And I'd prefer to but some people might wonder how someone raised Muggle has their own House Elf working for them. This is a nice way to throw them off and I'd still deeply appreciate it if you could handle all the sensitive stuff."

Pidge blushed and smiled. "Oh, yes Mistress. Pidge will take care of it perfectly."

"I know you can Pidge," she said smiling. She wanted to get Pidge used to accepting complements and recognizing how amazing some of the things he did were. She knew some said it was 'no in their nature' but she thought it probably had more to do with how they were treated, having longer life spans and being taught by past employers some rather cruel mindsets.

As she finished her Breakfast something else caught in her mind.

"Um Pidge? I was wondering where did all the clothes in my closet come from?

"Pidge found some stored in the crawl space and cleaned them and used some of the materials that were in too bad of shape to make new pieces. Does Mistress like them?"

"Yes Pidge, they are lovely."

"I'm going to get ready and head out before the crowds descend."

"Yes Mistress. Will Mistress be back for lunch?"

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