Chapter 56 One Ugly Bitch Of A Day

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Jane had decided to observe but otherwise ignore the whole librarian and brothers thingy. Frankly, she had decided it was not her problem currently.

Although she did make sure to pay particular attention to how they interacted. They were very careful to us privacy wards when they talked. It made her curious.

Her and her friends had taken to spending more time in the library to make up for the time they lost with it closed. Jane found it a bit funny. Some people refused to go in because of the attack while others crowded in for either the books or the gossip of the new librarian though it seemed most people got over him when they discovered her was just as crotchety as Pince.

Jane leaned back in her seat. She stretched her shoulders, rolling them to relieve tension. Since Yule break their workloads had more than doubled and every class seemed to come with new reminders of tests and essays. Tipping her head back, Jane let her eyes flutters shut for a second as she tried to get her eyes to focus. They seemed to burn from staring at the small text.

She thought it was kind of funny. Who knew that her lack of Christmases would make it so much easier to accept the idea of Yule. She knew she hadn't properly celebrated but she was a bit nervous to start on her own so she had decided to stick to reading about it for now. Maybe by next time she would be ready to perform the ritual.

Jane felt a bump to her shoulder and opened her eyes, her head rolling lazily to look at Roman. "Yes," se drawled.

"No sleeping yet. Ten more minutes and then we'll take a break," h said. She would have found that more reassuring if he hadn't said the same thing twenty minutes ago.

"You're a rotten liar, you know that right?"


"Roman," she mimicked.

"Both of you shut up. We will finish this, even if I have to curse you to your seats," Neryssa threatened.

Jane huffed before pulling her book back towards her. It wasn't the work that was the problem. It was the sheer never ending amount of it. Every time she thought she was treading water another load would be added.

Jane looked at the words trying to force them to focus.

Someone cleared their throat and the group ignored it. They had bigger fish to fry. The throat cleared again and Jane felt her shoulders rising as she beared down. She had a sinking suspicion she knew what this was about and she'd rather face an enraged Scarsa then deal with the problem at hand. Hell, she'd rather do all her work now, with no breaks then deal with the person behind her, who clearly needed a cough drop or lozenge or something.

If she actually wanted to deal with them, she might even tell her to visit the infirmary cause Jane sure as shit wasn't going to get sick before exams.

"Jane Professor Potter wants to see you," Roxanne said as she cleared her throat from behind Jane. Jane was fighting the sudden urge to take her textbook and shove the edge against Roxanne's throat as hard as possible.

Don't get her wrong, Jane didn't dislike Roxanne. She just preferred when the girl stayed in her own lane and right now Roxanne was all over the place. Jane knew when she didn't hear from Roxanne after their little 'talk' that that wouldn't be the end of it. She could only hope though.

Sadly it didn't look like luck was on her side.

The whole thing sounded weird to Jane and she could feel shivers crawling up her spine. Was Potter even supposed to be in the castle today? Jane didn't think so. Sure there were plenty of reasons why he could be here but they were excuses really.

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