Chapter 11 Scully, You're Not Going To Believe This

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Jane woke up early and got washed and had just finished dressing when the first of her room mates were waking up. Making sure Smudge was all set for the day she grabbed her satchel and swung it onto her shoulder. She had already filled it with anything she could need for class. Today Jane wore her robes but had switched out the skirt for a pair of dress pants. She was also still wearing her Docs.

She made sure to rouse Neryssa, saying she would see her at breakfast. Jane walked out of the girls dorm and headed for the exit to the common room. She made her way back through the hallways and headed back to the great hall.

Walking in to the great hall there was only a handful of student. Jane didn't see her friends, or her brothers. She headed over to the Slytherin table and sat down. As she sat a tall man in a cloak with fur around the collar came striding towards her, his eyes locked on her. His hair was shaved on the sides and a neatly trimmed beard with streaks of white.

"Name," He asked.

"Jane Blackwell."

With a flick of his wand a sheet of parchment appeared flouting in front of her.

"Class schedule. Don't lose it. Classes start officially on Monday, but as to not waste time today students will be attending Thursday classes. An announcement will be made over breakfast, so I suggest staying put," he turned away, marching off toward some older Slytherins to deliver the same message.

Food appeared on the table in front of Jane not enough for everyone but some cut up fruit and a pot of coffee. Jane grinned before digging in. She didn't know what kind of magic could tell what someone wanted to eat but she was fascinated by it. As she was contemplating the mechanics behind it, she almost missed her two brothers coming in and finally got to see their robes properly. She was less surprised to see that they were both Slytherin, but more surprised to see Mel sporting a black eye.

She wondered what had happened before recalling Sable mention something about practical jokes in his letters. Then Jane really wondered what had happened.

Just as she was watching, Sables eyes locked with her. She tried to let her eyes unfocused and gently move past him. It wasn't the end of the world but suddenly Jane couldn't help thinking through the problem. If they know their sister is going to Hogwarts that limits the potential people, knowing what house limits it further. Then you could see who gets the letter you send if you leave a certain make. It might be hard with so many students but all you really need to check are the first years. Or anyone suspicious, like a girl with a very similar name that was watcher her would be brothers.

Just then some more students began trickling in, including Roman who sat beside her. Sometimes she couldn't tell whether he wanted to be friend or he had just decided on a spot, damn whoever was sitting beside him.

"Morning Roman," Jane greeted, drinking her coffee.

He gave her a side eye. "What the hell are you drinking?"

"Coffee," she raised her eyebrows.

"We're eleven."

"It's delicious."

He simply shook his head and reached for the juice that had appeared.

They when back to eating and Jane saw the tall man lock onto Roman. He strode over and gave Roman the same spiel before marching away. Roman looked over at her.

"What about you?"

"What about me," she played dumb.

He waved his schedule in the air and she waved hers back. A smile pulled at her lips.

He snorted before going back to eating while looking over his schedule. She decided to do the same, finally taking a look at her schedule.

Monday – Transfiguration, Charms

Tuesday – Potions, Flying lessons

Wednesday – History of Magic, Herbology

Thursday – Defense Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy at midnight

Jane leaned over too look at Romans and saw he had the same schedule. She showed hers to Roman and he nodded. It was approaching eight and most of the students had filed in. Jane spotted Draven and Neryssa coming over, only being temporarily waylaid by the man handing out schedules. The tables started to fill up and Neryssa and Draven sat across from them.

Jane took a peek at both of their schedules too, just to be sure but discovered that they were all in the same classes.

An odd rustling filled the air and Jane wasn't the only first year to look around for the source of the noise. Jane strengthened her hearing in till she could make out the individual sound of wings. It only took her a second or two to work it out when the great hall suddenly had owls swooping down from the ceiling. There must have been hundreds of them, some just dropping the mail and going, others landing to get some attention or nip at a bit of food. Jae should have been anticipating it but was so busy watching the owls that she missed the one making a beeline for her, only to have a stack of letters all bundled together drop into her fruit salad, sending chunks of strawberry flying. Jane picked up the stack and wiped it off, apologizing to the people around her. A bit of parchment had been put on top of the letters before they were tied together. She pulled out the note and read it.

I'm charging them extra for this.

Jane began thinking that she should better learn her own curse breaking and concealment charms before Griphook got fed up.

Jane shoved the letters into her pocket to read later, Roman watching her the whole time.

"Not going to open them," he asked.

"Later. What about you," and she flicked her fingers towards a letter that had landed in front of him.

He tapped his finger on it before picking it up and putting it into his pocket. At her raised eyebrow he smirked.

"Later," he mimicked. 

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