Chapter 24.5 Sable

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Sable wasn't sure why he had helped her. He certainly didn't have time for it. Schemes were flying through his head and he was fighting the urge to smash a fist into the nearest wall. He wanted to find his sister, immediately. He also knew that her being hidden was its own kind of protection. Not everything they did and would do was strictly safe. In their line of business, it never was. Which just brought him back to the problem at hand.

Why, oh why did someone have to choose this year of all years to make trouble. For years there had been no news about Bane and now that they might just be able to get her back it was starting to look a hell of a lot safer for her where ever the hell she was.

But she's at Hogwarts too, a small part of him whispered. Her figuring out the messages hidden in the packages had surprised him. Her having even more information then what he was able to gather had not only stunned him, but also made him impossible proud. He desperately wanted to know how she did it. From what he had heard from Sorel, she was just as freaky smart as him. Apparently he had already set up a patent for her on a warding. Sorel was over the moon and all the siblings had taken it upon themselves to check that he wasn't sending her anything too dangerous to work on.

He knew he could find her. The math was simple really, all you needed was the files on female first year Hogwarts students. Narrow that down with ones that were muggle raised like her letters had suggested, or at least one's with a surname with no connection to any current wizarding families. He would start with Slytherin students, ones with particularly high grades in charms and transfiguration.

He stopped himself from considering her personality. He didn't want to jump to conclusions that could potentially hurt her when they met.

He knew he could do it, he had access to the records. Not that he was supposed to. But right now the thing hiding her was also keeping her safe from the kind of threats they were under, and no matter how badly he wanted to find her, he had to deal with this first. He ground his teeth, and some students paled before fleeing in his wake. He walked faster towards his class, frustrated. He had hoped that by manipulating it so he could help go through the mail, he might find some hint of information but that had gone up in smoke, quite literally.

He thought of the wisp of a girl that had stood in the middle of a room on fire, her cat streaking around her in circles while owls fought for freedom. She had looked only mildly surprised by the whole ordeal. The the whole thing had made him want to cackle, she looked so mildly about it, as if saying that 'yup, this about sums up my life'. He had seen people more panicked at being late for class.

The new students were unusual this year. Then again his sister was among them. He couldn't wait for what they would do next. Nobody noticed the smirk that flashed across his face.

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