Chapter 55 Are You Seriously Stalking Me?

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Jane didn't have to wait long before slipping in with the rest of the Slytherins. She just slipped in behind the first person to open it while taking note of the new password. Jane headed straight to her room and tried to make it look like she had been there for ages.

Just her luck that the day she skips out early would be the one she could use an alibi for.

Her luck really could be amazingly crap at times.

Jane had pretended to be asleep and decided she had definitely done the right thing. Madame Pince was found. It wasn't like she had left the women standing there. Besides, Jane would rather avoid a serious questioning by the police. When she met up with her friends the next morning everything seemed to be business as usual. Jane was silently impressed they had been able to keep everything quiet that long.

The headmistress stood as everyone was taking their seats. "I have a announcement to make. This is Auror Voue. They have something they wish to tell you."

"Hello. I'm Auror Jim Voue. Last night some time during dinner, Madame Pince the librarian was attacked. She will be alright and is recovering in St. Mungoes. However the library will be closed off for a few days as we investigate. The culprit is still at large, so please use caution. If you know anything about this attack, please contact one of the Aurors, myself, or one of your teachers. Thank you."

With that the man moved to the side where he leaned against the stone wall, his red robes like a slash of crimson against the pale stone. An angry cut on the schools calm appearance.

Jane tried to looks surprised but from the look of her friends she failed. "later," she mumbled as she took a sip of her coffee. Chaos broke out in the hall as everyone started talking over each other. Eventually the students were ushered out for their classes.

As Jane was leaving the great hall for class she caught Professor Bindlemore's eyes watching her suspiciously. Fuck. Just what she needed now. Someone thinking she was suspicious.

Jane and her friends headed to Transfiguration. Tapping Neryssa's arm Jane tipped her head to a side hall and pulled Roman down the abandoned corridor while Neryssa and Drave followed behind.

"So," Roman questioned.

"What's going on," Draven asked as he followed behind.

Jane huffed before quickly breaking it down. "When I left dinner early last night Roxanne and her friends followed me and I was trying to avoid them and I ended up in the library."

"What happened," Neryssa hissed.

"Pince was just standing there sorting books. I thought she saw me but she didn't react. She was covered in blood. Then someone else came in, saw her and she just fell. They screamed and I got the fuck out of there." Jane tried not to fidget, or picture the blood.

Roman looked pale and Neryssa was looking at her with wide eyes. Draven noticed and pulled Ner into a hug. "It's going to be okay," he said as he rubbed calming circles on her back.

Jane smirked at Roman, who rolled his eyes.

"Come on guys. We're going to be late to Transfiguration," Roman huffed.

Jane laughed and started walking. Draven looked confused and Neryssa blushed but followed along looking more relaxed.

Transfiguration went off without a hitch, although the start of the class was halted with an announcement about the library being closed.

"As the library will be inaccessible for the foreseeable future, projects and essays will have to be done with the books available. That will be taken into account for your work but will not excuse it being absent." With that Professor Kraven waved his wand and handed out thimbles to turn match sticks into needles. By the end of the class almost everyone had changed theirs over and some had started to play with the design.

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