Chapter 48 Mort

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Mort stood outside Obscurus Books while his brother shopped inside. He knew Sorel only needed to pick up the books he had special ordered for Yule but he also knew his brother wouldn't leave in till he had investigated every inch of the shop for hidden treasures.

He huffed as he watched the snow come down in lazy circles, his breath curling upwards. He was frustrated, though he tried not to show it. He didn't fidget or shift. Some might have thought he was a statue for all the movement that gave him away. He frowned. He still didn't know what to get Bane. He had already gotten his brothers and father gifts, although some still needed to arrive.

Once again a flash of jealousy coursed through him. He was glad that they were in contact with her now but he still found himself frustrated that Sable had gotten to talk to her more. Although he was proud with how Sable had handled the situation. He had convinced her to reach out and managed to encourage a relationship.

He knew some of his siblings were confused why he hadn't pushed Father to give the go ahead on searching her out but he was more concerned with what she had written about her past home situation. Mort didn't want to push her or make her feel pressured. He fully expected that if they pushed too hard she would run, and if she ran they would chase. He wouldn't, couldn't expect her to trust them after that. So he wouldn't force her. He wanted her to take the next step, to trust them to help her. He wanted her to feel safe. Something she had obviously lacked.

He growled lowly and he felt as the scowl pulled at his face as his thoughts turned to 'that women.' Bane had said in her letters that she was raised without knowledge of magic and from what she had warned she had discovered about 'that women' he could only imagine what her purpose in that had been for Bane. Bane seemed to be more worried about them but she didn't seem to notice that that bitch had been planning to manipulate her and use her to get access to their money and then... then who knows what would have happened to bane.

He felt pinpricks of pain and realized he had been digging his fingers into his palms. The idea that vile women thought Bane was someone she could use and throw away or worse made bile rise in his throat. He wanted to start throwing hexes or, better yet sever that bitches head from her body. But that would have to wait.

He tried not to scowl as he turned his mind back to his current problem. What was he going to get Bane for Yule? He wanted her to feel like she fit in but also wanted his present to be useful. Mort knew she was clever. They had known the threats were probably against them but there she was breaking it down to facts.

And then there was the package. It being delivered to the Auror's Office had set off many higher ups, all wanting to know how someone could be threatening students and they hadn't been made aware. He didn't know how the most recent package had been delivered to the offices but he knew it had sent the whole ministry into a tizzy.

He had a feeling Bane had her finger prints all over this but so far there was nothing to lead back to whoever had intercepted the package. He would step in, if necessary, but so far he had enjoyed sitting back and watching

She hadn't said anything about the last package in her most recent letters, even when asked. But his instincts were normally on point and he found himself feeling quite proud of their youngest, although he wasn't sure how he felt bringing in the Aurors. He would have rather settled this in housebut seeing them all scrambling did bring a smile to his face, even if it was well hidden.

She really did make him smile. Mort could remember when she was such a small little thing. Bane hadn't been overly giggly or smiley as a baby, especially around strangers. She would just watch them with wide observant eyes. Sometimes when it was just them, when 'that women' was away and it was just them and their father, she would giggle over simple things. A leaf caught in their magic and made to flout around her, the flowers swaying in the breeze. He remembered when she would look up at him and just smile, eyes wide and fingers reaching out to him.

And then she was gone. It was madness and his brothers cried and their father was a mess, searching everywhere, having his men search everywhere. He had had to watch his brothers and tell them it was going to be okay but at night he had cried too, surrounded by his siblings all piled into one bed. The thought of being alone too much for any of them. Loosing Bane had given him a ruthless protective streak over everything that were his. They were his siblings, his brothers and sister, and he would protect what was his. By magic did he miss their little star. Their heart.

He pulled his head out of the clouds and focused. He tried to think of what he could get her. He wanted her to always feel like she had a place with them, would fit with them. They had already sent family heirlooms. He was sure Sorel would send her things to keep her interest and Mel would send her things to get her into and hopefully out of trouble. Actually Sorel would probably send her those kinds of things too. Maybe he should check their presents?

Mort shook his head. They probably wouldn't send anything life threatening... hopefully.

He wondered what Sable would get her. He knew his brother liked to put on a tough act in front of strangers and sometimes family... and sometimes it wasn't an act, but he was also caring, considerate and empathetic.

She was raised as a muggle, so what would a Slytherin need? Slytherins were cunning and clever, always finding the best way to benefit themselves but they could also be cruel, attacking the weakest link to get ahead. She was clearly gaining the knowledge but maybe... robes.

She had written that she was safe and she was alright but there was more to posturing and safety then just how you acted. The right look could stop an attack from even starting I the first place. It was part of peoples first impression of you. Robes for every occasion could work. Casual, formal, home, robes to get noticed and robes to not. Yes this could work, he thought as his mind whirled with possibilities.

They had already gotten her a group present, something they thought she would like. It was a snake charm each to go on her protective bracelet.

Sorel finally came out of the shop, the door banging behind him. He seemed to have at least three more bundles then he remembered Sorel ordering. He knew most of these were supposed to be for Bane. Sorel had convinced him to come with specifically because Mort hadn't found a present yet and Sorel did.

"So what did you get her," Mort huffed.

"Some fascinating books," Sorel giggled.

"Nothing dangerous," he asked as they started walking. He discreetly lead them towards Twilfitt and Tattings robes, hoping to find some of what he was looking for.

Sorel grinned crazily and Mort sighed.

"One explodes."

"No Sorel."

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