Chapter 18 Flying Murder Ball On Speed

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Jane was dragged out early the next morning to get good seats for the quidditch game. She wasn't sure how she felt about this. She had a basic understanding of the game from Draven and Roman, and could admit she was a bit curious. They climbed up the stairs to get to the raised stadium seat and found their way to the Slytherin section.

They all sat together and chatted as they waited for the game to begin. It was getting colder, frost making the pitch far below almost white. Jane pulled her robes around her. She had a sweater on but wished she had grabbed her leather jacket. Jane watched as two teams walked out onto the pitch, their blue and green uniforms showing which team was which. Chants were already ringing out in the stands. She noticed that most houses were rooting for the Ravenclaws. The Hufflepuffs were a bit more mixed in their support but the Gryffindors were all out supporting Ravenclaw.

Jane sat back and watched as the balls, several of which were enchanted to move, were released. Players shot off in different directions some trying to get certain balls into any of the opposing teams three round hoops.

Jane let herself fade into the background, enjoying the atmosphere and the anonymity. She watched as team members weaved in between impossibly tight spots and at speeds that really should require a helmet. It looked like a flying ballet on crack and Jane was really beginning to appreciate the sport. She tried not to wince when a bludger hit one of the players, sending them crashing into the ground.

Eventually the game finished with Slytherin winning when their seeker caught the golden snitch. The Slytherin stands exploded. Jane and her friends hung back and waited for the crowds to thin before heading for the stairs.

As they begun to walk down the twisting wooden stairs Jane felt a push against her back and caught a glimpse of a red and yellow scarf. Neryssa linked arms with her and sent a glare over her shoulder. "Watch it, she sneered.

"Move it snakes. It's the least you could do after cheating," the group of Gryffindors taunted.

"Ignore them. Their not worth it," Jane pulled Neryssa along, trying to ignore the insults called down to them. Jane knew they were just trying to goad her into a response. She had seen how reactive the house rivalries could get. Jane felt a finger dig into her shoulder and hurried down the last few stairs in till they emerged out onto the field. Jane startled forward as a hand grabbed her shoulder swinging her around to face the Gryffindors. Nails bit into her shoulder and Jane tried not to wince. She let her face relax into a blank mask.

Now that she was facing them she saw they were older students, probably fourth years if she had to guess.

"I was talking to you," the girl growled. Jane looked into her face and tried not to pale. She wearily pulled away, not taking her eyes off the familiar face. Jane felt a burning at the back of her throat. Samantha 'Max' Asper was taller than she remembered but it had been three years. Jane had hoped it would be longer. Her blond hair had grown and hair clips pulled it back on either side. She looked healthier then when Jane had known her, but she still had that cruel air about her. As if she was prepared to strike out at a moments notice. People didn't notice it at first and mistook Max for a kind older kid looking after the little ones, but Jane knew better. You didn't cross Max and get away with it.

Max's lip pulled up in a parody of a smile but her eyes were chillingly empty. "You," she chimed, grabbing Jane by the front of her robes. Jane raised onto her toes as Max lifted her. Their noses almost touched as Max pulled her in. Jane could hear her friends yell behind her as Max moved her lips to Jane's ear, her warm breath making Jane's skin crawl as she tried not to squirm. "I'm warning you, say anything and your history Blackwell. Next time might be worse then falling off your broom," she threatened before throwing Jane back. She landed painfully, her ankle rolling slightly as hands catch her. She looked over to see Roman holding her up while practically snarling. He looked ready to hex her if his arms weren't busy supporting her.

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