Chapter 54 Well Shit

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Jane waited in the station for the train back to Hogwarts to arrive. Her mind had been a bit too full to wait at the Lighthouse and she ended up early without realising it. Although there were other people already mulling around.

Her lunch with Aldric the other day kept replaying through her mind. It still made Jane's mind spin.

As Aldric ate his sandwich, he kept taking short breaks to tell her anything she might need to know. Jane leaned forward, something he said catching her interest.

"So my brothers might not know? How is that even possible? My hands started changing color now and their years older then me." Jane leaned forwards. Despite the privacy wards erected around them she couldn't seem to help it.

"Well, they may not have interacted with the Fae enough to cause a reaction or It just isn't as present in them. Fae blood reacts strangely sometimes. There can be generations where it has almost no effect at all and then the traits will randomly crop up down the line."

Jane thought this over. It made sense in a fucked up way. Families could lose a trait for generations and then randomly you get a red head. Aldric had said that Fae blood could wreak all sorts of havoc. Another unpleasant thought reared its fugle head.

"Aldric? Does this mean I might lose it? Is that what happened to Karen you think? Her Fae blood made her a total nutter." Jane grimaced. She was pretty sure she would take a lobotomy over turning into crazy Karen any day.

"No," he said firmly with a serious look on his face. "The mental illness seems to stem from an inability to express their Fae power. Like a tap with its pressure too high, it can cause damage in other places."

"Okay," she said, trying to relax.

"On a happier note, your glamor seems to be coming along well. Keep practicing and remember. The Fae are rather famous for their 'tricks.' For instance I once knew a man that got on the wrong side of a Fae and he ended up always having one shoe that fits wrong or every time a particular word was spoken they would pretend to be a dragon for thirty seconds. Those were the more harmless ones anyway."

Bringing her mind back to the present, Jane twisted the amber pendent hanging around her neck between her cold fingers, the teardrop shaped stone glinting warmly in the light. She had been surprised when he had handed her the little fabric bundle and told her it was a late Yule gift. Aldric had explained that it was a family heirloom pasted down to the girls and if it accepted her then it's hers.

When she had slipped it on smalls sparks seemed to glitter in the air around her before she felt waves of reassurance before it calmed into a happy hum. The happy warm feeling had lasted right up in till Aldric told her how the fact that the necklace had accepted her meant she would be considered the next Lord of the family. Apparently Fae weren't as concerned with gender or, apparently, giving a girl a heads up.

He had waved off her concerns but the next chance she got she was going to pin down that fucking fairy and get answers.

Now Jane stood and watched as the Hogwarts Express pulled into the station in al its glory. Steam blew up into the air and there was a distinct popping noise as more and more people appeared out of thin air.

Just as she was walking towards the train she paused and turned. Searching the crowd she finally found what had caught her attention. Roman had called out through the crowd and was heading in her direction followed by a tall broad man with long wild hair and a beard. His skin was tan as if he spent plenty of time outside but there was something similar between the two that gave Jane a pretty good idea who he was.

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