Chapter 59 Exhibit A

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Jane had sent letters to Aldric and her Father and brothers about the Aurors. She still didn't know how she felt about them coming in during the night. That wasn't exactly true. It creeped her the fuck out. It also made her want to set shit on fire.

So sue her. Stranger danger made her want to go pyro.

Every response she had received ranged from outright pissed to a calm before the storm attitude. Mainly her Uncle had sounded worryingly calm. Aldric had mentioned something about putting his 'seats' to good use, whatever the fuck that meant. She could almost picture him smiling happily, all jovial and sharp edges. Her Father's letter simply said that they would be dealt with and not to concern herself with them. That they wouldn't be bothering her again. Her brothers were equal parts pissed and creeped out. Probably because it was their dorms too.

The whole thing had made one thing significantly clear. Iago was a god send.

Sending letters while under observation had never been so easy. Sometimes she didn't even need to call his name. Jane would just focus on him, on needing to send a letter and he would fly into the room from some shadow or crevice. It seemed Iago always appeared just out of the corner of her eye and only if she was alone or the others were unaware.

Which meant she could use him less then she liked but more then she would have otherwise. With Roxanne watching her every move, Professor Scars, and Mr. O'King, not to mention her friends and fellow Slytherins, it felt like being the FBI's most wanted. The Aurors seemed to have taken note of her too, something Roman took instant note of.

He had practically growled when the Aurors had first sat in on their classes on Tuesday, only a few days after they had invaded the common room. Now that conversation had not been fun. Trying to tell her friends without freaking them out about the Aurors coming when they were asleep was frankly impossible.

Jane had ended up telling them straight. She had also told the perfects, just so a few people knew to look out for people where they didn't belong.

Jane pulled her bag onto her shoulder as she hiked up the stairs followed closely by her friends. Classes were getting more intense and their homework was only growing. Again.

Even Jane was struggling with the abnormal work load. It didn't help that she tried to help her friends along. The fact that she wasn't willing to ignore her personal experiments probably didn't help.

Turning a corner the group could see several other Slytherins gathering outside the door. Normally people would have gone into Professor Brindlemore classroom already but with the waiting Auror sitting in the back of the classroom nobody was really in a hurry to have the staring at their backs a second longer then necessary.

Taking a slow deep breath, Jane marched in with Roman at her side. Draven and Neryssa were walking behind them arguing about some fashion trend. Ner though it was 'ground breaking' and Draven was daringly throwing around the word 'moronic.' Jane hadn't said anything about it.

It was his funeral.

They settled into seats on the middle right and She ignored the man in blood red robes that was sitting behind them. She refused to look at them, at least when they were staring back. She had adopted the attitude of them being nothing more then furniture.

They didn't need to know that having someone sit behind her and stair made her want to scream. Or punch them. Dealers choice.

After them quickly followed the rest of the Slytherins. It wasn't that they had been the brave first people, simply that they were the last Slytherins to arrive. There was safety in numbers and they made a harder target when they were all together.

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