Chapter 14 Rejection Is A Bitch (In Which I Am Dumped, Literally)

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Everyone was abuzz as they stood out on the field with Professor Price. The first years had entered the class room to find a message scrawled on the chalk board to go to the back field. The group of Slytherins and Ravenclaws stood clustered around the Professor, their eyes wandering to the brooms that were lined up in two rows facing each other.

"Alright everyone," the professor clapped her hands together, " line up with a broom on your right side." The blond waited as student shuffled around, bouncing on her feet. As soon as everyone was settled she clapped again. "Ok, now put your right hand over your broom and say up with feeling. You've got to mean it."

There was a chorus of ups and some brooms shot into people's hands. Some were rolling around on the ground and few had tried to sail forward, almost hitting other students.

Jane focused back on hers. "Up." It started to list side to side as it slowly raised. She quirked her eyebrow. Apparently her broom was sassy. As she had the thought, the broom abruptly came at her with speed. Jane just managed to catch it before it hit her face, her hand screaming at the impact. She hissed under her breath, trying not to cradle her hand to her chest like she wanted to.

Beside her Roman already had his broom in hand without problem. "You ok?"

"Peachy," Jane tried not to grimace.

Across from her Racheal mouthed the same question, a concerned look on her face.

Jane tried for a smile and nodded.

Price cleared her clapped again, smiling at all the students. "Now you can all mount your brooms. Keep a firm grip. When I say we're all going to push into the air and hold for a count of three. Then come back down by leaning forward." Price waved her hands at the students and they all started to mount their broom.

At Prices signal, they all pushed up. Jane felt butterflies in her stomach at hovering about the ground. It was an amazing feeling right up in till she felt her broom twist to the left underneath her. She was instantly reminded of being at the pool the one time as a child. People had been trying to climb on a round foam floaty and it kept spinning, flipping them back into the water. This was similar that that feeling but instead of water, Janes shoulder smashed into dirt as she was spun off.

Jane slowly pushed herself up, trying to ignore the giggles from classmates. She was immensely glad she had made the early decision in the school year to wear dress pants instead of a skirt, no matter what anyone said.

She stood dusting herself off as she heard a Ravenclaw snigger before failing to whisper to their housemate. "Snake can't stay on her broom."

"Yes, that does appear to be why I was on the ground," Jane spoke so that they could hear her, and the Ravenclaws blushed, looking uncomfortable. She didn't think they thought she could hear them. She could have let it pass but thought that was a better warning. She wasn't anyone's whipping girl anymore.

Racheal threw them a dirty look before turning back to Jane. "It's ok, you'll get it."

Jane smiled back, even as her side throbbed.

"What seems to be the problem here."

Jane turned to see Professor Price looking at her with a raised brow. She wondered if this was about the broom or the comment, but decided to stick to practical.

"Got rolled off the broom Professor." Jane nodded towards the broom now lying at her feet.

"And you had a firm grip?"

"Yes Professor. The broom started spinning in the air."

"It's true," Roman threw in. He was scowling, not quite looking at the professor but speaking loudly enough to hear. Jane wasn't sure it was the broom, the professor, or having to talk that had put him in a bad mood but at least she wasn't alone. She resisted the urge to giggle. It was true, misery really did love company.

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