Chapter 60 Fight Me You Ceramic Bitch

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Maybe the amulet thing had been too much, Jane thought wearily.

Aldric's magic wasn't quite whipping around the office but it definitely wasn't happy. Jane felt as if she was a ship in a choppy sea. She couldn't even imagine how the others were feeling. At least he wasn't focusing his displeasure on her.

"Jane. Are you okay," he asked. There was genuine concern in his voice but other than a cursory glance of her he had not taken his eyes off the others in the room.

"Lord Emrys," McGonagall cleared her throat, "an Auror attempted to remove your ward from her Defense Against the Dark Arts class. He claimed that he was going to detain and question her under the suspicion of her being a werewolf."

There was a moment of silence as Aldric absorbed the information. Jane had to hand it to him, nothing showed on his face.

"Explain," Aldric said. The sub-zero temperature seemed to blow in from the one word.

Apparently idiocy never ceases, Jane silently grumbled as the Auror whose name she still didn't know opened his mouth again. Well this is going to be good.

"That girl is a werewolf and a suspect in the attack and harassment at the school," the Auror said smugly, like he actually had a leg to stand on.

"And your name is," Aldric ground out.

"Auror Thompson. John Thompson." The man seemed to straighten his chin held high.

"And why exactly do you think my heir is a werewolf, let alone what right you have to attempt to detain her."

"She's a suspect," he said smugly, "the Aurors will interrogate her and if she is innocent then she will be free to go."

"So you just snatch Lord's heirs right out of their classroom seats. Based on what exactly? Why do you believe she's a werewolf, let alone why that would mean she had harassed all those other students, including herself I might add Thompson."

Thompson seemed to stutter for a moment and Aldric continued his attack.

"Well spit it out," he snapped. When the man didn't answer fast enough for Aldric's tastes his anger seemed to crash around them. Like the push and pull of the ocean waves. "Who is your superior?"

Jane decided to cut in here. In part because Auror Thompson had now been reduced to a stuttering idiot and second because there was more to the story then they seemed to have realised and Jane was a bit of a total shit disturber.

What? She didn't make the shits, just disturb them.

"Roxanne Weasley accused me of being a werewolf and this isn't the first time. She first accused me in private and the second time she told her uncle, Head Auror and visiting teacher Harry Potter. He then had her bring me to his office and they both started questioning me. Professor Crabtree interrupted and he can attest to the fact that I am both not a werewolf and that she was harassing and stalking me." She said it rather detachedly, if she did say so herself. But maybe she hadn't anticipated the reaction she would receive.

If it felt stormy before now the room seemed to have all the air sucked out of it. She got the feeling they were all trying to absorb the information.

"Not that I'm particularly upset with Auror Potter. He was reported false information from a trusted family member and although his intentions were misplaced and pushy, he was only trying to help and seemed apologetic." She couldn't actually remember whether he had apologised in that moment but she also figured accusing the Boy-Who-Lived of misconduct would be blown way out of proportion. "Apparently now Roxanne is just being pushy."

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