Chapter 43 Go Inflict Yourself On Someone... Else

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"Roman, tell me you thought this through."

"I wasn't even sure we could find it tonight."

"So you have no way to actually take this stuff with you? Your Father didn't give you anything?"

"We didn't even know if I would be able to find it! I was supposed to send a letter if I did, but now..."

"Yeah, Brindlemore is getting on everyone's last nerve."

Jane looked at the massive collection. There was definitely some books she hadn't seen before and she had the feeling Hogwarts hadn't included all of these when it gave her everything it could find. She vaguely wondered if Salazar had done something to hide this rooms contents from the school itself. A plan started to take form in her mind.

"Okay," she clapped, "I have an idea. If you let me have a copy of every book I help you take, then I'll help you take all of these today. Deal?"

"But you said you'd help," he squawked indignantly.

"I said I'd help you. I didn't say I'd do it for you. Come on, I wont tell anyone where I got them. Besides the more times we have to come down here the more likely we will be caught. Once the culprit is caught we can spend more time looking around."

Roman stood there looking at the books and biting his lips.

Jane huffed, she wanted the books but she also wouldn't risk Roman, or herself, getting caught. Just as she was about to break he spoke up.

"Fine, but you better keep these well-hidden and never tell anyone where you got them! Why do you want them anyway?"

Jane grinned in victory and held back a snicker. "I collect books, I guess."

Jane transfigured a throw pillow into a bag. She then carefully put both weightless and expansion charms on it before calling for Pidge.

"Yes Mistress," he asked nervously. Jane guessed he was nervous about a second Basilisk.

"Hi Pidge. Could you make copies of all of these books for the lighthouse and shrink the originals before placing them in this bag?"

To say he looked relieved it wasn't another dead creature was an understatement. "Yes Mistress," he squeaked. With a snap the books doubled before half vanished. The they seemed to shrink in on themselves before rapidly flying off the shelves and into the bag. It took seconds before the library was bare. Pidge turned his large eyes on her.

"Anything else Mistress?"

"No-" Jane was about to send him away when a thought struck her. "Yes actually. Can you make it so this bag is warded so only Roman," she waved her hand at him, "can open it?"

"Yes Mistress!" Pidge tapped Roman on the arm and then tapped the bag. "Done Mistress."

"Thanks for the help Pidge. You can head back now."

"Where would Mistress like the new books?"

"Can you sort them the way we normally do? I trust your judgement."

With a nod of his head his ears flapped and he vanished in a puff.

"Your House Elf is weird."

Jane scowled at him. "Your weird. Now, do we search for any other books we missed or come back another day?"

"Only someone who speaks Parseltongue can get in here so it's fine to leave it for now. The real danger is getting caught exiting or entering."

"Well, it's not like we can't just sneak in the same way again later. Let's look around a bit more before going."

"Why? We got the books, let's leave the rest for another day."

"Roman, what is the one thing missing from this whole set up?"

"If you're looking for the bloody toilets just hold it."

Jane smiled. It was a bit obvious when she thought about it and Roman was going to be pissed he didn't realize. "Roman where is his study?"

"His what?"

"He has a Library, he has a potions lab. He has to have somewhere that he recorded his notes, his experiments and there's no desk in here."

"Oh for fuck's sake."

And that's how it went for almost an hour. They looked through the rooms and Roman hissed at walls. He even taught Jane how to hiss 'open' to try to speed it up. He also made fun of her mercilessly because of her 'horrid-accent.'

Eventually they gave up and headed back to their rooms, promising to return another night.

The next morning came faster than Jane wanted it to and it felt like it was only minutes before she found herself sitting beside her friends in the great hall. Even if her eyes stung from lack of sleep she kept them open and listened for the sound of wings. She knew it would be any day now for a package to arrive and she figured the one day she felt like road kill would be the one it had to arrive on. The universe seemed to love forcing higher thought on her when she was sleep deprived.

As the first sound of wings reached her ears, Jane forced her perception outwards, sensing the magic in the air. She let her senses wash over the incoming birds as one finally caught her attention. She nudged Roman and kicked out her foot to bump her friends.

"Party's starting," she mumbled.

She could hear the shuffling as wands were slid out under the table and some spells were mutters.

As soon as Jane could see the owl she tapped the table with her free hand and Roman set off his spell, followed closely by Jane casting hers. At the same time Draven cast an Amplifying

charm and Neryssa had cast spells to throw her voice to draw attention, Neryssa covering her mouth in the pantomime of a sneeze. Except she wasn't pretending.

The worlds loudest sneeze went off behind Max where she sat at the Gryffindor table. Max choked on what Jane could only assume was pumpkin juice and spewed it down the front of her. Others shrieked and jumped at the phantom achoo that echoed through the hall.

Jane turned away and tried to hold back her laughter even as she practically shook with it. She could feel tears stream down her face.

It's not like she planned it but sometimes Lady Magic just worked in mysterious ways.

The rest of breakfast was a bit nerve racking, as Jane and Draven had to maintain their spells as they quickly finished up and silently made their way to an empty classroom together, the owl being dragged behind them mid-air.

As no one seemed to make a fuss she figured the spell was working. That or weird shit happening at a magic school hidden in the Scottish Highlands was just par for the coarse for everyone.

As soon as they were hidden and the door warded Jane dropped her spell and summoned Pidge who had specific directions to deliver the whole and package to Gringotts without leaving a trace. Pidge had simply nodded and popped away with the whole lot.

Jane was incredibly glad she had send a letter to Griphook through Pidge the day she had admitted her plans to her friends. She thought that in that moment if she tried to write anything it would make her cross eyed.

The only thing she wanted to see was her fucking bed. 

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