Chapter 40 Ladies And Gentlemen... And Others

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Jane had asked Roman to go collect Neryssa and Draven while she hunted down Rachael. It only took her about two minutes to realize they were probably in the same bloody place. The fucking library. Sometimes she really wondered at how fucking dumb she could be.

Jane hurried along to the library only to have someone run head long into her. A head a flaming red hair seemed to ricochet off her and Jane grabbed her just in time to stop her from hitting the ground.

"You okay Roxanne?"

Instead of answering she started to shoot out questions. "Where have you been Jane? I was looking everywhere for you."

Jane was about to ask why when se remembered. Roxanne and her friends were stalking her. "I was around. What's up Roxanne?" She was really hoping Rox wouldn't ask where she was headed. She didn't need a witness hanging around right now. The girl seemed to flounder for a second before getting herself together. Jane wondered if she hadn't really meant to say anything.

"I was just wondering. You're the one that keeps disappearing all the time. Anyway, did you hear? You know, about it?"

"About what Rox?"

"About the break in. Everyone's talking about it."

"What break in," Jane asked. She tried to keep the stress from her voice.

"You know the one."

Obviously not, thought Jane but she held it back. Barely. "I haven't heard anything. What's happened? I'm sure you've found out all about it," Jane praised.

"Well of course. I heard from Mimsy, who heard it from Stevie that someone broke into Kraven's Office. Apparently he was practically foaming at the mouth, cursing out the prankster. Looked like nothing was taken but like, all his stuffs been gone through! Whoever did it must be suicidal, cause he's on a war path," Rox chirped happily.

She noticed Roman waving at her down the corridor and pointing towards the doors before heading out with their friends in tow. "That's crazy Rox. Thanks for telling me."

"Of course," the girl beamed.

"Rox, I'm supposed to be meeting up with some friends but maybe we can talk more later?"

"Yeah, okay! Hey wait, where are you going?"

But Jane was already speeding off. She didn't head to the doors but turned corridor after corridor in till she found herself alone. She quickly cast a Notice-Me-Not and waited for Rox to rush past her, followed by two others. Jane recognized one from on the train, Louis red haired boy and a girl with dark wild hair that was older. Jane wondered if that was the Lily they had been looking for on the train all those months ago. Well looks like they found her.

Jane quickly made her way back through the halls and released the spell once she was outside. Jane headed towards their spot, easily catching sight of them standing around under the tree.

"What's going on Jane? Roman wont tell us anything," Draven complained.

"And why were you talking to Roxanne," Neryssa asked.

"Drav, Ner, I am going to explain but first," with a flick of her wrist there was a barrier around them that would their words and themselves from prying eyes. "Okay, so I know we all have things we don't really want to be known for. Family things mainly. So I was thinking we could hurry along this little 'creepy-packages-harassment' game that the school seems to be playing by just, you know, stealing one and sending it to the Aurors with an anonymous note telling them to figure their shit out. I mean it's their fucking job in the first place to deal with this stuff."

Roman slapped his forehead as Neryssa and Draven looked stunned.

"You planned WHAT," Neryssa shrieked as Draven paled.

Jane was glad she had put up such a strong barrier. She was starting to think Ner was a Necromancer cause with a voice like that she could wake the dead.

Rachael piped up then. "What do you mean 'we'...?"

Trust the Ravenclaw to catch that. "Well we all either have parents that were involved with the last war or other family things that would make our lives harder then necessary and I for one don't want the school clumsily poking into my business. So," she clapped, "I'm going to kick the proverbial hornets' nest and get this party started so to speak. The faster they get their butts in gear the less likely someone looks at us, meaning the less likely our shit is leaked."

In all honesty, she had no idea if Rachael actually had skeletons in her closet. Most people had something to hide and as long as you acted like you knew and they didn't call your bluff you were golden. Yes, it was bitchy to manipulate her friend but she was going to give her a safer less risky job, so there.

"Wont they know it's us? We just learned from Potter how magic is traceable," Draven whined. "My Father works with the ministry Jane. This could fuck his career and get us hulled off to Azkaban."

"Actually, he taught us how some magic is traceable and now that we know some is we just have to avoid that stuff. Look, I already have a plan so just listen and then you can ream me out for being an idiot, Okay?"

"Fine by me," muttered Roman.

Jane stuck out her tongue at him before rehashing the entire plan. When they realized that what they would mainly be doing was the side line stuff they calmed down considerably. Rachael cleared her throat.

"What is it Rach?"

"What do you want me to do? It sounds like this doesn't really have anything to do with me."

"I need you to do a bit of digging for me. There was this rabbit picture thing burned into the heart. I need you to see if there is any significant, symbolic, cultural, whatever. Even checking if it was actually a rabbit and not some magic creature. It was one of the few things that remained the same between all the packages. It has to mean something."

"I think I could do that, and the Ravenclaw Common Room has a massive private collection of books and research that could help," said Rachael, warming up to the idea.

Jane smiled at her. Now all she needed to do was fix up some spells and they would be in business.

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