Chapter 33 I Won't Enjoy Destroying You... Much

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Jane had to start quickly on her scheme. Her biggest problem was there were too many roles to fill and not wanting to bring in others. She had already sent Pidge on a task the day before and was yet to hear back. Jane silently walked the halls as she fretted. It was past midnight and she was making her way to the Room of Requirements.

If she could just get it to spit out who it was afraid of maybe she would have a start on who was sending those packages. Of course they could be two totally different problems and wouldn't that just be her fucking luck. Hell, through in a few demon dogs and they would have a real party.

Jane waited behind a corner as a teacher past, not even sparing her a glance. She was going to have to thank Sorel for the Notice-Me-Notspell somehow. She hoped he wouldn't realize just how helpful it had been. As the Professor disappeared from sight Jane slipped past. She had memorized the Professors nightly rounds quite by accident but was thankful for it none the less.

She easily found her way to the entrance and paused. Jane didn't actually know how she had gotten in before but magic seemed to work on intent and will, often with some other random requirement. She thought of what had happened when she first got in. She wanted to escape and had been trying to decide which way to go. It was in the name. It gave you what you required. She had needed a place to be safe and it gave her that. She wanted to know more, needed to know to survive in a world that was rarely kind.

Jane paced back and forth in front of the stone wall and thought about what she wanted, what she needed. She wanted answers but she needed her family to be safe, as tattered and ragtag as that notion was to her.

Slowly a door appeared before her. The door seemed to grow from a spot, the stone twisting and turning away. Jane slipped inside as soon as it stopped growing and closed the door behind her.

The room was simple with an overstuffed couch and a hirth with a crackling fire dancing in it. The walls had bookshelves with books ranging from recent best sellers to 'A Thousand Uses Of Pond Scum'. The Plaque had moved to sit above the mantel, it's simple creed stated for all to see. Jane let herself sink into the cushions of the couch and let the fire warm her.

The coming winter seemed to be stealing all the warmth that the Slytherin common room worked to make and Jane found herself perpetually cold. She found her fingers were especially prone to it. They even looked a bit dark. She was beginning to wonder if they were being stained with ink from the quills she had to use in class. No matter how much she washed them, they seemed to get worse by every evening.

She held up her hands to the flames and watched the shadows dance across her skin.

Jane huffed. She needed to get to work. "Who is sending the packages?"

The plaque didn't change. It took her a second for her to understand. Hogwarts students probably received hundreds of pieces of mail daily. She had to be more specific.

"I received a package on November first. Do you know who sent it?"

The plaque shifted.

They say in shadows evil things hide but

In the light of day are where these stay,

Who it is I cannot say but

Harm they mean to you some day.

"So this person hides in plain sight but you don't know who they are. And eventually there target will be me... Because nobody knows who Bane Blackthorne is yet. So they can threaten but not actually get to me. Whoever is sending the packages knows Bane exists but not who she is. Did the person that sent me that package also send three others?"

A Ravenclaw, a Hufflepuff, a Gryffindor


And now a Slytherin

You did receive

All from the same person

I do agree.

"Is the person who sent me that package the same one that was searching for your hidden secrets?"

These two parts do not make a whole,

But part of the picture they will unfold.

"Are they part of a larger group? An organization? Is that what the rabbit that was branded into the packages means?"

The plaque didn't change and Jane got the feeling it wasn't something Hogwarts could answer. Jane curled further into the couch and forced her sluggish mind to work. The heat of the fire made her drowsy and Jane found herself wanting to close her eyes.

Jane stretched and tried to focus on the task at hand. "So two enemies, one sending threatening packages to students to threaten the Blackthornes and another trying to steal hidden knowledge. Wonderful. Is there anything else I should worry about?"


Cheeky git, Jane grouched silently. Jane watched as the words shifted again.

My champion I have chosen thee

From shadowed corner

You will fight excellently.

I have all faith you will succeed

In every venture exemplary.

Jane leaned forward. This was not what she had signed up for. She was not some kind of selfless hero. She didn't save people, she was just doing all of this for her own reasons. Hiding the books only so she could read them herself and only looking into the packages now because it was actually affecting her.

She wanted to tell Hogwarts to fuck right off with its idea she was any kind of white knight but she bit her tongue. Hogwarts was helping her and it wanted something in return. Everything had a price and it was only fair it would call its due. Jane just hoped she would be up to paying it.

Out of the corner of her eyes she saw the words change and waited.

Trust the ones you hold near

They will see you through

The danger dear.

Jane wanted to yank on her hair in frustration. There weren't many people that fit that description and Jane was sure she knew who it was referring to. It wanted her to tell them. How the hell was she going to explain this to Roman, Draven, Neryssa, and Racheal.

Great, Just bloody great, Jane thought as she felt the beginnings of a headache forming. 

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